MMSWindow Class Reference

This class is the base class for all windows. More...

#include <mmswindow.h>

Inheritance diagram for MMSWindow:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MMSWindow ()
 The base constructor for all window types.
virtual ~MMSWindow ()
 The base destructor for this class.
 Get the type of the window.
string getName ()
 Get the name of the window.
void setName (string name)
 Set the name of the window.
MMSWindowfindWindow (string name)
 Find a window over its name.
MMSWindowgetLastWindow ()
 Return last window in the stack.
virtual bool show ()
 Makes a window visible.
virtual bool hide (bool goback=false, bool wait=false)
 Hide a visible window.
void waitUntilShown ()
 Can be called after show() waiting for end of showAction thread.
void waitUntilHidden ()
 Can be called after hide() waiting for end of hideAction thread.
MMSFBRectangle getGeometry ()
 Get the geometry of the window.
MMSFBRectangle getRealGeometry ()
 Get the geometry of the window based on the layer.
void add (MMSWidget *child)
 Add a widget to the window.
void remove (MMSWidget *child)
 Remove a widget from the window.
MMSWidgetgetFocusedWidget ()
 Get the currently focused widget.
int getNumberOfFocusableWidgets (bool cw=false)
 Get the number of focusable widgets.
int getNumberOfFocusableChildWins ()
 Get the number of focusable child windows.
void refresh (MMSFBRegion *region=NULL)
 Refresh (redraw) the whole window or a part of it.
bool flip (void)
 Flip the surface of the window to make changes visible.
MMSFBLayergetLayer ()
 Get access to the layer of the window.
MMSFBSurfacegetSurface ()
 Get access to the surface of the window needed to display video streams.
MMSWindowgetParent (bool toplevel=false)
 Get the parent window.
void setWindowManager (IMMSWindowManager *wm)
 Set the window manager.
bool isShown (bool checkparents=false, bool checkopacity=false)
 Is the window shown?
bool willHide ()
 Is the hide action running?
void setFocus ()
 Set the focus to this window.
bool getFocus (bool checkparents=false)
 Is the window focused?
MMSWidgetfindWidget (string name)
 Find a widget with a given name.
MMSWidgetfindWidgetType (MMSWIDGETTYPE type)
 Find a widget with a given type.
MMSWidgetfindWidgetAndType (string name, MMSWIDGETTYPE type)
 Find a widget with a given name and type.
MMSWidgetoperator[] (string name)
 Operator [] which you can use to find a widget.
MMSWindowgetNavigateUpWindow ()
 Get the window to which the GUI navigates if the user press up.
MMSWindowgetNavigateDownWindow ()
 Get the window to which the GUI navigates if the user press down.
MMSWindowgetNavigateLeftWindow ()
 Get the window to which the GUI navigates if the user press left.
MMSWindowgetNavigateRightWindow ()
 Get the window to which the GUI navigates if the user press right.
void setNavigateUpWindow (MMSWindow *upWindow)
 Set the window to which the GUI navigates if the user press up.
void setNavigateDownWindow (MMSWindow *downWindow)
 Set the window to which the GUI navigates if the user press down.
void setNavigateLeftWindow (MMSWindow *leftWindow)
 Set the window to which the GUI navigates if the user press left.
void setNavigateRightWindow (MMSWindow *rightWindow)
 Set the window to which the GUI navigates if the user press right.
bool raiseToTop (int zlevel=0)
bool lowerToBottom ()
bool moveTo (int x, int y, bool refresh=true)
bool stretch (double left=100, double up=100, double right=100, double down=100)
 Stretch the window to the layer or the parent window using stretchBlit().
unsigned int printStack (char *buffer, int space=0)
bool getAlignment (MMSALIGNMENT &alignment)
 Get the alignment of the window.
bool getDx (string &dx)
 Get the x-movement of the window.
int getDxPix ()
 Get the x-movement of the window as integer in pixel.
bool getDy (string &dy)
 Get the y-movement of the window.
int getDyPix ()
 Get the y-movement of the window as integer in pixel.
bool getWidth (string &width)
 Get the width of the window.
bool getHeight (string &height)
 Get the height of the window.
bool getBgColor (MMSFBColor &bgcolor)
 Get the background color of the window.
bool getBgImagePath (string &bgimagepath)
 Get the path to the background image of the window.
bool getBgImageName (string &bgimagename)
 Get the name of the background image.
bool getOpacity (unsigned int &opacity)
 Get the opacity of the window.
bool getFadeIn (bool &fadein)
 Detect if the window has to fade-in during the show action.
bool getFadeOut (bool &fadeout)
 Detect if the window has to fade-out during the hide action.
bool getDebug (bool &debug)
 Detect if the window has to draw debug rectangles around its widgets.
bool getMargin (unsigned int &margin)
 Get the margin of the window.
bool getUpArrow (string &uparrow)
 Get the name of the uparrow widget.
bool getDownArrow (string &downarrow)
 Get the name of the downarrow widget.
bool getLeftArrow (string &leftarrow)
 Get the name of the leftarrow widget.
bool getRightArrow (string &rightarrow)
 Get the name of the rightarrow widget.
bool getNavigateUp (string &navigateup)
 Get the name of the navigateup window.
bool getNavigateDown (string &navigatedown)
 Get the name of the navigatedown window.
bool getNavigateLeft (string &navigateleft)
 Get the name of the navigateleft window.
bool getNavigateRight (string &navigateright)
 Get the name of the navigateright window.
bool getOwnSurface (bool &ownsurface)
 Detect if the window has an own surface.
bool getMoveIn (MMSDIRECTION &movein)
 Get the move-in direction of the window which is used during the show action.
bool getMoveOut (MMSDIRECTION &moveout)
 Get the move-out direction of the window which is used during the hide action.
bool getModal (bool &modal)
 Detect if the window has to be modal if it is focused.
bool getStaticZOrder (bool &staticzorder)
 Detect if the window automatically changes the zorder of child windows during show() or setFocus().
bool getAlwaysOnTop (bool &alwaysontop)
 Detect if the window will be permanently displayed at the top of the window stack.
bool getFocusable (bool &focusable)
 Detect if the window can be focused.
bool getBackBuffer (bool &backbuffer)
 Detect if the window has an backbuffer.
bool getInitialLoad (bool &initialload)
 Detect if the window is loading images, fonts etc. during initialization.
bool getBorderColor (MMSFBColor &color)
 Get the color of the window border.
bool getBorderImagePath (string &imagepath)
 Get the path to the window border images.
bool getBorderImageNames (MMSBORDER_IMAGE_NUM num, string &imagename)
 Get the name of a border image.
bool getBorderThickness (unsigned int &thickness)
 Get the border thickness.
bool getBorderMargin (unsigned int &margin)
 Get the border margin.
bool getBorderRCorners (bool &rcorners)
 Detect if the border has round corners.
void setAlignment (MMSALIGNMENT alignment, bool refresh=true, bool resize=true)
 Set the alignment of the window.
void setDx (string dx, bool refresh=false, bool resize=true)
 Set the x-movement of the window.
void setDxPix (int dx, bool refresh=false, bool resize=true)
 Set the x-movement of the window as integer in pixel.
void setDy (string dy, bool refresh=false, bool resize=true)
 Set the y-movement of the window.
void setDyPix (int dy, bool refresh=false, bool resize=true)
 Set the y-movement of the window as integer in pixel.
void setWidth (string width, bool refresh=true, bool resize=true)
 Set the width of the window.
void setHeight (string height, bool refresh=true, bool resize=true)
 Set the height of the window.
void setBgColor (MMSFBColor bgcolor, bool refresh=true)
 Set the background color of the window.
void setBgImagePath (string bgimagepath, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
 Set the path to the background image of the window.
void setBgImageName (string bgimagename, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
 Set the name of the background image.
void setBgImage (MMSFBSurface *bgimage, bool refresh=true)
 Set background image already loaded by the application.
void setOpacity (unsigned int opacity, bool refresh=true)
 Set the opacity of the window.
void setFadeIn (bool fadein)
 Set the fadein status needed during the show action.
void setFadeOut (bool fadeout)
 Set the fadeout status needed during the hide action.
void setDebug (bool debug, bool refresh=true)
 Should the window draw debug rectangles around its widgets?
void setMargin (unsigned int margin, bool refresh=true, bool resize=true)
 Set the margin of the window.
void setUpArrow (string uparrow, bool refresh=true)
 Set the name of the uparrow widget.
void setDownArrow (string downarrow, bool refresh=true)
 Set the name of the downarrow widget.
void setLeftArrow (string leftarrow, bool refresh=true)
 Set the name of the leftarrow widget.
void setRightArrow (string rightarrow, bool refresh=true)
 Set the name of the rightarrow widget.
void setNavigateUp (string navigateup)
 Set the name of the navigateup window.
void setNavigateDown (string navigatedown)
 Set the name of the navigatedown window.
void setNavigateLeft (string navigateleft)
 Set the name of the navigateleft window.
void setNavigateRight (string navigateright)
 Set the name of the navigateright window.
void setOwnSurface (bool ownsurface)
 Should the window working with an own surface?
void setMoveIn (MMSDIRECTION movein)
 Set the move-in direction of the window which is used during the show action.
void setMoveOut (MMSDIRECTION moveout)
 Set the move-out direction of the window which is used during the hide action.
void setModal (bool modal)
 Set the modal status of the window.
void setStaticZOrder (bool staticzorder)
 Set the zorder status of the window.
void setAlwaysOnTop (bool alwaysontop)
 Set the always on top flag of the window.
void setFocusable (bool focusable)
 Set the focusable flag of the window.
void setBackBuffer (bool backbuffer)
 Set the backbuffer flag of the window.
void setInitialLoad (bool initialload)
 Set the initial load flag of the window.
void setBorderColor (MMSFBColor color, bool refresh=true)
 Set the color of the window border.
void setBorderImagePath (string imagepath, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
 Set the path to the window border images.
void setBorderImageNames (string imagename_1, string imagename_2, string imagename_3, string imagename_4, string imagename_5, string imagename_6, string imagename_7, string imagename_8, bool load=true, bool refresh=true)
 Set the names of the window border images.
void setBorderThickness (unsigned int thickness, bool refresh=true, bool resize=true)
 Set the border thickness.
void setBorderMargin (unsigned int margin, bool refresh=true, bool resize=true)
 Set the border margin.
void setBorderRCorners (bool rcorners, bool refresh=true)
 Should the window border uses round corners?
void updateFromThemeClass (MMSWindowClass *themeClass)
 Update the current window settings with settings from another theme class.

