MMSWidget Class Reference

This class is the base class for all widgets. More...

#include <mmswidget.h>

Inheritance diagram for MMSWidget:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MMSWidget ()
virtual ~MMSWidget ()
string getTypeString ()
void copyWidget (MMSWidget *newWidget)
virtual MMSWidgetcopyWidget ()=0
MMSWidgetgetChild (unsigned int atpos=0)
MMSWidgetdisconnectChild (unsigned int atpos=0)
MMSWidgetfindWidget (string name)
MMSWidgetfindWidgetType (MMSWIDGETTYPE type)
MMSWidgetgetLastWidget ()
MMSWidgetoperator[] (string name)
virtual void add (MMSWidget *widget)
MMSWindowgetRootWindow (MMSWindow **parentroot=NULL)
virtual void setGeometry (MMSFBRectangle geom)
MMSFBRectangle getGeometry ()
MMSFBRectangle getRealGeometry ()
MMSFBRectangle getInnerGeometry ()
MMSFBRectangle getSurfaceGeometry ()
MMSFBSurfacegetSurface ()
int getId ()
string getName ()
void setName (string name)
void setParent (MMSWidget *parent)
MMSWidgetgetParent ()
void getJoinedWigdets (MMSWidget **caller_stack)
virtual void setFocus (bool set, bool refresh=true, MMSInputEvent *inputevent=NULL)
bool isFocused ()
bool setSelected (bool set, bool refresh=true)
bool isSelected ()
void unsetFocusableForAllChildren (bool refresh)
bool isActivated ()
bool setPressed (bool set, bool refresh=true)
bool isPressed ()
void setASelected (bool set, bool refresh=true)
void setPSelected (bool set, bool refresh=true)
void setISelected (bool set, bool refresh=true)
bool isDrawable ()
bool needsParentDraw (bool checkborder=true)
bool canHaveChildren ()
bool canSelectChildren ()
void setBinData (void *data)
void * getBinData ()
string getSizeHint ()
bool setSizeHint (string &hint)
string getMinWidth ()
int getMinWidthPix ()
bool setMinWidth (string &min_width)
string getMinHeight ()
int getMinHeightPix ()
bool setMinHeight (string &min_height)
string getMaxWidth ()
int getMaxWidthPix ()
bool setMaxWidth (string &max_width)
string getMaxHeight ()
int getMaxHeightPix ()
bool setMaxHeight (string &max_height)
bool isGeomSet ()
void setGeomSet (bool set)
bool isVisible ()
virtual void setVisible (bool visible, bool refresh=true)
unsigned char getBrightness ()
void setBrightness (unsigned char brightness, bool refresh=true)
unsigned char getOpacity ()
void setOpacity (unsigned char opacity, bool refresh=true)
MMSWidgetgetNavigateUpWidget ()
MMSWidgetgetNavigateDownWidget ()
MMSWidgetgetNavigateLeftWidget ()
MMSWidgetgetNavigateRightWidget ()
void setNavigateUpWidget (MMSWidget *upwidget)
void setNavigateDownWidget (MMSWidget *downwidget)
void setNavigateRightWidget (MMSWidget *rightwidget)
void setNavigateLeftWidget (MMSWidget *leftwidget)
bool canNavigateUp ()
bool canNavigateDown ()
bool canNavigateLeft ()
bool canNavigateRight ()
virtual bool scrollDown (unsigned int count=1, bool refresh=true, bool test=false, bool leave_selection=false)
virtual bool scrollUp (unsigned int count=1, bool refresh=true, bool test=false, bool leave_selection=false)
virtual bool scrollRight (unsigned int count=1, bool refresh=true, bool test=false, bool leave_selection=false)
virtual bool scrollLeft (unsigned int count=1, bool refresh=true, bool test=false, bool leave_selection=false)
virtual bool scrollTo (int posx, int posy, bool refresh=true, bool *changed=NULL, MMSWIDGET_SCROLL_MODE mode=MMSWIDGET_SCROLL_MODE_SETSELECTED, MMSFBRectangle *inputrect=NULL)
void refresh (bool required=true)
bool getBgColor (MMSFBColor &bgcolor)
bool getSelBgColor (MMSFBColor &selbgcolor)
bool getBgColor_p (MMSFBColor &bgcolor_p)
bool getSelBgColor_p (MMSFBColor &selbgcolor_p)
bool getBgColor_i (MMSFBColor &bgcolor_i)
bool getSelBgColor_i (MMSFBColor &selbgcolor_i)
bool getBgImagePath (string &bgimagepath)
bool getBgImageName (string &bgimagename)
bool getSelBgImagePath (string &selbgimagepath)
bool getSelBgImageName (string &selbgimagename)
bool getBgImagePath_p (string &bgimagepath_p)
bool getBgImageName_p (string &bgimagename_p)
bool getSelBgImagePath_p (string &selbgimagepath_p)
bool getSelBgImageName_p (string &selbgimagename_p)
bool getBgImagePath_i (string &bgimagepath_i)
bool getBgImageName_i (string &bgimagename_i)
bool getSelBgImagePath_i (string &selbgimagepath_i)
bool getSelBgImageName_i (string &selbgimagename_i)
bool getMargin (unsigned int &margin)
bool getFocusable (bool &focusable, bool check_selectable=true)
bool getSelectable (bool &selectable)
bool getUpArrow (string &uparrow)
bool getDownArrow (string &downarrow)
bool getLeftArrow (string &leftarrow)
bool getRightArrow (string &rightarrow)
bool getData (string &data)
bool getNavigateUp (string &navigateup)
bool getNavigateDown (string &navigatedown)
bool getNavigateLeft (string &navigateleft)
bool getNavigateRight (string &navigateright)
bool getVSlider (string &vslider)
bool getHSlider (string &hslider)
bool getImagesOnDemand (bool &imagesondemand)
bool getBlend (unsigned int &blend)
bool getBlendFactor (double &blendfactor)
bool getScrollOnFocus (bool &scrollonfocus)
bool getClickable (bool &clickable)
bool getReturnOnScroll (bool &returnonscroll)
bool getInputMode (string &inputmode)
bool getInputModeEx (string &inputmode)
bool getJoinedWidget (string &joinedwidget)
bool getActivated (bool &activated)
bool getBorderColor (MMSFBColor &color)
bool getBorderSelColor (MMSFBColor &selcolor)
bool getBorderImagePath (string &imagepath)
bool getBorderImageNames (MMSBORDER_IMAGE_NUM num, string &imagename)
bool getBorderSelImagePath (string &selimagepath)
bool getBorderSelImageNames (MMSBORDER_IMAGE_NUM num, string &selimagename)
bool getBorderThickness (unsigned int &thickness)
bool getBorderMargin (unsigned int &margin)
bool getBorderRCorners (bool &rcorners)
bool setBgColor (MMSFBColor bgcolor, bool refresh=true)
bool setSelBgColor (MMSFBColor selbgcolor, bool refresh=true)
bool setBgColor_p (MMSFBColor bgcolor_p, bool refresh=true)
bool setSelBgColor_p (MMSFBColor selbgcolor_p, bool refresh=true)
bool setBgColor_i (MMSFBColor bgcolor_i, bool refresh=true)
bool setSelBgColor_i (MMSFBColor selbgcolor_i, bool refresh=true)
bool setBgImagePath (string bgimagepath, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
bool setBgImageName (string bgimagename, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
bool setSelBgImagePath (string selbgimagepath, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
bool setSelBgImageName (string selbgimagename, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
bool setBgImagePath_p (string bgimagepath_p, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
bool setBgImageName_p (string bgimagename_p, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
bool setSelBgImagePath_p (string selbgimagepath_p, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
bool setSelBgImageName_p (string selbgimagename_p, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
bool setBgImagePath_i (string bgimagepath_i, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
bool setBgImageName_i (string bgimagename_i, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
bool setSelBgImagePath_i (string selbgimagepath_i, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
bool setSelBgImageName_i (string selbgimagename_i, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
bool setMargin (unsigned int margin, bool refresh=true)
bool setFocusable (bool focusable, bool refresh=true)
bool setSelectable (bool selectable, bool refresh=true)
bool setUpArrow (string uparrow, bool refresh=true)
bool setDownArrow (string downarrow, bool refresh=true)
bool setLeftArrow (string leftarrow, bool refresh=true)
bool setRightArrow (string rightarrow, bool refresh=true)
bool setData (string data)
bool setNavigateUp (string navigateup)
bool setNavigateDown (string navigatedown)
bool setNavigateLeft (string navigateleft)
bool setNavigateRight (string navigateright)
bool setVSlider (string vslider)
bool setHSlider (string hslider)
bool setImagesOnDemand (bool imagesondemand)
bool setBlend (unsigned int blend, bool refresh=true)
bool setBlendFactor (double blendfactor, bool refresh=true)
bool setScrollOnFocus (bool scrollonfocus)
bool setClickable (bool clickable)
bool setReturnOnScroll (bool returnonscroll)
bool setInputMode (string inputmode)
bool setJoinedWidget (string joinedwidget)
bool setActivated (bool activated, bool refresh=true)
bool setBorderColor (MMSFBColor bordercolor, bool refresh=true)
bool setBorderSelColor (MMSFBColor borderselcolor, bool refresh=true)
bool setBorderImagePath (string borderimagepath, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
bool setBorderImageNames (string imagename_1, string imagename_2, string imagename_3, string imagename_4, string imagename_5, string imagename_6, string imagename_7, string imagename_8, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
bool setBorderSelImagePath (string borderselimagepath, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
bool setBorderSelImageNames (string selimagename_1, string selimagename_2, string selimagename_3, string selimagename_4, string selimagename_5, string selimagename_6, string selimagename_7, string selimagename_8, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
bool setBorderThickness (unsigned int borderthickness, bool refresh=true)
bool setBorderMargin (unsigned int bordermargin, bool refresh=true)
bool setBorderRCorners (bool borderrcorners, bool refresh=true)
void updateFromThemeClass (MMSWidgetClass *themeClass)