Public Attributes

sigc::signal< bool, MMSWindow * >
< bool_accumulator > * 
 Set one or more callbacks for the onBeforeShow event.
sigc::signal< void, MMSWindow
*, bool > * 
 Set one or more callbacks for the onAfterShow event.
sigc::signal< bool, MMSWindow
*, bool >::accumulated
< bool_accumulator > * 
 Set one or more callbacks for the onBeforeHide event.
sigc::signal< void, MMSWindow
*, bool > * 
 Set one or more callbacks for the onHide event.
sigc::signal< bool, MMSWindow
*, MMSInputEvent * >
< neg_bool_accumulator > * 
 Set one or more callbacks for the onHandleInput event.
sigc::signal< bool, MMSWindow
*, MMSInputEvent * >
< neg_bool_accumulator > * 
 Set one or more callbacks for the onBeforeHandleInput event.
sigc::signal< bool,
MMSFBSurface *, bool >
< neg_bool_accumulator > * 
 Set one or more callbacks for the onDraw event.

Static Protected Attributes

static class IMMSWindowManagerwindowmanager = NULL
 interface to the window manager

Private Member Functions

bool create (string dx, string dy, string w, string h, MMSALIGNMENT alignment, MMSWINDOW_FLAGS flags, bool *own_surface, bool *backbuffer)
 Internal method: Creates the window.
bool create (string w, string h, MMSALIGNMENT alignment, MMSWINDOW_FLAGS flags, bool *own_surface, bool *backbuffer)
 Internal method: Creates the window.
bool resize (bool refresh=true)
 Internal method: Resize the window.
bool addChildWindow (MMSWindow *childwin)
 Internal method: Add a child window.
bool removeChildWindow (MMSWindow *childwin)
 Internal method: Remove a child window.
bool setChildWindowOpacity (MMSWindow *childwin, unsigned char opacity, bool refresh=true)
 Internal method: Set the opacity of a child window.
bool setChildWindowRegion (MMSWindow *childwin, bool refresh=true)
 Internal method: Set the region of a child window.
bool moveChildWindow (MMSWindow *childwin, int x, int y, bool refresh=true)
 Internal method: Move a child window.
void drawChildWindows (MMSFBSurface *dst_surface, MMSFBRegion *region=NULL, int offsX=0, int offsY=0)
 Internal method: Draw a child window.
bool flipWindow (MMSWindow *win=NULL, MMSFBRegion *region=NULL, MMSFBFlipFlags flags=MMSFB_FLIP_NONE, bool flipChildSurface=true, bool locked=false)
 Internal method: Flip a window.
void removeFocusFromChildWindow ()
 Internal method: Remove the focus from a child window.
void loadArrowWidgets ()
 Internal method: Load widgets for up/down/left/right arrows.
void getArrowWidgetStatus (ARROW_WIDGET_STATUS *setarrows)
 Internal method: Get the navigation status. With this infos we can select/unselect the arrow widgets.
void switchArrowWidgets ()
 Internal method: Update the status of the arrow widgets.
bool initnav ()
 Internal method: Init navigation.
virtual bool init ()
 Internal method: Load images and setup other things.
virtual bool release ()
 Internal method: Release images and other things.
virtual void draw (bool toRedrawOnly=false, MMSFBRectangle *rect2update=NULL, bool clear=true, unsigned char opacity=255)
 Internal method: Draw me.
void showBufferedShown ()
void drawMyBorder (unsigned char opacity=255)
 Internal method: Draw my border.
bool setFirstFocus (bool cw=false)
 Internal method: Focus one widget/child window for the first time.
double calculateDistGradCode_Up (MMSFBRectangle currPos, MMSFBRectangle candPos)
 Internal method: Used to find best candidate to navigate up from currPos.
double calculateDistGradCode_Down (MMSFBRectangle currPos, MMSFBRectangle candPos)
 Internal method: Used to find best candidate to navigate down from currPos.
double calculateDistGradCode_Left (MMSFBRectangle currPos, MMSFBRectangle candPos)
 Internal method: Used to find best candidate to navigate left from currPos.
double calculateDistGradCode_Right (MMSFBRectangle currPos, MMSFBRectangle candPos)
 Internal method: Used to find best candidate to navigate right from currPos.
bool handleNavigationForWidgets (MMSInputEvent *inputevent)
 Internal method: Handle widget navigation (up/down/left/right).
void removeChildWinFocus ()
 Internal method: Remove the focus from the currently focused child window. Goal: Change status of widgets.
bool restoreChildWinFocus (MMSInputEvent *inputevent=NULL)
 Internal method: Restore the focus to the currently focused child window. Goal: Change status of widgets.
bool handleNavigationForChildWins (MMSInputEvent *inputevent)
 Internal method: Handle child window navigation (up/down/left/right).
void preCalcNavigation ()
 Internal method: Do the pre-calculation of the navigation routes.
void lock ()
 Internal method: Lock the window. Will be used by the widgets.
void unlock ()
 Internal method: Unlock the window. Will be used by the widgets.
bool onBeforeAnimation (MMSPulser *pulser)
bool onAnimation (MMSPulser *pulser)
void onAfterAnimation (MMSPulser *pulser)
virtual bool beforeShowAction (MMSPulser *pulser)
virtual bool showAction (MMSPulser *pulser)
virtual void afterShowAction (MMSPulser *pulser)
virtual bool beforeHideAction (MMSPulser *pulser)
virtual bool hideAction (MMSPulser *pulser)
virtual void afterHideAction (MMSPulser *pulser)
void refreshFromChild (MMSWidget *child, MMSFBRectangle *rect2update=NULL, bool check_shown=true)
 Internal method: Will be called from the MMSWindowAction thread if the window should disappear.
void setFocusedWidget (MMSWidget *child, bool set, bool switchfocus=false, bool refresh=true)
 Internal method: Set the focused widget.
bool handleInput (MMSInputEvent *inputevent)
 Internal method: Will be called by MMSInputManager if the window has the input focus.
void recalculateChildren ()
 Internal method: (Re-)calculate the position and size of all widgets.
void instantShow ()
 Internal method: Show the window without animation.
void instantHide ()
 Internal method: Hide the window without animation.
void setWidgetGeometryOnNextDraw ()
 Internal method: Give window a recalculation hint used for next draw().
void targetLangChanged (MMSLanguage lang, bool refresh=true)
 Internal method: Inform the window, that the language has changed.
void themeChanged (string &themeName, bool refresh=true)
 Internal method: Inform the window, that the theme has changed.

Private Attributes

 type of the window
 access to the theme which is used
 base attributes of the window
 attributes set by <class/> tag in theme.xml
MMSWindowClass myWindowClass
 attributes of the window which will be set during the runtime
 window creation flags
MMSMutex Lock
 to make it thread-safe :)
unsigned long TID
 save the id of the thread which has locked the window
unsigned long Lock_cnt
 count the number of times the thread has call lock() because it is not a problem, that the same thread calls lock() several times
MMSMutex drawLock
 special draw lock
MMSMutex flipLock
 special flip lock
MMSMutex preCalcNaviLock
 lock the pre-calculation of the navigation
bool initialized
 is window initialized?
bool precalcnav
 pre-calc navigation done?
string name
 name of the window
 parent window (if window is a child window) or NULL
 toplevel parent window (if window is a child window) or NULL
 image manager for the window
 window action thread (used for animations)
 background image
bool bgimage_from_external
 background image set by application
 border images
 border geometry
bool bordergeomset
 border geometry set?
 access to the MMSFBLayer on which the window has to be displayed
 access to the MMSFBWindow which is behind of this class
 access to the MMSFBSurface of the window
MMSFBRectangle vrect
 visible screen area (that means the visible area e.g. on the TV set), see the initialization of the MMSWindowManager
int dxpix
 x-movement of the window based on the alignment attribute
int dypix
 y-movement of the window based on the alignment attribute
MMSFBRectangle geom
 geometry of the window based on the margin attribute
MMSFBRectangle innerGeom
 inner geometry of the window based on the border margin attribute
bool draw_setgeom
 check and recalc the geometry of the widgets during the next draw()?
vector< MMSWidget * > children
 widgets of the window
 focused widget or NULL
bool shown
 is window shown?
bool willshow
 is show animation running?
bool willhide
 is hide animation running?
bool firstfocusset
 focus set the first time?
vector< CHILDWINSchildwins
 child windows of the window
unsigned int focusedChildWin
 focused child window
 widget which has to be selected if it is possible to navigate up
 widget which has to be selected if it is possible to navigate down
 widget which has to be selected if it is possible to navigate left
 widget which has to be selected if it is possible to navigate right
bool initialArrowsDrawn
 up/down/left/right arrow widgets updated the first time?
 child window which is to be focused if user navigates up
 child window which is to be focused if user navigates down
 child window which is to be focused if user navigates left
 child window which is to be focused if user navigates right
 widget on which the user has pressed the (mouse) button
 child window on which the user has pressed the (mouse) button
bool stretchmode
 window will be stretched to the layer or the parent window using stretchBlit(), default is false
int stretchLeft
 stretch the window to X percent of the window WIDTH to the left side the value is valid, if window is in stretch mode a value of 25600 means 100% (normal blit() will be used)
int stretchUp
 stretch the window to X percent of the window HEIGHT to the up side the value is valid, if window is in stretch mode a value of 25600 means 100% (normal blit() will be used)
int stretchRight
 stretch the window to X percent of the window WIDTH to the right side the value is valid, if window is in stretch mode a value of 25600 means 100% (normal blit() will be used)
int stretchDown
 stretch the window to X percent of the window HEIGHT to the down side the value is valid, if window is in stretch mode a value of 25600 means 100% (normal blit() will be used)
unsigned int always_on_top_index
 index in childwins vector for the first window with the always on top flag
MMSPulser pulser
 Pulser for e.g. fade/move animations during show/hide.
sigc::connection onBeforeAnimation_connection
 connection object for MMSPulser::onBeforeAnimation callback
sigc::connection onAnimation_connection
 connection object for MMSPulser::onAnimation callback
sigc::connection onAfterAnimation_connection
 connection object for MMSPulser::onAfterAnimation callback
 current pulser mode
unsigned int anim_opacity
MMSFBRectangle anim_rect
bool anim_fade
unsigned int anim_opacity_step
int anim_move_step
bool need_redraw
int zbaselevel
bool buffered_shown

Static Private Attributes

static MMSImageManagerim1 = NULL
 image manager for the window (layer 1)
static MMSFBLayerim1_layer = NULL
 layer for im1
static MMSImageManagerim2 = NULL
 image manager for the window (layer 2)
static MMSFBLayerim2_layer = NULL
 layer for im2
static MMSFontManagerfm = NULL
 font manager for the window
static MMSFBWindowfullscreen_root_window = NULL
 a full screen MMSFBWindow as buffer for all MMSRootWindow objects with own_surface=false
static int fullscreen_root_window_use_count = 0
 use count for fullscreen_root_window
static MMSFBWindowfullscreen_main_window = NULL
 a full screen MMSFBWindow as buffer for all MMSMainWindow objects with own_surface=false
static int fullscreen_main_window_use_count = 0
 use count for fullscreen_main_window


class MMSWindowManager
class MMSInputManager
class MMSWindowAction
class MMSMainWindow
class MMSPopupWindow
class MMSRootWindow
class MMSChildWindow
class MMSWidget
class MMSHBoxWidget
class MMSVBoxWidget
class MMSLabelWidget
class MMSButtonWidget
class MMSImageWidget
class MMSProgressBarWidget
class MMSMenuWidget
class MMSTextBoxWidget
class MMSArrowWidget
class MMSSliderWidget
class MMSInputWidget
class MMSCheckBoxWidget
class MMSCanvasWidget


 status area for the arrow widgets More...
 describes a child window More...

Detailed Description

This class is the base class for all windows.

This class includes the base functionality available for all windows within MMSGUI. This class cannot be constructed. Only windows which are derived from this class can be constructed.

Jens Schneider

Definition at line 102 of file mmswindow.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MMSWindow::MMSWindow (  ) 

The base constructor for all window types.

This will internally used by the supported window types/classes (see MMSWINDOWTYPE).

Definition at line 83 of file mmswindow.cpp.

MMSWindow::~MMSWindow (  )  [virtual]

The base destructor for this class.

Definition at line 153 of file mmswindow.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

bool MMSWindow::create ( string  dx,
string  dy,
string  w,
string  h,
MMSALIGNMENT  alignment,
bool *  own_surface,
bool *  backbuffer 
) [private]

Internal method: Creates the window.

Definition at line 258 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::create ( string  w,
string  h,
MMSALIGNMENT  alignment,
bool *  own_surface,
bool *  backbuffer 
) [private]

Internal method: Creates the window.

Definition at line 389 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::resize ( bool  refresh = true  )  [private]

Internal method: Resize the window.

Definition at line 396 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::addChildWindow ( MMSWindow childwin  )  [private]

Internal method: Add a child window.

Definition at line 975 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::removeChildWindow ( MMSWindow childwin  )  [private]

Internal method: Remove a child window.

Definition at line 1011 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::setChildWindowOpacity ( MMSWindow childwin,
unsigned char  opacity,
bool  refresh = true 
) [private]

Internal method: Set the opacity of a child window.

Definition at line 1042 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::setChildWindowRegion ( MMSWindow childwin,
bool  refresh = true 
) [private]

Internal method: Set the region of a child window.

Definition at line 1065 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::moveChildWindow ( MMSWindow childwin,
int  x,
int  y,
bool  refresh = true 
) [private]

Internal method: Move a child window.

Definition at line 1213 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::drawChildWindows ( MMSFBSurface dst_surface,
MMSFBRegion region = NULL,
int  offsX = 0,
int  offsY = 0 
) [private]

Internal method: Draw a child window.

Definition at line 1224 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::flipWindow ( MMSWindow win = NULL,
MMSFBRegion region = NULL,
MMSFBFlipFlags  flags = MMSFB_FLIP_NONE,
bool  flipChildSurface = true,
bool  locked = false 
) [private]

Internal method: Flip a window.

Definition at line 1485 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::removeFocusFromChildWindow (  )  [private]

Internal method: Remove the focus from a child window.

Definition at line 1649 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::loadArrowWidgets (  )  [private]

Internal method: Load widgets for up/down/left/right arrows.

Definition at line 1685 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::getArrowWidgetStatus ( ARROW_WIDGET_STATUS setarrows  )  [private]

Internal method: Get the navigation status. With this infos we can select/unselect the arrow widgets.

Definition at line 1740 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::switchArrowWidgets (  )  [private]

Internal method: Update the status of the arrow widgets.

Definition at line 1785 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::initnav (  )  [private]

Internal method: Init navigation.

Definition at line 1882 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::init (  )  [private, virtual]

Internal method: Load images and setup other things.

Definition at line 1903 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::release (  )  [private, virtual]

Internal method: Release images and other things.

Definition at line 1929 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::draw ( bool  toRedrawOnly = false,
MMSFBRectangle rect2update = NULL,
bool  clear = true,
unsigned char  opacity = 255 
) [private, virtual]

Internal method: Draw me.

Definition at line 1952 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::showBufferedShown (  )  [private]


Definition at line 2162 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::drawMyBorder ( unsigned char  opacity = 255  )  [private]

Internal method: Draw my border.

Definition at line 2058 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::setFirstFocus ( bool  cw = false  )  [private]

Internal method: Focus one widget/child window for the first time.

Definition at line 3508 of file mmswindow.cpp.

double MMSWindow::calculateDistGradCode_Up ( MMSFBRectangle  currPos,
MMSFBRectangle  candPos 
) [private]

Internal method: Used to find best candidate to navigate up from currPos.

Definition at line 3643 of file mmswindow.cpp.

double MMSWindow::calculateDistGradCode_Down ( MMSFBRectangle  currPos,
MMSFBRectangle  candPos 
) [private]

Internal method: Used to find best candidate to navigate down from currPos.

Definition at line 3734 of file mmswindow.cpp.

double MMSWindow::calculateDistGradCode_Left ( MMSFBRectangle  currPos,
MMSFBRectangle  candPos 
) [private]

Internal method: Used to find best candidate to navigate left from currPos.

Definition at line 3823 of file mmswindow.cpp.

double MMSWindow::calculateDistGradCode_Right ( MMSFBRectangle  currPos,
MMSFBRectangle  candPos 
) [private]

Internal method: Used to find best candidate to navigate right from currPos.

Definition at line 3911 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::handleNavigationForWidgets ( MMSInputEvent inputevent  )  [private]

Internal method: Handle widget navigation (up/down/left/right).

Definition at line 3998 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::removeChildWinFocus (  )  [private]

Internal method: Remove the focus from the currently focused child window. Goal: Change status of widgets.