Public Attributes

sigc::signal< void, MMSWidget * > * onSelect
sigc::signal< void, MMSWidget
*, bool > * 
sigc::signal< void, MMSWidget * > * onReturn
sigc::signal< void, MMSWidget
*, int, int, int, int > * 
 Set one or more callbacks for the onClick event.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void drawchildren (bool toRedrawOnly=false, bool *backgroundFilled=NULL, MMSFBRectangle *rect2update=NULL)
virtual void setRootWindow (MMSWindow *root, MMSWindow *parentroot=NULL)
virtual void recalculateChildren ()
virtual void handleInput (MMSInputEvent *inputevent)
virtual bool callOnReturn ()
bool emitOnReturnCallback ()
void markChildren2Redraw ()
virtual MMSWidgetgetDrawableParent (bool mark2Redraw=false, bool markChildren2Redraw=false, bool checkborder=true, vector< MMSWidget * > *wlist=NULL, bool followpath=false)
virtual bool setSurfaceGeometry (unsigned int width=0, unsigned int height=0)
virtual void setInnerGeometry ()
bool setScrollSize (unsigned int dX=8, unsigned int dY=8)
bool setScrollPos (int posX=0, int posY=0, bool refresh=true, bool test=false)
MMSFBRectangle getVisibleSurfaceArea ()
void updateWindowSurfaceWithSurface (bool useAlphaChannel)

Protected Attributes

bool geomset
bool initialized
 is widget initialized?
bool toRedraw
bool redrawChildren
MMSFBRectangle surfaceGeom
vector< MMSWidget * > children
MMSFBRectangle geom
MMSFBRectangle innerGeom

Private Member Functions

bool loadArrowWidgets ()
virtual void switchArrowWidgets ()
bool create (MMSWindow *root, bool drawable, bool needsparentdraw, bool focusable, bool selectable, bool canhavechildren, bool canselectchildren, bool clickable)
virtual bool init ()
virtual bool release ()
bool setContentSize (int content_width, int content_height)
 Internal method: Set width and height of the content.
virtual void setContentSizeFromChildren ()
 Internal method: Can be overridden by a specific widget which calculate it's own size from children.
bool getContentSize (int *content_width, int *content_height)
 Internal method: Get width and height of the content, return false if content size is not set.
void initContentSize ()
 Internal method: First setup of the content size, called during initialization of a window.
virtual void calcContentSize ()
 Internal method: Should be overridden by widgets which have a dynamic size based on content.
bool recalcContentSize (bool refresh=true)
 Internal method: Recalculate content size and refresh window if requested.
void getBackground (MMSFBColor *color, MMSFBSurface **image)
 Internal method: get the color or/and image of widget's background dependent on the current state.
virtual bool enableRefresh (bool enable=true)
 Internal method: (re-)enable refresh status.
virtual bool checkRefreshStatus ()
 Internal method: check drawn background against new background and (re-)enable refresh status if needed.
virtual bool draw (bool *backgroundFilled=NULL)
void drawMyBorder ()
bool drawDebug ()
void themeChanged (string &themeName)
 Internal method: Inform the widget, that the theme has changed.
virtual bool setSelected (bool set, bool refresh, bool *changed, bool joined)
virtual bool setPressed (bool set, bool refresh, bool joined)
void resetPressed ()

Private Attributes

 type of the widget
 save attributes for drawable widgets
int id
 id of the widget
string name
 name of the widget
string sizehint
 size of the widget
bool minmax_set
 if true, at least one of min/max values set and widget is marked as a dynamic widget
string min_width
 dynamic widget: minimum width
int min_width_pix
 dynamic widget: minimum width in pixel
string min_height
 dynamic widget: minimum height
int min_height_pix
 dynamic widget: minimum height in pixel
string max_width
 dynamic widget: maximum width
int max_width_pix
 dynamic widget: maximum width in pixel
string max_height
 dynamic widget: maximum height
int max_height_pix
 dynamic widget: maximum height in pixel
bool content_size_initialized
 dynamic widget: first initialization of content width/height is done
int content_width
 dynamic widget: width of content in pixel
int content_height
 dynamic widget: height of content in pixel
int content_width_child
 dynamic widget: width of the content of a child in pixel
int content_height_child
 dynamic widget: height of the content of a child in pixel
void * bindata
 optional & application specific pointer to any data
 window to which the widget is connected
 the toplevel parent window
bool drawable
 is widget drawable?
bool needsparentdraw
 should parent widget be drawn before drawing this widget?
bool focusable_initial
 initial setting: focusable flag
bool selectable_initial
 initial setting: selectable flag
bool clickable_initial
 initial setting: clickable flag
bool canhavechildren
 children allowed?
bool canselectchildren
 children's selected state can be changed?
bool visible
bool focused
bool selected
bool pressed
 button pressed?
unsigned char brightness
 brightness of the widget 0..255, default 255
unsigned char opacity
 opacity of the widget 0..255, default 255
bool has_own_surface
 widget is using a subsurface or has an own surface?
bool skip_refresh
 if skip refresh is true, refresh() method will not work
bool current_bgset
 current background values set?
MMSFBColor current_bgcolor
 current background color
 current background image


class MMSDialogManager
class MMSWindow
class MMSHBoxWidget
class MMSVBoxWidget
class MMSLabelWidget
class MMSButtonWidget
class MMSImageWidget
class MMSProgressBarWidget
class MMSMenuWidget
class MMSTextBoxWidget
class MMSArrowWidget
class MMSSliderWidget
class MMSInputWidget
class MMSCheckBoxWidget
class MMSGapWidget
class MMSCanvasWidget


 describes attributes for drawable widgets More...

Detailed Description

This class is the base class for all widgets.

This class includes the base functionality available for all widgets within MMSGUI. This class cannot be constructed. Only widgets which are derived from this class can be constructed.

Jens Schneider

Definition at line 101 of file mmswidget.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MMSWidget::MMSWidget (  ) 

Definition at line 43 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSWidget::~MMSWidget (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 100 of file mmswidget.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

bool MMSWidget::loadArrowWidgets (  )  [private]

Definition at line 696 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::switchArrowWidgets (  )  [private, virtual]

Reimplemented in MMSMenuWidget, and MMSSliderWidget.