Definition at line 4046 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::restoreChildWinFocus ( MMSInputEvent inputevent = NULL  )  [private]

Internal method: Restore the focus to the currently focused child window. Goal: Change status of widgets.

Definition at line 4076 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::handleNavigationForChildWins ( MMSInputEvent inputevent  )  [private]

Internal method: Handle child window navigation (up/down/left/right).

Definition at line 4241 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::preCalcNavigation (  )  [private]

Internal method: Do the pre-calculation of the navigation routes.

Definition at line 4314 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::lock (  )  [private]

Internal method: Lock the window. Will be used by the widgets.

Definition at line 850 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::unlock (  )  [private]

Internal method: Unlock the window. Will be used by the widgets.

Definition at line 902 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::onBeforeAnimation ( MMSPulser pulser  )  [private]

Definition at line 2502 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::onAnimation ( MMSPulser pulser  )  [private]

Definition at line 2526 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::onAfterAnimation ( MMSPulser pulser  )  [private]

Definition at line 2548 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::beforeShowAction ( MMSPulser pulser  )  [private, virtual]

Definition at line 2566 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::showAction ( MMSPulser pulser  )  [private, virtual]

Definition at line 2757 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::afterShowAction ( MMSPulser pulser  )  [private, virtual]

Reimplemented in MMSPopupWindow.

Definition at line 2805 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::beforeHideAction ( MMSPulser pulser  )  [private, virtual]

Reimplemented in MMSPopupWindow.

Definition at line 2843 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::hideAction ( MMSPulser pulser  )  [private, virtual]

Definition at line 2914 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::afterHideAction ( MMSPulser pulser  )  [private, virtual]

Definition at line 2959 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::refreshFromChild ( MMSWidget child,
MMSFBRectangle rect2update = NULL,
bool  check_shown = true 
) [private]

Internal method: Will be called from the MMSWindowAction thread if the window should disappear.

Internal method: Refresh a part of a window. Will be used by the widgets.

Definition at line 3247 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setFocusedWidget ( MMSWidget child,
bool  set,
bool  switchfocus = false,
bool  refresh = true 
) [private]

Internal method: Set the focused widget.

Definition at line 3475 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::handleInput ( MMSInputEvent inputevent  )  [private]

Internal method: Will be called by MMSInputManager if the window has the input focus.

Definition at line 4564 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::recalculateChildren (  )  [private]

Internal method: (Re-)calculate the position and size of all widgets.

Definition at line 1871 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::instantShow (  )  [private]

Internal method: Show the window without animation.

Definition at line 5026 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::instantHide (  )  [private]

Internal method: Hide the window without animation.

Definition at line 5043 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setWidgetGeometryOnNextDraw (  )  [private]

Internal method: Give window a recalculation hint used for next draw().

Definition at line 5064 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::targetLangChanged ( MMSLanguage  lang,
bool  refresh = true 
) [private]

Internal method: Inform the window, that the language has changed.

Definition at line 5068 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::themeChanged ( string &  themeName,
bool  refresh = true 
) [private]

Internal method: Inform the window, that the theme has changed.

Definition at line 5100 of file mmswindow.cpp.

MMSWINDOWTYPE MMSWindow::getType (  ) 

Get the type of the window.

type of the window

Definition at line 254 of file mmswindow.cpp.

string MMSWindow::getName (  ) 

Get the name of the window.

name of the window

Definition at line 935 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setName ( string  name  ) 

Set the name of the window.

name name of the window

Definition at line 939 of file mmswindow.cpp.

MMSWindow * MMSWindow::findWindow ( string  name  ) 

Find a window over its name.

name name of the window
pointer to the MMSWindow object or NULL

Definition at line 943 of file mmswindow.cpp.

MMSWindow * MMSWindow::getLastWindow (  ) 

Return last window in the stack.

pointer to the MMSWindow object or NULL

Definition at line 969 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::show (  )  [virtual]

Makes a window visible.

true if the show action successfully started
The MMSWindowAction thread will be started here and show() returnes immediately!

Definition at line 2074 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::hide ( bool  goback = false,
bool  wait = false 
) [virtual]

Hide a visible window.

goback this parameter will be routed to the onHide callback, so the application can decide which if and which window should appear afterwards
wait waiting until hideAction is finished?
true if the hide action successfully started
The MMSWindowAction thread will be started here and hide() returnes immediately if wait=false!

Definition at line 2993 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::waitUntilShown (  ) 

Can be called after show() waiting for end of showAction thread.

Definition at line 3196 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::waitUntilHidden (  ) 

Can be called after hide() waiting for end of hideAction thread.

Definition at line 3209 of file mmswindow.cpp.

MMSFBRectangle MMSWindow::getGeometry (  ) 

Get the geometry of the window.

the rectangle of the window on the layer or parent window

Definition at line 4931 of file mmswindow.cpp.

MMSFBRectangle MMSWindow::getRealGeometry (  ) 

Get the geometry of the window based on the layer.

the rectangle of the window on the layer

Definition at line 4935 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::add ( MMSWidget child  ) 

Add a widget to the window.

child pointer to a widget

Definition at line 3222 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::remove ( MMSWidget child  ) 

Remove a widget from the window.

child pointer to a widget

Definition at line 3236 of file mmswindow.cpp.

MMSWidget * MMSWindow::getFocusedWidget (  ) 

Get the currently focused widget.

pointer to the focused widget

Definition at line 4950 of file mmswindow.cpp.

int MMSWindow::getNumberOfFocusableWidgets ( bool  cw = false  ) 

Get the number of focusable widgets.

cw go recursive through child windows if set to true
number of focusable widgets

Definition at line 4954 of file mmswindow.cpp.

int MMSWindow::getNumberOfFocusableChildWins (  ) 

Get the number of focusable child windows.

number of focusable child windows

Definition at line 4974 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::refresh ( MMSFBRegion region = NULL  ) 

Refresh (redraw) the whole window or a part of it.

It is possible to update window attributes without refresh. In this case you have to refresh() the window 'manually' to make the changes visible.

region region of the window which is to refresh, default NULL means the whole window
For example you can call:

a) setOpacity(100) and setBgColor(bgcolor)


b) setOpacity(100, false), setBgColor(bgcolor, false) and then refresh()

With variant b) you have a better performance because only one refresh will be done.

This works also for widgets. You can update a few widgets without direct refresh and call window->refresh() afterwards.

Definition at line 3430 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::flip ( void   ) 

Flip the surface of the window to make changes visible.

true if successfully flipped
You have to call this method ONLY, if you are drawing own things direct on the window surface!

Please do NOT use this method within the 'normal' GUI context! There is NO need!

If you want to flip, you can also use the flip() method of the MMSFBSurface. But this window flip method handles also childwindows.

Definition at line 1835 of file mmswindow.cpp.

MMSFBLayer * MMSWindow::getLayer (  ) 

Get access to the layer of the window.

pointer to the MMSFBLayer object

Definition at line 1851 of file mmswindow.cpp.

MMSFBSurface * MMSWindow::getSurface (  ) 

Get access to the surface of the window needed to display video streams.

pointer to the surface class

Definition at line 1855 of file mmswindow.cpp.

MMSWindow * MMSWindow::getParent ( bool  toplevel = false  ) 

Get the parent window.

toplevel if true the toplevel parent will be returned
pointer to the parent window or NULL if the window has no parent

Definition at line 1859 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setWindowManager ( IMMSWindowManager wm  ) 

Set the window manager.

wm interface to the window manager

Definition at line 4987 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::isShown ( bool  checkparents = false,
bool  checkopacity = false 

Is the window shown?

checkparents if true the parent(s) will be check too
checkopacity if true the opacity of window(s) will be check too
true, if the window is shown

Definition at line 5008 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::willHide (  ) 

Is the hide action running?

true, if the window action thread is going to hide the window

Definition at line 5022 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setFocus (  ) 

Set the focus to this window.

Definition at line 4154 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getFocus ( bool  checkparents = false  ) 

Is the window focused?

checkparents if true the parent(s) will be check too
true, if the window is focused

Definition at line 4210 of file mmswindow.cpp.

MMSWidget * MMSWindow::findWidget ( string  name  ) 

Find a widget with a given name.

name name of the widget
pointer to the widget which was found or NULL

Definition at line 5121 of file mmswindow.cpp.

MMSWidget * MMSWindow::findWidgetType ( MMSWIDGETTYPE  type  ) 

Find a widget with a given type.

type type of the widget
pointer to the widget which was found or NULL

Definition at line 5142 of file mmswindow.cpp.

MMSWidget * MMSWindow::findWidgetAndType ( string  name,

Find a widget with a given name and type.

Find a root widget with the given name. If the found widget has not the given type, then it searches for the given type under the root widget node.

name name of the widget
type type of the widget
pointer to the widget which was found or NULL

Definition at line 5163 of file mmswindow.cpp.

MMSWidget * MMSWindow::operator[] ( string  name  ) 

Operator [] which you can use to find a widget.

name name of the widget
pointer to the widget which was found or NULL
See also:

Definition at line 5181 of file mmswindow.cpp.

MMSWindow * MMSWindow::getNavigateUpWindow (  ) 

Get the window to which the GUI navigates if the user press up.

pointer to the window or NULL

Definition at line 5196 of file mmswindow.cpp.

MMSWindow * MMSWindow::getNavigateDownWindow (  ) 

Get the window to which the GUI navigates if the user press down.

pointer to the window or NULL

Definition at line 5200 of file mmswindow.cpp.

MMSWindow * MMSWindow::getNavigateLeftWindow (  ) 

Get the window to which the GUI navigates if the user press left.

pointer to the window or NULL

Definition at line 5204 of file mmswindow.cpp.

MMSWindow * MMSWindow::getNavigateRightWindow (  ) 

Get the window to which the GUI navigates if the user press right.

pointer to the window or NULL

Definition at line 5208 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setNavigateUpWindow ( MMSWindow upWindow  ) 

Set the window to which the GUI navigates if the user press up.

upWindow pointer to the window or NULL

Definition at line 5212 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setNavigateDownWindow ( MMSWindow downWindow  ) 

Set the window to which the GUI navigates if the user press down.

downWindow pointer to the window or NULL

Definition at line 5216 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setNavigateLeftWindow ( MMSWindow leftWindow  ) 

Set the window to which the GUI navigates if the user press left.

leftWindow pointer to the window or NULL

Definition at line 5224 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setNavigateRightWindow ( MMSWindow rightWindow  ) 

Set the window to which the GUI navigates if the user press right.

rightWindow pointer to the window or NULL

Definition at line 5220 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::raiseToTop ( int  zlevel = 0  ) 

Definition at line 2240 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::lowerToBottom (  ) 

Definition at line 2358 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::moveTo ( int  x,
int  y,
bool  refresh = true 

Definition at line 2422 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::stretch ( double  left = 100,
double  up = 100,
double  right = 100,
double  down = 100 

Stretch the window to the layer or the parent window using stretchBlit().

left stretch the window to X percent of the window WIDTH to the left side, a value of 100 means 100%
up stretch the window to X percent of the window HEIGHT to the up side, a value of 100 means 100%
right stretch the window to X percent of the window WIDTH to the right side, a value of 100 means 100%
down stretch the window to X percent of the window HEIGHT to the down side, a value of 100 means 100%
true, if the values are accepted
Call stretch() or stretch(100, 100, 100, 100) to switch-of the stretch mode.

The formulas (((left-100)+(right-100)+100) > 0) and (((up-100)+(down-100)+100) > 0) need to be met! Else nothing is to be displayed!

This function was implemented to get cool effects. If you display windows permanently in stretch mode the performance will be drastically decreased.

Definition at line 2473 of file mmswindow.cpp.

unsigned int MMSWindow::printStack ( char *  buffer,
int  space = 0 

Definition at line 5230 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getAlignment ( MMSALIGNMENT alignment  ) 

Get the alignment of the window.

alignment returns the alignment
true, if alignment is successfully returned

Definition at line 5310 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getDx ( string &  dx  ) 

Get the x-movement of the window.

dx returns the x-movement
true, if dx is successfully returned

Definition at line 5314 of file mmswindow.cpp.

int MMSWindow::getDxPix (  ) 

Get the x-movement of the window as integer in pixel.

the x-movement

Definition at line 5318 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getDy ( string &  dy  ) 

Get the y-movement of the window.

dy returns the y-movement
true, if dy is successfully returned

Definition at line 5322 of file mmswindow.cpp.

int MMSWindow::getDyPix (  ) 

Get the y-movement of the window as integer in pixel.

the y-movement

Definition at line 5326 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getWidth ( string &  width  ) 

Get the width of the window.

width returns the width
true, if width is successfully returned

Definition at line 5330 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getHeight ( string &  height  ) 

Get the height of the window.

height returns the height
true, if height is successfully returned

Definition at line 5334 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getBgColor ( MMSFBColor bgcolor  ) 

Get the background color of the window.

bgcolor returns the bgcolor
true, if bgcolor is successfully returned

Definition at line 5338 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getBgImagePath ( string &  bgimagepath  ) 

Get the path to the background image of the window.

bgimagepath returns the path
true, if bgimagepath is successfully returned

Definition at line 5342 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getBgImageName ( string &  bgimagename  ) 

Get the name of the background image.

bgimagename returns the name
true, if bgimagename is successfully returned

Definition at line 5346 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getOpacity ( unsigned int &  opacity  ) 

Get the opacity of the window.

opacity returns the opacity
true, if opacity is successfully returned

Definition at line 5350 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getFadeIn ( bool &  fadein  ) 

Detect if the window has to fade-in during the show action.

fadein returns the fadein status
true, if fadein is successfully returned

Definition at line 5354 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getFadeOut ( bool &  fadeout  ) 

Detect if the window has to fade-out during the hide action.

fadeout returns the fadeout status
true, if fadeout is successfully returned

Definition at line 5358 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getDebug ( bool &  debug  ) 

Detect if the window has to draw debug rectangles around its widgets.

debug returns the debug status
true, if debug is successfully returned

Definition at line 5362 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getMargin ( unsigned int &  margin  ) 

Get the margin of the window.

The margin of a window is the space around the window border. If you have for example a 640x480 window with an margin 10, the window content will be drawed within 620x460.

margin returns the margin
true, if margin is successfully returned

Definition at line 5366 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getUpArrow ( string &  uparrow  ) 

Get the name of the uparrow widget.

If the user can navigate up to a other widget or child window, the uparrow widget will be selected, else unselected.

uparrow returns the name
true, if uparrow is successfully returned

Definition at line 5370 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getDownArrow ( string &  downarrow  ) 

Get the name of the downarrow widget.

If the user can navigate down to a other widget or child window, the downarrow widget will be selected, else unselected.

downarrow returns the name
true, if downarrow is successfully returned

Definition at line 5374 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getLeftArrow ( string &  leftarrow  ) 

Get the name of the leftarrow widget.

If the user can navigate left to a other widget or child window, the leftarrow widget will be selected, else unselected.

leftarrow returns the name
true, if leftarrow is successfully returned

Definition at line 5378 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getRightArrow ( string &  rightarrow  ) 

Get the name of the rightarrow widget.

If the user can navigate right to a other widget or child window, the rightarrow widget will be selected, else unselected.

rightarrow returns the name
true, if rightarrow is successfully returned

Definition at line 5382 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getNavigateUp ( string &  navigateup  ) 

Get the name of the navigateup window.

This is the child window which is to be focused if user navigates up. If it is not set, the GUI is searching automatically for the best route.

navigateup returns the name
true, if navigateup is successfully returned

Definition at line 5386 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getNavigateDown ( string &  navigatedown  ) 

Get the name of the navigatedown window.

This is the child window which is to be focused if user navigates down. If it is not set, the GUI is searching automatically for the best route.

navigatedown returns the name
true, if navigatedown is successfully returned

Definition at line 5390 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getNavigateLeft ( string &  navigateleft  ) 

Get the name of the navigateleft window.

This is the child window which is to be focused if user navigates left. If it is not set, the GUI is searching automatically for the best route.

navigateleft returns the name
true, if navigateleft is successfully returned

Definition at line 5394 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getNavigateRight ( string &  navigateright  ) 

Get the name of the navigateright window.

This is the child window which is to be focused if user navigates right. If it is not set, the GUI is searching automatically for the best route.

navigateright returns the name
true, if navigateright is successfully returned

Definition at line 5398 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getOwnSurface ( bool &  ownsurface  ) 

Detect if the window has an own surface.

If the window has no own surface, the drawing functions will be directly work on the parent surface. This can save a lot of memory.

ownsurface returns the ownsurface status
true, if ownsurface is successfully returned

Definition at line 5402 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getMoveIn ( MMSDIRECTION movein  ) 

Get the move-in direction of the window which is used during the show action.

movein returns the movein direction
true, if movein is successfully returned

Definition at line 5406 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getMoveOut ( MMSDIRECTION moveout  ) 

Get the move-out direction of the window which is used during the hide action.

moveout returns the moveout direction
true, if moveout is successfully returned

Definition at line 5410 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getModal ( bool &  modal  ) 

Detect if the window has to be modal if it is focused.

modal returns the modal status
true, if modal is successfully returned

Definition at line 5414 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getStaticZOrder ( bool &  staticzorder  ) 

Detect if the window automatically changes the zorder of child windows during show() or setFocus().

staticzorder returns the static zorder flag
true, if value is successfully returned

Definition at line 5418 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getAlwaysOnTop ( bool &  alwaysontop  ) 

Detect if the window will be permanently displayed at the top of the window stack.

alwaysontop returns the always on top flag
true, if value is successfully returned

Definition at line 5422 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getFocusable ( bool &  focusable  ) 

Detect if the window can be focused.

focusable returns the focusable flag
true, if value is successfully returned

Definition at line 5426 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getBackBuffer ( bool &  backbuffer  ) 

Detect if the window has an backbuffer.

backbuffer returns the backbuffer flag
true, if value is successfully returned

Definition at line 5430 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getInitialLoad ( bool &  initialload  ) 

Detect if the window is loading images, fonts etc. during initialization.

initialload returns the initial load flag
true, if value is successfully returned
Per default initial load is false. That means that the window and it's widgets will load images, fonts etc. during the first show().