Definition at line 755 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::create ( MMSWindow root,
bool  drawable,
bool  needsparentdraw,
bool  focusable,
bool  selectable,
bool  canhavechildren,
bool  canselectchildren,
bool  clickable 
) [private]

Definition at line 170 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::init (  )  [private, virtual]

bool MMSWidget::release (  )  [private, virtual]

bool MMSWidget::setContentSize ( int  content_width,
int  content_height 
) [private]

Internal method: Set width and height of the content.

Definition at line 1058 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::setContentSizeFromChildren (  )  [private, virtual]

Internal method: Can be overridden by a specific widget which calculate it's own size from children.

Reimplemented in MMSHBoxWidget, and MMSVBoxWidget.

Definition at line 1073 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getContentSize ( int *  content_width,
int *  content_height 
) [private]

Internal method: Get width and height of the content, return false if content size is not set.

Definition at line 1091 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::initContentSize (  )  [private]

Internal method: First setup of the content size, called during initialization of a window.

Definition at line 1113 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::calcContentSize (  )  [private, virtual]

Internal method: Should be overridden by widgets which have a dynamic size based on content.

Reimplemented in MMSLabelWidget, and MMSTextBoxWidget.

Definition at line 1132 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::recalcContentSize ( bool  refresh = true  )  [private]

Internal method: Recalculate content size and refresh window if requested.

Definition at line 1137 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::getBackground ( MMSFBColor color,
MMSFBSurface **  image 
) [private]

Internal method: get the color or/and image of widget's background dependent on the current state.

Definition at line 1173 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::enableRefresh ( bool  enable = true  )  [private, virtual]

Internal method: (re-)enable refresh status.

Reimplemented in MMSArrowWidget, MMSCanvasWidget, MMSCheckBoxWidget, MMSImageWidget, MMSInputWidget, MMSLabelWidget, MMSProgressBarWidget, MMSSliderWidget, and MMSTextBoxWidget.

Definition at line 1217 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::checkRefreshStatus (  )  [private, virtual]

Internal method: check drawn background against new background and (re-)enable refresh status if needed.

Reimplemented in MMSArrowWidget, MMSCanvasWidget, MMSCheckBoxWidget, MMSImageWidget, MMSInputWidget, MMSLabelWidget, MMSProgressBarWidget, MMSSliderWidget, and MMSTextBoxWidget.

Definition at line 1233 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::draw ( bool *  backgroundFilled = NULL  )  [private, virtual]

void MMSWidget::drawMyBorder (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1503 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::drawDebug (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1547 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::themeChanged ( string &  themeName  )  [private]

Internal method: Inform the widget, that the theme has changed.

Definition at line 1617 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setSelected ( bool  set,
bool  refresh,
bool *  changed,
bool  joined 
) [private, virtual]

Definition at line 2000 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setPressed ( bool  set,
bool  refresh,
bool  joined 
) [private, virtual]

Definition at line 2097 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::resetPressed (  )  [private]

Definition at line 2189 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSWIDGETTYPE MMSWidget::getType (  ) 

Definition at line 132 of file mmswidget.cpp.

string MMSWidget::getTypeString (  ) 

Definition at line 136 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::copyWidget ( MMSWidget newWidget  ) 

Definition at line 272 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSWidget * MMSWidget::getChild ( unsigned int  atpos = 0  ) 

Definition at line 382 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSWidget * MMSWidget::disconnectChild ( unsigned int  atpos = 0  ) 

Definition at line 389 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSWidget * MMSWidget::findWidget ( string  name  ) 

Definition at line 399 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSWidget * MMSWidget::findWidgetType ( MMSWIDGETTYPE  type  ) 

Definition at line 430 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSWidget * MMSWidget::getLastWidget (  ) 

Definition at line 451 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSWidget * MMSWidget::operator[] ( string  name  ) 

Definition at line 457 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::add ( MMSWidget widget  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in MMSCanvasWidget, MMSHBoxWidget, MMSMenuWidget, and MMSVBoxWidget.

Definition at line 1627 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSWindow * MMSWidget::getRootWindow ( MMSWindow **  parentroot = NULL  ) 

Definition at line 1908 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::setGeometry ( MMSFBRectangle  geom  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 590 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSFBRectangle MMSWidget::getGeometry (  ) 

Definition at line 662 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSFBRectangle MMSWidget::getRealGeometry (  ) 

Definition at line 666 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSFBRectangle MMSWidget::getInnerGeometry (  ) 

Definition at line 585 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSFBRectangle MMSWidget::getSurfaceGeometry (  ) 

Definition at line 532 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSFBSurface * MMSWidget::getSurface (  ) 

Definition at line 536 of file mmswidget.cpp.

int MMSWidget::getId (  ) 

Definition at line 1914 of file mmswidget.cpp.

string MMSWidget::getName (  ) 

Definition at line 1918 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::setName ( string  name  ) 

Definition at line 1922 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::setParent ( MMSWidget parent  ) 

Definition at line 1856 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSWidget * MMSWidget::getParent (  ) 

Definition at line 1861 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::getJoinedWigdets ( MMSWidget **  caller_stack  ) 

Definition at line 1988 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::setFocus ( bool  set,
bool  refresh = true,
MMSInputEvent inputevent = NULL 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented in MMSMenuWidget.