Definition at line 5434 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getBorderColor ( MMSFBColor color  ) 

Get the color of the window border.

color returns the border color
true, if color is successfully returned

Definition at line 5450 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getBorderImagePath ( string &  imagepath  ) 

Get the path to the window border images.

imagepath returns the path
true, if imagepath is successfully returned

Definition at line 5454 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getBorderImageNames ( MMSBORDER_IMAGE_NUM  num,
string &  imagename 

Get the name of a border image.

num number of image, see MMSBORDER_IMAGE_NUM
imagename returns the name
true, if imagename is successfully returned

Definition at line 5458 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getBorderThickness ( unsigned int &  thickness  ) 

Get the border thickness.

thickness returns the border thickness
true, if thickness is successfully returned

Definition at line 5462 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getBorderMargin ( unsigned int &  margin  ) 

Get the border margin.

The border margin is the space between the border an the inner rectangle of the window on which the widgets or child windows will be drawn.

margin returns the border margin
true, if margin is successfully returned

Definition at line 5466 of file mmswindow.cpp.

bool MMSWindow::getBorderRCorners ( bool &  rcorners  ) 

Detect if the border has round corners.

rcorners returns the round corners status
true, if rcorners is successfully returned

Definition at line 5470 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setAlignment ( MMSALIGNMENT  alignment,
bool  refresh = true,
bool  resize = true 

Set the alignment of the window.

alignment the alignment
refresh refresh the window after changing the alignment?
resize resize the window after changing the alignment?

Definition at line 5478 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setDx ( string  dx,
bool  refresh = false,
bool  resize = true 

Set the x-movement of the window.

dx the x-movement
refresh refresh the window after changing the dx?
resize resize the window after changing the dx?

Definition at line 5486 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setDxPix ( int  dx,
bool  refresh = false,
bool  resize = true 

Set the x-movement of the window as integer in pixel.

dx the x-movement in pixel
refresh refresh the window after changing the dx?
resize resize the window after changing the dx?

Definition at line 5494 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setDy ( string  dy,
bool  refresh = false,
bool  resize = true 

Set the y-movement of the window.

dy the y-movement
refresh refresh the window after changing the dy?
resize resize the window after changing the dy?

Definition at line 5499 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setDyPix ( int  dy,
bool  refresh = false,
bool  resize = true 

Set the y-movement of the window as integer in pixel.

dy the y-movement in pixel
refresh refresh the window after changing the dy?
resize resize the window after changing the dy?

Definition at line 5507 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setWidth ( string  width,
bool  refresh = true,
bool  resize = true 

Set the width of the window.

width the width
refresh refresh the window after changing the width?
resize resize the window after changing the width?

Definition at line 5512 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setHeight ( string  height,
bool  refresh = true,
bool  resize = true 

Set the height of the window.

height the height
refresh refresh the window after changing the height?
resize resize the window after changing the height?

Definition at line 5520 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setBgColor ( MMSFBColor  bgcolor,
bool  refresh = true 

Set the background color of the window.

bgcolor the bgcolor
refresh refresh the window after changing the bgcolor?

Definition at line 5528 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setBgImagePath ( string  bgimagepath,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Set the path to the background image of the window.

bgimagepath the path
load reload the bgimage after changing the bgimagepath?
refresh refresh the window after changing the bgimagepath?

Definition at line 5534 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setBgImageName ( string  bgimagename,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Set the name of the background image.

bgimagename the name
load reload the bgimage after changing the bgimagename?
refresh refresh the window after changing the bgimagename?

Definition at line 5551 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setBgImage ( MMSFBSurface bgimage,
bool  refresh = true 

Set background image already loaded by the application.

bgimage pointer to surface or NULL
refresh refresh the window after changing?

Definition at line 5569 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setOpacity ( unsigned int  opacity,
bool  refresh = true 

Set the opacity of the window.

opacity the opacity
refresh refresh the window after changing the opacity?

Definition at line 5586 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setFadeIn ( bool  fadein  ) 

Set the fadein status needed during the show action.

fadein if true, the window is fading in during the next show()

Definition at line 5605 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setFadeOut ( bool  fadeout  ) 

Set the fadeout status needed during the hide action.

fadeout if true, the window is fading out during the next hide()

Definition at line 5609 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setDebug ( bool  debug,
bool  refresh = true 

Should the window draw debug rectangles around its widgets?

debug the debug status
refresh refresh the window after changing the debug status?

Definition at line 5613 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setMargin ( unsigned int  margin,
bool  refresh = true,
bool  resize = true 

Set the margin of the window.

The margin of a window is the space around the window border. If you have for example a 640x480 window with an margin 10, the window content will be drawed within 620x460.

margin the margin
refresh refresh the window after changing the margin?
resize resize the window after changing the margin?

Definition at line 5619 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setUpArrow ( string  uparrow,
bool  refresh = true 

Set the name of the uparrow widget.

If the user can navigate up to a other widget or child window, the uparrow widget will be selected, else unselected.

uparrow the name
refresh refresh the window after changing the uparrow?

Definition at line 5627 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setDownArrow ( string  downarrow,
bool  refresh = true 

Set the name of the downarrow widget.

If the user can navigate down to a other widget or child window, the downarrow widget will be selected, else unselected.

downarrow the name
refresh refresh the window after changing the downarrow?

Definition at line 5634 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setLeftArrow ( string  leftarrow,
bool  refresh = true 

Set the name of the leftarrow widget.

If the user can navigate left to a other widget or child window, the leftarrow widget will be selected, else unselected.

leftarrow the name
refresh refresh the window after changing the leftarrow?

Definition at line 5641 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setRightArrow ( string  rightarrow,
bool  refresh = true 

Set the name of the rightarrow widget.

If the user can navigate right to a other widget or child window, the rightarrow widget will be selected, else unselected.

rightarrow the name
refresh refresh the window after changing the rightarrow?

Definition at line 5648 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setNavigateUp ( string  navigateup  ) 

Set the name of the navigateup window.

This is the child window which is to be focused if user navigates up. If it is not set, the GUI is searching automatically for the best route.

navigateup the name

Definition at line 5655 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setNavigateDown ( string  navigatedown  ) 

Set the name of the navigatedown window.

This is the child window which is to be focused if user navigates down. If it is not set, the GUI is searching automatically for the best route.

navigatedown the name

Definition at line 5662 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setNavigateLeft ( string  navigateleft  ) 

Set the name of the navigateleft window.

This is the child window which is to be focused if user navigates left. If it is not set, the GUI is searching automatically for the best route.

navigateleft the name

Definition at line 5669 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setNavigateRight ( string  navigateright  ) 

Set the name of the navigateright window.

This is the child window which is to be focused if user navigates right. If it is not set, the GUI is searching automatically for the best route.

navigateright the name

Definition at line 5676 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setOwnSurface ( bool  ownsurface  ) 

Should the window working with an own surface?

If the window has no own surface, the drawing functions will be directly work on the parent surface. This can save a lot of memory.

ownsurface the ownsurface status

Definition at line 5683 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setMoveIn ( MMSDIRECTION  movein  ) 

Set the move-in direction of the window which is used during the show action.

movein the movein direction

Definition at line 5687 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setMoveOut ( MMSDIRECTION  moveout  ) 

Set the move-out direction of the window which is used during the hide action.

moveout the moveout direction

Definition at line 5691 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setModal ( bool  modal  ) 

Set the modal status of the window.

modal if true, the window is marked as modal

Definition at line 5695 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setStaticZOrder ( bool  staticzorder  ) 

Set the zorder status of the window.

staticzorder if true, the window automatically changes the zorder of child window during show() / setFocus()

Definition at line 5699 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setAlwaysOnTop ( bool  alwaysontop  ) 

Set the always on top flag of the window.

alwaysontop if true, the window will be permanently displayed at the top of the window stack

Definition at line 5703 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setFocusable ( bool  focusable  ) 

Set the focusable flag of the window.

focusable if true, the window will can get the focus

Definition at line 5723 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setBackBuffer ( bool  backbuffer  ) 

Set the backbuffer flag of the window.

backbuffer if true, the window surface has a front and a backbuffer

Definition at line 5727 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setInitialLoad ( bool  initialload  ) 

Set the initial load flag of the window.

initialload if true, the window is loading images, fonts etc. during initialization

Definition at line 5731 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setBorderColor ( MMSFBColor  color,
bool  refresh = true 

Set the color of the window border.

color the border color
refresh refresh the window after changing the border color?

Definition at line 5735 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setBorderImagePath ( string  imagepath,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Set the path to the window border images.

imagepath returns the path
load reload the border images after changing the imagepath?
refresh refresh the window after changing the imagepath?

Definition at line 5741 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setBorderImageNames ( string  imagename_1,
string  imagename_2,
string  imagename_3,
string  imagename_4,
string  imagename_5,
string  imagename_6,
string  imagename_7,
string  imagename_8,
bool  load = true,
bool  refresh = true 

Set the names of the window border images.

imagename_1 the top-left image
imagename_2 the top image
imagename_3 the top-right image
imagename_4 the right image
imagename_5 the bottom-right image
imagename_6 the bottom image
imagename_7 the bottom-left imagethis->focusedChildWin
imagename_8 the left image
load reload the border images after changing the image names?
refresh refresh the window after changing the image names?