Definition at line 1927 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::isFocused (  ) 

Definition at line 1984 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setSelected ( bool  set,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 2074 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::isSelected (  ) 

Definition at line 2078 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::unsetFocusableForAllChildren ( bool  refresh  ) 

Definition at line 2082 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::isActivated (  ) 

Definition at line 2091 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setPressed ( bool  set,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 2157 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::isPressed (  ) 

Definition at line 2161 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::setASelected ( bool  set,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 2165 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::setPSelected ( bool  set,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 2170 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::setISelected ( bool  set,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 2175 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::isDrawable (  ) 

Definition at line 1759 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::needsParentDraw ( bool  checkborder = true  ) 

Definition at line 1763 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::canHaveChildren (  ) 

Definition at line 1847 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::canSelectChildren (  ) 

Definition at line 1851 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::setBinData ( void *  data  ) 

Definition at line 2411 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void * MMSWidget::getBinData (  ) 

Definition at line 2415 of file mmswidget.cpp.

string MMSWidget::getSizeHint (  ) 

Definition at line 2420 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setSizeHint ( string &  hint  ) 

Definition at line 2424 of file mmswidget.cpp.

string MMSWidget::getMinWidth (  ) 

Definition at line 2433 of file mmswidget.cpp.

int MMSWidget::getMinWidthPix (  ) 

Definition at line 2437 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setMinWidth ( string &  min_width  ) 

Definition at line 2441 of file mmswidget.cpp.

string MMSWidget::getMinHeight (  ) 

Definition at line 2455 of file mmswidget.cpp.

int MMSWidget::getMinHeightPix (  ) 

Definition at line 2459 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setMinHeight ( string &  min_height  ) 

Definition at line 2463 of file mmswidget.cpp.

string MMSWidget::getMaxWidth (  ) 

Definition at line 2477 of file mmswidget.cpp.

int MMSWidget::getMaxWidthPix (  ) 

Definition at line 2481 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setMaxWidth ( string &  max_width  ) 

Definition at line 2485 of file mmswidget.cpp.

string MMSWidget::getMaxHeight (  ) 

Definition at line 2499 of file mmswidget.cpp.

int MMSWidget::getMaxHeightPix (  ) 

Definition at line 2503 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setMaxHeight ( string &  max_height  ) 

Definition at line 2507 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::isGeomSet (  ) 

Definition at line 2521 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::setGeomSet ( bool  set  ) 

Definition at line 2525 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::isVisible (  ) 

Definition at line 2530 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::setVisible ( bool  visible,
bool  refresh = true 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented in MMSImageWidget.

Definition at line 2534 of file mmswidget.cpp.

unsigned char MMSWidget::getBrightness (  ) 

Definition at line 2576 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::setBrightness ( unsigned char  brightness,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 2580 of file mmswidget.cpp.

unsigned char MMSWidget::getOpacity (  ) 

Definition at line 2593 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::setOpacity ( unsigned char  opacity,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 2597 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSWidget * MMSWidget::getNavigateUpWidget (  ) 

Definition at line 2611 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSWidget * MMSWidget::getNavigateDownWidget (  ) 

Definition at line 2615 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSWidget * MMSWidget::getNavigateLeftWidget (  ) 

Definition at line 2619 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSWidget * MMSWidget::getNavigateRightWidget (  ) 

Definition at line 2623 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::setNavigateUpWidget ( MMSWidget upwidget  ) 

Definition at line 2627 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::setNavigateDownWidget ( MMSWidget downwidget  ) 

Definition at line 2631 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::setNavigateRightWidget ( MMSWidget rightwidget  ) 

Definition at line 2635 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::setNavigateLeftWidget ( MMSWidget leftwidget  ) 

Definition at line 2639 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::canNavigateUp (  ) 

Definition at line 2643 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::canNavigateDown (  ) 

Definition at line 2650 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::canNavigateLeft (  ) 

Definition at line 2657 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::canNavigateRight (  ) 

Definition at line 2664 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::scrollDown ( unsigned int  count = 1,
bool  refresh = true,
bool  test = false,
bool  leave_selection = false 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented in MMSMenuWidget, and MMSSliderWidget.

Definition at line 855 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::scrollUp ( unsigned int  count = 1,
bool  refresh = true,
bool  test = false,
bool  leave_selection = false 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented in MMSMenuWidget, and MMSSliderWidget.

Definition at line 865 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::scrollRight ( unsigned int  count = 1,
bool  refresh = true,
bool  test = false,
bool  leave_selection = false 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented in MMSMenuWidget, and MMSSliderWidget.

Definition at line 875 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::scrollLeft ( unsigned int  count = 1,
bool  refresh = true,
bool  test = false,
bool  leave_selection = false 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented in MMSMenuWidget, and MMSSliderWidget.

Definition at line 885 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::scrollTo ( int  posx,
int  posy,
bool  refresh = true,
bool *  changed = NULL,
MMSFBRectangle inputrect = NULL 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented in MMSMenuWidget.

Definition at line 895 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::drawchildren ( bool  toRedrawOnly = false,
bool *  backgroundFilled = NULL,
MMSFBRectangle rect2update = NULL 
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in MMSMenuWidget.

Definition at line 1574 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::setRootWindow ( MMSWindow root,
MMSWindow parentroot = NULL 
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in MMSMenuWidget.

Definition at line 1865 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::recalculateChildren (  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in MMSHBoxWidget, MMSMenuWidget, and MMSVBoxWidget.

Definition at line 1900 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::handleInput ( MMSInputEvent inputevent  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in MMSArrowWidget, MMSCanvasWidget, MMSCheckBoxWidget, and MMSInputWidget.

Definition at line 2214 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::callOnReturn (  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in MMSMenuWidget.

Definition at line 2364 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::emitOnReturnCallback (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2368 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::markChildren2Redraw (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1643 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSWidget * MMSWidget::getDrawableParent ( bool  mark2Redraw = false,
bool  markChildren2Redraw = false,
bool  checkborder = true,
vector< MMSWidget * > *  wlist = NULL,
bool  followpath = false 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1654 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setSurfaceGeometry ( unsigned int  width = 0,
unsigned int  height = 0 
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in MMSTextBoxWidget.

Definition at line 467 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::setInnerGeometry (  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 540 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setScrollSize ( unsigned int  dX = 8,
unsigned int  dY = 8 
) [protected]

Definition at line 790 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setScrollPos ( int  posX = 0,
int  posY = 0,
bool  refresh = true,
bool  test = false 
) [protected]

Definition at line 799 of file mmswidget.cpp.

MMSFBRectangle MMSWidget::getVisibleSurfaceArea (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 901 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::updateWindowSurfaceWithSurface ( bool  useAlphaChannel  )  [protected]

Definition at line 912 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::refresh ( bool  required = true  ) 

Definition at line 1680 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBgColor ( MMSFBColor bgcolor  ) 

Definition at line 2683 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getSelBgColor ( MMSFBColor selbgcolor  ) 

Definition at line 2687 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBgColor_p ( MMSFBColor bgcolor_p  ) 

Definition at line 2691 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getSelBgColor_p ( MMSFBColor selbgcolor_p  ) 

Definition at line 2695 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBgColor_i ( MMSFBColor bgcolor_i  ) 

Definition at line 2699 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getSelBgColor_i ( MMSFBColor selbgcolor_i  ) 

Definition at line 2703 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBgImagePath ( string &  bgimagepath  ) 

Definition at line 2707 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBgImageName ( string &  bgimagename  ) 

Definition at line 2711 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getSelBgImagePath ( string &  selbgimagepath  ) 

Definition at line 2715 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getSelBgImageName ( string &  selbgimagename  ) 

Definition at line 2719 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBgImagePath_p ( string &  bgimagepath_p  ) 

Definition at line 2723 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBgImageName_p ( string &  bgimagename_p  ) 

Definition at line 2727 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getSelBgImagePath_p ( string &  selbgimagepath_p  ) 

Definition at line 2731 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getSelBgImageName_p ( string &  selbgimagename_p  ) 

Definition at line 2735 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBgImagePath_i ( string &  bgimagepath_i  ) 

Definition at line 2739 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBgImageName_i ( string &  bgimagename_i  ) 

Definition at line 2743 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getSelBgImagePath_i ( string &  selbgimagepath_i  ) 

Definition at line 2747 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getSelBgImageName_i ( string &  selbgimagename_i  ) 

Definition at line 2751 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getMargin ( unsigned int &  margin  ) 

Definition at line 2755 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getFocusable ( bool &  focusable,
bool  check_selectable = true 

Definition at line 2759 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getSelectable ( bool &  selectable  ) 

Definition at line 2777 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getUpArrow ( string &  uparrow  ) 

Definition at line 2781 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getDownArrow ( string &  downarrow  ) 

Definition at line 2785 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getLeftArrow ( string &  leftarrow  ) 

Definition at line 2789 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getRightArrow ( string &  rightarrow  ) 

Definition at line 2793 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getData ( string &  data  ) 

Definition at line 2797 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getNavigateUp ( string &  navigateup  ) 

Definition at line 2801 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getNavigateDown ( string &  navigatedown  ) 

Definition at line 2805 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getNavigateLeft ( string &  navigateleft  ) 

Definition at line 2809 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getNavigateRight ( string &  navigateright  ) 

Definition at line 2813 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getVSlider ( string &  vslider  ) 

Definition at line 2818 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getHSlider ( string &  hslider  ) 

Definition at line 2822 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getImagesOnDemand ( bool &  imagesondemand  ) 

Definition at line 2826 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBlend ( unsigned int &  blend  ) 

Definition at line 2830 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBlendFactor ( double &  blendfactor  ) 

Definition at line 2834 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getScrollOnFocus ( bool &  scrollonfocus  ) 

Definition at line 2838 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getClickable ( bool &  clickable  ) 

Definition at line 2842 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getReturnOnScroll ( bool &  returnonscroll  ) 

Definition at line 2846 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getInputMode ( string &  inputmode  ) 

Definition at line 2850 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getInputModeEx ( string &  inputmode  ) 

Definition at line 2854 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getJoinedWidget ( string &  joinedwidget  ) 

Definition at line 2865 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getActivated ( bool &  activated  ) 

Definition at line 2869 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBorderColor ( MMSFBColor color  ) 

Definition at line 2888 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBorderSelColor ( MMSFBColor selcolor  ) 

Definition at line 2892 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBorderImagePath ( string &  imagepath  ) 

Definition at line 2896 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBorderImageNames ( MMSBORDER_IMAGE_NUM  num,
string &  imagename 

Definition at line 2900 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBorderSelImagePath ( string &  selimagepath  ) 

Definition at line 2904 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBorderSelImageNames ( MMSBORDER_IMAGE_NUM  num,
string &  selimagename 

Definition at line 2908 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBorderThickness ( unsigned int &  thickness  ) 

Definition at line 2912 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBorderMargin ( unsigned int &  margin  ) 

Definition at line 2916 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::getBorderRCorners ( bool &  rcorners  ) 