Definition at line 5758 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setBorderThickness ( unsigned int  thickness,
bool  refresh = true,
bool  resize = true 

Set the border thickness.

thickness the border thickness
refresh refresh the window after changing the thickness?
resize resize the window after changing the thickness?

Definition at line 5778 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setBorderMargin ( unsigned int  margin,
bool  refresh = true,
bool  resize = true 

Set the border margin.

The border margin is the space between the border an the inner rectangle of the window on which the widgets or child windows will be drawn.

margin the border margin
refresh refresh the window after changing the margin?
resize resize the window after changing the margin?

Definition at line 5786 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::setBorderRCorners ( bool  rcorners,
bool  refresh = true 

Should the window border uses round corners?

rcorners the round corners status
refresh refresh the window after changing the rcorners?

Definition at line 5794 of file mmswindow.cpp.

void MMSWindow::updateFromThemeClass ( MMSWindowClass themeClass  ) 

Update the current window settings with settings from another theme class.

themeClass source theme class
Only this parameters which are set within the source theme class will be updated.

Definition at line 5800 of file mmswindow.cpp.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class MMSWindowManager [friend]

Definition at line 1659 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSInputManager [friend]

Definition at line 1660 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSWindowAction [friend]

Definition at line 1661 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSMainWindow [friend]

Definition at line 1662 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSPopupWindow [friend]

Definition at line 1663 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSRootWindow [friend]

Definition at line 1664 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSChildWindow [friend]

Definition at line 1665 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSWidget [friend]

Definition at line 1666 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSHBoxWidget [friend]

Definition at line 1667 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSVBoxWidget [friend]

Definition at line 1668 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSLabelWidget [friend]

Definition at line 1669 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSButtonWidget [friend]

Definition at line 1670 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSImageWidget [friend]

Definition at line 1671 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSProgressBarWidget [friend]

Definition at line 1672 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSMenuWidget [friend]

Definition at line 1673 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSTextBoxWidget [friend]

Definition at line 1674 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSArrowWidget [friend]

Definition at line 1675 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSSliderWidget [friend]

Definition at line 1676 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSInputWidget [friend]

Definition at line 1677 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSCheckBoxWidget [friend]

Definition at line 1678 of file mmswindow.h.

friend class MMSCanvasWidget [friend]

Definition at line 1679 of file mmswindow.h.

Member Data Documentation

type of the window

Definition at line 134 of file mmswindow.h.

access to the theme which is used

Definition at line 137 of file mmswindow.h.

base attributes of the window

This can be initialization values from theme.cpp or from theme.xml (NOT a <class/> definition, but e.g. tag <mainwindow/>).

Definition at line 144 of file mmswindow.h.

attributes set by <class/> tag in theme.xml

Is NULL, if window has no theme class definition. Attributes set here, prevails over attributes from baseWindowClass.

Definition at line 151 of file mmswindow.h.

attributes of the window which will be set during the runtime

The runtime attributes set here (e.g. window->setAlignment(...) ), prevails over attributes from windowClass and baseWindowClass.

Definition at line 158 of file mmswindow.h.

window creation flags

Definition at line 161 of file mmswindow.h.

to make it thread-safe :)

Definition at line 164 of file mmswindow.h.

unsigned long MMSWindow::TID [private]

save the id of the thread which has locked the window

Definition at line 167 of file mmswindow.h.

unsigned long MMSWindow::Lock_cnt [private]

count the number of times the thread has call lock() because it is not a problem, that the same thread calls lock() several times

Definition at line 170 of file mmswindow.h.

special draw lock

Definition at line 173 of file mmswindow.h.

special flip lock

Definition at line 176 of file mmswindow.h.

lock the pre-calculation of the navigation

Definition at line 179 of file mmswindow.h.

bool MMSWindow::initialized [private]

is window initialized?

Definition at line 182 of file mmswindow.h.

bool MMSWindow::precalcnav [private]

pre-calc navigation done?

Definition at line 185 of file mmswindow.h.

string MMSWindow::name [private]

name of the window

Definition at line 188 of file mmswindow.h.

parent window (if window is a child window) or NULL

Definition at line 191 of file mmswindow.h.

toplevel parent window (if window is a child window) or NULL

Definition at line 194 of file mmswindow.h.

MMSImageManager * MMSWindow::im1 = NULL [static, private]

image manager for the window (layer 1)

Definition at line 197 of file mmswindow.h.

MMSFBLayer * MMSWindow::im1_layer = NULL [static, private]

layer for im1

Definition at line 200 of file mmswindow.h.

MMSImageManager * MMSWindow::im2 = NULL [static, private]

image manager for the window (layer 2)

Definition at line 203 of file mmswindow.h.

MMSFBLayer * MMSWindow::im2_layer = NULL [static, private]

layer for im2

Definition at line 206 of file mmswindow.h.

image manager for the window

Definition at line 209 of file mmswindow.h.

MMSFontManager * MMSWindow::fm = NULL [static, private]

font manager for the window

Definition at line 212 of file mmswindow.h.

window action thread (used for animations)

Definition at line 215 of file mmswindow.h.

background image

Definition at line 218 of file mmswindow.h.

background image set by application

Definition at line 221 of file mmswindow.h.

MMSFBSurface* MMSWindow::borderimages[MMSBORDER_IMAGE_NUM_SIZE] [private]

border images

Definition at line 224 of file mmswindow.h.

MMSFBRectangle MMSWindow::bordergeom[MMSBORDER_IMAGE_NUM_SIZE] [private]

border geometry

Definition at line 227 of file mmswindow.h.

bool MMSWindow::bordergeomset [private]

border geometry set?

Definition at line 230 of file mmswindow.h.

access to the MMSFBLayer on which the window has to be displayed

Definition at line 233 of file mmswindow.h.

MMSFBWindow * MMSWindow::fullscreen_root_window = NULL [static, private]

a full screen MMSFBWindow as buffer for all MMSRootWindow objects with own_surface=false

Definition at line 236 of file mmswindow.h.

use count for fullscreen_root_window

Definition at line 239 of file mmswindow.h.

MMSFBWindow * MMSWindow::fullscreen_main_window = NULL [static, private]

a full screen MMSFBWindow as buffer for all MMSMainWindow objects with own_surface=false

Definition at line 242 of file mmswindow.h.

use count for fullscreen_main_window

Definition at line 245 of file mmswindow.h.

access to the MMSFBWindow which is behind of this class

Definition at line 248 of file mmswindow.h.

access to the MMSFBSurface of the window

Definition at line 251 of file mmswindow.h.

visible screen area (that means the visible area e.g. on the TV set), see the initialization of the MMSWindowManager

Definition at line 254 of file mmswindow.h.

int MMSWindow::dxpix [private]

x-movement of the window based on the alignment attribute

Definition at line 257 of file mmswindow.h.

int MMSWindow::dypix [private]

y-movement of the window based on the alignment attribute

Definition at line 260 of file mmswindow.h.

geometry of the window based on the margin attribute

Definition at line 263 of file mmswindow.h.

inner geometry of the window based on the border margin attribute

Definition at line 266 of file mmswindow.h.

bool MMSWindow::draw_setgeom [private]

check and recalc the geometry of the widgets during the next draw()?

Definition at line 269 of file mmswindow.h.

vector<MMSWidget *> MMSWindow::children [private]

widgets of the window

Definition at line 272 of file mmswindow.h.

focused widget or NULL

Definition at line 275 of file mmswindow.h.

bool MMSWindow::shown [private]

is window shown?

Definition at line 278 of file mmswindow.h.

bool MMSWindow::willshow [private]

is show animation running?

Definition at line 281 of file mmswindow.h.

bool MMSWindow::willhide [private]

is hide animation running?

Definition at line 284 of file mmswindow.h.

bool MMSWindow::firstfocusset [private]

focus set the first time?

Definition at line 287 of file mmswindow.h.

vector<CHILDWINS> MMSWindow::childwins [private]

child windows of the window

Definition at line 290 of file mmswindow.h.

unsigned int MMSWindow::focusedChildWin [private]

focused child window

Definition at line 293 of file mmswindow.h.

widget which has to be selected if it is possible to navigate up

Definition at line 296 of file mmswindow.h.

widget which has to be selected if it is possible to navigate down

Definition at line 299 of file mmswindow.h.

widget which has to be selected if it is possible to navigate left

Definition at line 302 of file mmswindow.h.

widget which has to be selected if it is possible to navigate right

Definition at line 305 of file mmswindow.h.

up/down/left/right arrow widgets updated the first time?