Definition at line 2920 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBgColor ( MMSFBColor  bgcolor,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 2928 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setSelBgColor ( MMSFBColor  selbgcolor,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 2940 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBgColor_p ( MMSFBColor  bgcolor_p,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 2952 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setSelBgColor_p ( MMSFBColor  selbgcolor_p,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 2964 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBgColor_i ( MMSFBColor  bgcolor_i,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 2976 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setSelBgColor_i ( MMSFBColor  selbgcolor_i,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 2988 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBgImagePath ( string  bgimagepath,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3000 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBgImageName ( string  bgimagename,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3021 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setSelBgImagePath ( string  selbgimagepath,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3042 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setSelBgImageName ( string  selbgimagename,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3063 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBgImagePath_p ( string  bgimagepath_p,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3084 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBgImageName_p ( string  bgimagename_p,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3105 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setSelBgImagePath_p ( string  selbgimagepath_p,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3126 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setSelBgImageName_p ( string  selbgimagename_p,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3147 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBgImagePath_i ( string  bgimagepath_i,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3168 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBgImageName_i ( string  bgimagename_i,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3189 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setSelBgImagePath_i ( string  selbgimagepath_i,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3210 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setSelBgImageName_i ( string  selbgimagename_i,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3231 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setMargin ( unsigned int  margin,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3252 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setFocusable ( bool  focusable,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3266 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setSelectable ( bool  selectable,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3286 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setUpArrow ( string  uparrow,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3297 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setDownArrow ( string  downarrow,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3310 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setLeftArrow ( string  leftarrow,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3323 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setRightArrow ( string  rightarrow,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3336 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setData ( string  data  ) 

Definition at line 3349 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setNavigateUp ( string  navigateup  ) 

Definition at line 3355 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setNavigateDown ( string  navigatedown  ) 

Definition at line 3364 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setNavigateLeft ( string  navigateleft  ) 

Definition at line 3373 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setNavigateRight ( string  navigateright  ) 

Definition at line 3382 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setVSlider ( string  vslider  ) 

Definition at line 3391 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setHSlider ( string  hslider  ) 

Definition at line 3400 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setImagesOnDemand ( bool  imagesondemand  ) 

Definition at line 3409 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBlend ( unsigned int  blend,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3415 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBlendFactor ( double  blendfactor,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3430 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setScrollOnFocus ( bool  scrollonfocus  ) 

Definition at line 3445 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setClickable ( bool  clickable  ) 

Definition at line 3451 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setReturnOnScroll ( bool  returnonscroll  ) 

Definition at line 3457 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setInputMode ( string  inputmode  ) 

Definition at line 3463 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setJoinedWidget ( string  joinedwidget  ) 

Definition at line 3469 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setActivated ( bool  activated,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3482 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBorderColor ( MMSFBColor  bordercolor,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3500 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBorderSelColor ( MMSFBColor  borderselcolor,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3512 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBorderImagePath ( string  borderimagepath,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3524 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBorderImageNames ( string  imagename_1,
string  imagename_2,
string  imagename_3,
string  imagename_4,
string  imagename_5,
string  imagename_6,
string  imagename_7,
string  imagename_8,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3547 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBorderSelImagePath ( string  borderselimagepath,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3573 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBorderSelImageNames ( string  selimagename_1,
string  selimagename_2,
string  selimagename_3,
string  selimagename_4,
string  selimagename_5,
string  selimagename_6,
string  selimagename_7,
string  selimagename_8,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3596 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBorderThickness ( unsigned int  borderthickness,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3623 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBorderMargin ( unsigned int  bordermargin,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3637 of file mmswidget.cpp.

bool MMSWidget::setBorderRCorners ( bool  borderrcorners,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 3651 of file mmswidget.cpp.

void MMSWidget::updateFromThemeClass ( MMSWidgetClass themeClass  ) 

Definition at line 3663 of file mmswidget.cpp.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class MMSDialogManager [friend]

Reimplemented in MMSCanvasWidget.

Definition at line 650 of file mmswidget.h.

friend class MMSWindow [friend]

Reimplemented in MMSInputWidget, MMSLabelWidget, and MMSTextBoxWidget.

Definition at line 651 of file mmswidget.h.

friend class MMSHBoxWidget [friend]

Definition at line 652 of file mmswidget.h.

friend class MMSVBoxWidget [friend]

Definition at line 653 of file mmswidget.h.

friend class MMSLabelWidget [friend]

Definition at line 654 of file mmswidget.h.

friend class MMSButtonWidget [friend]

Definition at line 655 of file mmswidget.h.

friend class MMSImageWidget [friend]

Definition at line 656 of file mmswidget.h.

friend class MMSProgressBarWidget [friend]

Definition at line 657 of file mmswidget.h.

friend class MMSMenuWidget [friend]

Definition at line 658 of file mmswidget.h.

friend class MMSTextBoxWidget [friend]

Definition at line 659 of file mmswidget.h.

friend class MMSArrowWidget [friend]

Definition at line 660 of file mmswidget.h.

friend class MMSSliderWidget [friend]

Definition at line 661 of file mmswidget.h.

friend class MMSInputWidget [friend]

Definition at line 662 of file mmswidget.h.

friend class MMSCheckBoxWidget [friend]

Definition at line 663 of file mmswidget.h.

friend class MMSGapWidget [friend]

Definition at line 664 of file mmswidget.h.

friend class MMSCanvasWidget [friend]

Definition at line 665 of file mmswidget.h.