Definition at line 308 of file mmswindow.h.

child window which is to be focused if user navigates up

Definition at line 311 of file mmswindow.h.

child window which is to be focused if user navigates down

Definition at line 314 of file mmswindow.h.

child window which is to be focused if user navigates left

Definition at line 317 of file mmswindow.h.

child window which is to be focused if user navigates right

Definition at line 320 of file mmswindow.h.

widget on which the user has pressed the (mouse) button

Definition at line 323 of file mmswindow.h.

child window on which the user has pressed the (mouse) button

Definition at line 326 of file mmswindow.h.

bool MMSWindow::stretchmode [private]

window will be stretched to the layer or the parent window using stretchBlit(), default is false

Definition at line 329 of file mmswindow.h.

int MMSWindow::stretchLeft [private]

stretch the window to X percent of the window WIDTH to the left side the value is valid, if window is in stretch mode a value of 25600 means 100% (normal blit() will be used)

Definition at line 334 of file mmswindow.h.

int MMSWindow::stretchUp [private]

stretch the window to X percent of the window HEIGHT to the up side the value is valid, if window is in stretch mode a value of 25600 means 100% (normal blit() will be used)

Definition at line 339 of file mmswindow.h.

int MMSWindow::stretchRight [private]

stretch the window to X percent of the window WIDTH to the right side the value is valid, if window is in stretch mode a value of 25600 means 100% (normal blit() will be used)

Definition at line 344 of file mmswindow.h.

int MMSWindow::stretchDown [private]

stretch the window to X percent of the window HEIGHT to the down side the value is valid, if window is in stretch mode a value of 25600 means 100% (normal blit() will be used)

Definition at line 349 of file mmswindow.h.

unsigned int MMSWindow::always_on_top_index [private]

index in childwins vector for the first window with the always on top flag

Definition at line 353 of file mmswindow.h.

Pulser for e.g. fade/move animations during show/hide.

Definition at line 357 of file mmswindow.h.

sigc::connection MMSWindow::onBeforeAnimation_connection [private]

connection object for MMSPulser::onBeforeAnimation callback

Definition at line 360 of file mmswindow.h.

sigc::connection MMSWindow::onAnimation_connection [private]

connection object for MMSPulser::onAnimation callback

Definition at line 363 of file mmswindow.h.

sigc::connection MMSWindow::onAfterAnimation_connection [private]

connection object for MMSPulser::onAfterAnimation callback

Definition at line 366 of file mmswindow.h.

current pulser mode

Definition at line 369 of file mmswindow.h.

unsigned int MMSWindow::anim_opacity [private]

Definition at line 372 of file mmswindow.h.

Definition at line 373 of file mmswindow.h.

bool MMSWindow::anim_fade [private]

Definition at line 374 of file mmswindow.h.

Definition at line 375 of file mmswindow.h.

unsigned int MMSWindow::anim_opacity_step [private]

Definition at line 376 of file mmswindow.h.

Definition at line 377 of file mmswindow.h.

bool MMSWindow::need_redraw [private]

Definition at line 380 of file mmswindow.h.

int MMSWindow::zbaselevel [private]

Definition at line 382 of file mmswindow.h.

bool MMSWindow::buffered_shown [private]


Definition at line 446 of file mmswindow.h.

IMMSWindowManager * MMSWindow::windowmanager = NULL [static, protected]

interface to the window manager

Definition at line 537 of file mmswindow.h.

sigc::signal<bool, MMSWindow*>::accumulated<bool_accumulator>* MMSWindow::onBeforeShow

Set one or more callbacks for the onBeforeShow event.

The connected callbacks will be called during show(). If at least one of the callbacks returns false, the show process of the window will be stopped and the window will not appear.

A callback method must be defined like this:

bool myclass::mycallbackmethod(MMSWindow *win);

win is the pointer to the window which is to be shown
true if the show process should continue, else false if the window should not appear
To connect your callback to onBeforeShow do this:

sigc::connection connection; connection = mywindow->onBeforeShow->connect(sigc::mem_fun(myobject,&myclass::mycallbackmethod));

To disconnect your callback do this:


Please note:

You HAVE TO disconnect myobject from onBeforeShow BEFORE myobject will be deleted!!! Else an abnormal program termination can occur. You HAVE TO call the disconnect() method of sigc::connection explicitly. The destructor will NOT do this!!!

Definition at line 865 of file mmswindow.h.

sigc::signal<void, MMSWindow*, bool>* MMSWindow::onAfterShow

Set one or more callbacks for the onAfterShow event.

The connected callbacks will be called during show().

A callback method must be defined like this:

void myclass::mycallbackmethod(MMSWindow *win, bool already_shown);

win is the pointer to the window which is shown now
already_shown the window was already shown?
To connect your callback to onAfterShow do this:

sigc::connection connection; connection = mywindow->onAfterShow->connect(sigc::mem_fun(myobject,&myclass::mycallbackmethod));

To disconnect your callback do this:


Please note:

You HAVE TO disconnect myobject from onAfterShow BEFORE myobject will be deleted!!! Else an abnormal program termination can occur. You HAVE TO call the disconnect() method of sigc::connection explicitly. The destructor will NOT do this!!!

Definition at line 893 of file mmswindow.h.

sigc::signal<bool, MMSWindow*, bool>::accumulated<bool_accumulator>* MMSWindow::onBeforeHide

Set one or more callbacks for the onBeforeHide event.

The connected callbacks will be called during hide(). If at least one of the callbacks returns false, the hide process of the window will be stopped and the window will not disappear.

A callback method must be defined like this:

bool myclass::mycallbackmethod(MMSWindow *win, bool goback);

win is the pointer to the window which is to be hidden
goback the application can decide, what to do if true/false, see hide()
true if the hide process should continue, else false if the window should not disappear
To connect your callback to onBeforeHide do this:

sigc::connection connection; connection = mywindow->onBeforeHide->connect(sigc::mem_fun(myobject,&myclass::mycallbackmethod));

To disconnect your callback do this:


Please note:

You HAVE TO disconnect myobject from onBeforeHide BEFORE myobject will be deleted!!! Else an abnormal program termination can occur. You HAVE TO call the disconnect() method of sigc::connection explicitly. The destructor will NOT do this!!!

Definition at line 925 of file mmswindow.h.

sigc::signal<void, MMSWindow*, bool>* MMSWindow::onHide

Set one or more callbacks for the onHide event.

The connected callbacks will be called during hide().

A callback method must be defined like this:

void myclass::mycallbackmethod(MMSWindow *win, bool goback);

win is the pointer to the window which is hidden now
goback the application can decide, what to do if true/false, see hide()
To connect your callback to onHide do this:

sigc::connection connection; connection = mywindow->onHide->connect(sigc::mem_fun(myobject,&myclass::mycallbackmethod));

To disconnect your callback do this:


Please note:

You HAVE TO disconnect myobject from onHide BEFORE myobject will be deleted!!! Else an abnormal program termination can occur. You HAVE TO call the disconnect() method of sigc::connection explicitly. The destructor will NOT do this!!!

Definition at line 953 of file mmswindow.h.

Set one or more callbacks for the onHandleInput event.

The connected callbacks will be called if an input event was raised.

A callback method must be defined like this:

bool myclass::mycallbackmethod(MMSWindow *win, MMSInputEvent *inputevent);

win is the pointer to the window
inputevent the input event
callback should return true if the input was handled, else false
To connect your callback to onHandleInput do this:

sigc::connection connection; connection = mywindow->onHandleInput->connect(sigc::mem_fun(myobject,&myclass::mycallbackmethod));

To disconnect your callback do this:


Please note:

You HAVE TO disconnect myobject from onHandleInput BEFORE myobject will be deleted!!! Else an abnormal program termination can occur. You HAVE TO call the disconnect() method of sigc::connection explicitly. The destructor will NOT do this!!!

Definition at line 983 of file mmswindow.h.

Set one or more callbacks for the onBeforeHandleInput event.

The connected callbacks will be called if an input event was raised, before any standard operation took place A callback method must be defined like this:

bool myclass::mycallbackmethod(MMSWindow *win, MMSInputEvent *inputevent);

win is the pointer to the window
inputevent the input event
callback should return true if the input was handled, else false
To connect your callback to onHandleInput do this:

sigc::connection connection; connection = mywindow->onHandleInput->connect(sigc::mem_fun(myobject,&myclass::mycallbackmethod));

To disconnect your callback do this:


Please note:

You HAVE TO disconnect myobject from onHandleInput BEFORE myobject will be deleted!!! Else an abnormal program termination can occur. You HAVE TO call the disconnect() method of sigc::connection explicitly. The destructor will NOT do this!!!

Definition at line 1013 of file mmswindow.h.

sigc::signal<bool, MMSFBSurface*, bool>::accumulated<neg_bool_accumulator>* MMSWindow::onDraw

Set one or more callbacks for the onDraw event.

The connected callbacks will be called if the window will be drawn.

A callback method must be defined like this:

bool myclass::mycallbackmethod(MMSFBSurface *surface, bool clear);

surface is the pointer to window's surface
clear if true, the callback should clear the surface before drawing
callback should return true if it has drawn to the surface, else false
To connect your callback to onDraw do this:

sigc::connection connection; connection = mywindow->onDraw->connect(sigc::mem_fun(myobject,&myclass::mycallbackmethod));

To disconnect your callback do this:


Please note:

You HAVE TO disconnect myobject from onDraw BEFORE myobject will be deleted!!! Else an abnormal program termination can occur. You HAVE TO call the disconnect() method of sigc::connection explicitly. The destructor will NOT do this!!!

Definition at line 1044 of file mmswindow.h.

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