Member Data Documentation

type of the widget

Definition at line 104 of file mmswidget.h.

save attributes for drawable widgets

Definition at line 190 of file mmswidget.h.

int MMSWidget::id [private]

id of the widget

Definition at line 194 of file mmswidget.h.

string MMSWidget::name [private]

name of the widget

Definition at line 197 of file mmswidget.h.

string MMSWidget::sizehint [private]

size of the widget

Definition at line 200 of file mmswidget.h.

bool MMSWidget::minmax_set [private]

if true, at least one of min/max values set and widget is marked as a dynamic widget

Definition at line 203 of file mmswidget.h.

string MMSWidget::min_width [private]

dynamic widget: minimum width

Definition at line 206 of file mmswidget.h.

int MMSWidget::min_width_pix [private]

dynamic widget: minimum width in pixel

Definition at line 209 of file mmswidget.h.

string MMSWidget::min_height [private]

dynamic widget: minimum height

Definition at line 212 of file mmswidget.h.

dynamic widget: minimum height in pixel

Definition at line 215 of file mmswidget.h.

string MMSWidget::max_width [private]

dynamic widget: maximum width

Definition at line 218 of file mmswidget.h.

int MMSWidget::max_width_pix [private]

dynamic widget: maximum width in pixel

Definition at line 221 of file mmswidget.h.

string MMSWidget::max_height [private]

dynamic widget: maximum height

Definition at line 224 of file mmswidget.h.

dynamic widget: maximum height in pixel

Definition at line 227 of file mmswidget.h.

dynamic widget: first initialization of content width/height is done

Definition at line 230 of file mmswidget.h.

int MMSWidget::content_width [private]

dynamic widget: width of content in pixel

Definition at line 233 of file mmswidget.h.

dynamic widget: height of content in pixel

Definition at line 236 of file mmswidget.h.

dynamic widget: width of the content of a child in pixel

Definition at line 239 of file mmswidget.h.

dynamic widget: height of the content of a child in pixel

Definition at line 242 of file mmswidget.h.

void* MMSWidget::bindata [private]

optional & application specific pointer to any data

Definition at line 247 of file mmswidget.h.

window to which the widget is connected

Definition at line 250 of file mmswidget.h.

the toplevel parent window

Definition at line 253 of file mmswidget.h.

bool MMSWidget::drawable [private]

is widget drawable?

Definition at line 256 of file mmswidget.h.

should parent widget be drawn before drawing this widget?

Definition at line 259 of file mmswidget.h.

initial setting: focusable flag

Definition at line 262 of file mmswidget.h.

initial setting: selectable flag

Definition at line 265 of file mmswidget.h.

initial setting: clickable flag

Definition at line 268 of file mmswidget.h.

children allowed?

Definition at line 271 of file mmswidget.h.

children's selected state can be changed?

Definition at line 274 of file mmswidget.h.

bool MMSWidget::visible [private]


Definition at line 277 of file mmswidget.h.

bool MMSWidget::focused [private]


Definition at line 280 of file mmswidget.h.

bool MMSWidget::selected [private]


Definition at line 283 of file mmswidget.h.

bool MMSWidget::pressed [private]

button pressed?

Definition at line 286 of file mmswidget.h.

unsigned char MMSWidget::brightness [private]

brightness of the widget 0..255, default 255

Definition at line 289 of file mmswidget.h.

unsigned char MMSWidget::opacity [private]

opacity of the widget 0..255, default 255

Definition at line 292 of file mmswidget.h.

widget is using a subsurface or has an own surface?

Definition at line 295 of file mmswidget.h.

bool MMSWidget::skip_refresh [private]

if skip refresh is true, refresh() method will not work

Definition at line 299 of file mmswidget.h.

bool MMSWidget::current_bgset [private]

current background values set?

Definition at line 302 of file mmswidget.h.

current background color

Definition at line 305 of file mmswidget.h.

current background image

Definition at line 308 of file mmswidget.h.

sigc::signal<void, MMSWidget*>* MMSWidget::onSelect

Definition at line 469 of file mmswidget.h.

sigc::signal<void, MMSWidget*, bool>* MMSWidget::onFocus

Definition at line 470 of file mmswidget.h.

sigc::signal<void, MMSWidget*>* MMSWidget::onReturn

Definition at line 471 of file mmswidget.h.

sigc::signal<void, MMSWidget*, int, int, int, int>* MMSWidget::onClick

Set one or more callbacks for the onClick event.

The connected callbacks will be called after the button release event.

A callback method must be defined like this:

void myclass::mycallbackmethod(MMSWidget *widget, int posx, int posy, int widget_width, int widget_height);

widget is the pointer to the widget
posx x-position of the maus pointer within the widget
posy y-position of the maus pointer within the widget
widget_width width of the widget
widget_height height of the widget
To connect your callback to onClick do this:


Definition at line 491 of file mmswidget.h.

bool MMSWidget::geomset [protected]

Definition at line 502 of file mmswidget.h.

bool MMSWidget::initialized [protected]

is widget initialized?

Definition at line 505 of file mmswidget.h.

bool MMSWidget::toRedraw [protected]

Definition at line 508 of file mmswidget.h.

bool MMSWidget::redrawChildren [protected]

Definition at line 509 of file mmswidget.h.

Definition at line 515 of file mmswidget.h.

Definition at line 517 of file mmswidget.h.

Definition at line 518 of file mmswidget.h.

Definition at line 528 of file mmswidget.h.

vector<MMSWidget *> MMSWidget::children [protected]

Definition at line 529 of file mmswidget.h.

Definition at line 531 of file mmswidget.h.

Definition at line 532 of file mmswidget.h.

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