MMSWidgetClass Class Reference

A data access class as base for all widgets. More...

#include <mmswidgetclass.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MMSWidgetClass ()
 Constructor of class MMSWidgetClass.
 ~MMSWidgetClass ()
 Destructor of class MMSWidgetClass.
MMSWidgetClassoperator= (const MMSWidgetClass &c)
void unsetAll ()
 Mark all attributes as not set.
bool isBgColor ()
 Check if the background color is set. This color will be used for the unselected widget.
void unsetBgColor ()
 Mark the bgcolor as not set.
void setBgColor (const MMSFBColor &bgcolor)
 Set the background color which is used to draw the unselected widget.
bool getBgColor (MMSFBColor &bgcolor)
 Get the background color which is used to draw the unselected widget.
bool isSelBgColor ()
 Check if the background color is set. This color will be used for the selected widget.
void unsetSelBgColor ()
 Mark the selbgcolor as not set.
void setSelBgColor (const MMSFBColor &selbgcolor)
 Set the background color which is used to draw the selected widget.
bool getSelBgColor (MMSFBColor &selbgcolor)
 Get the background color which is used to draw the selected widget.
bool isBgColor_p ()
 Check if the pressed background color is set. This color will be used for the unselected widget.
void unsetBgColor_p ()
 Mark the pressed bgcolor as not set.
void setBgColor_p (const MMSFBColor &bgcolor_p)
 Set the pressed background color which is used to draw the unselected widget.
bool getBgColor_p (MMSFBColor &bgcolor_p)
 Get the pressed background color which is used to draw the unselected widget.
bool isSelBgColor_p ()
 Check if the pressed background color is set. This color will be used for the selected widget.
void unsetSelBgColor_p ()
 Mark the pressed selbgcolor as not set.
void setSelBgColor_p (const MMSFBColor &selbgcolor_p)
 Set the pressed background color which is used to draw the selected widget.
bool getSelBgColor_p (MMSFBColor &selbgcolor_p)
 Get the pressed background color which is used to draw the selected widget.
bool isBgColor_i ()
 Check if the inactive background color is set. This color will be used for the unselected widget.
void unsetBgColor_i ()
 Mark the inactive bgcolor as not set.
void setBgColor_i (const MMSFBColor &bgcolor_i)
 Set the inactive background color which is used to draw the unselected widget.
bool getBgColor_i (MMSFBColor &bgcolor_i)
 Get the inactive background color which is used to draw the unselected widget.
bool isSelBgColor_i ()
 Check if the inactive background color is set. This color will be used for the selected widget.
void unsetSelBgColor_i ()
 Mark the inactive selbgcolor as not set.
void setSelBgColor_i (const MMSFBColor &selbgcolor_i)
 Set the inactive background color which is used to draw the selected widget.
bool getSelBgColor_i (MMSFBColor &selbgcolor_i)
 Get the inactive background color which is used to draw the selected widget.
bool isBgImagePath ()
 Check if the imagepath for background is set. This path will be used for the unselected widget.
void unsetBgImagePath ()
 Mark the bgimagepath as not set.
void setBgImagePath (const string &bgimagepath)
 Set the imagepath for background which is used to draw the unselected widget.
bool getBgImagePath (string &bgimagepath)
 Get the imagepath for background which is used to draw the unselected widget.
bool isBgImageName ()
 Check if the imagename for background is set. This name will be used for the unselected widget.
void unsetBgImageName ()
 Mark the bgimagename as not set.
void setBgImageName (const string &bgimagename)
 Set the imagename for background which is used to draw the unselected widget.
bool getBgImageName (string &bgimagename)
 Get the imagename for background which is used to draw the unselected widget.
bool isSelBgImagePath ()
 Check if the selimagepath for background is set. This path will be used for the selected widget.
void unsetSelBgImagePath ()
 Mark the selbgimagepath as not set.
void setSelBgImagePath (const string &selbgimagepath)
 Set the selimagepath for background which is used to draw the selected widget.
bool getSelBgImagePath (string &selbgimagepath)
 Get the selimagepath for background which is used to draw the selected widget.
bool isSelBgImageName ()
 Check if the selimagename for background is set. This name will be used for the selected widget.
void unsetSelBgImageName ()
 Mark the selbgimagename as not set.
void setSelBgImageName (const string &selbgimagename)
 Set the selimagename for background which is used to draw the selected widget.
bool getSelBgImageName (string &selbgimagename)
 Get the selimagename for background which is used to draw the selected widget.
bool isBgImagePath_p ()
 Check if the pressed imagepath for background is set. This path will be used for the unselected widget.
void unsetBgImagePath_p ()
 Mark the pressed bgimagepath as not set.
void setBgImagePath_p (const string &bgimagepath_p)
 Set the pressed imagepath for background which is used to draw the unselected widget.
bool getBgImagePath_p (string &bgimagepath_p)
 Get the pressed imagepath for background which is used to draw the unselected widget.
bool isBgImageName_p ()
 Check if the pressed imagename for background is set. This name will be used for the unselected widget.
void unsetBgImageName_p ()
 Mark the pressed bgimagename as not set.
void setBgImageName_p (const string &bgimagename_p)
 Set the pressed imagename for background which is used to draw the unselected widget.
bool getBgImageName_p (string &bgimagename_p)
 Get the pressed imagename for background which is used to draw the unselected widget.
bool isSelBgImagePath_p ()
 Check if the pressed selimagepath for background is set. This path will be used for the selected widget.
void unsetSelBgImagePath_p ()
 Mark the pressed selbgimagepath as not set.
void setSelBgImagePath_p (const string &selbgimagepath_p)
 Set the pressed selimagepath for background which is used to draw the selected widget.
bool getSelBgImagePath_p (string &selbgimagepath_p)
 Get the pressed selimagepath for background which is used to draw the selected widget.
bool isSelBgImageName_p ()
 Check if the pressed selimagename for background is set. This name will be used for the selected widget.
void unsetSelBgImageName_p ()
 Mark the pressed selbgimagename as not set.
void setSelBgImageName_p (const string &selbgimagename_p)
 Set the pressed selimagename for background which is used to draw the selected widget.
bool getSelBgImageName_p (string &selbgimagename_p)
 Get the pressed selimagename for background which is used to draw the selected widget.
bool isBgImagePath_i ()
 Check if the inactive imagepath for background is set. This path will be used for the unselected widget.
void unsetBgImagePath_i ()
 Mark the inactive bgimagepath as not set.
void setBgImagePath_i (const string &bgimagepath_i)
 Set the imagepath for inactive background which is used to draw the unselected widget.
bool getBgImagePath_i (string &bgimagepath_i)
 Get the imagepath for inactive background which is used to draw the unselected widget.
bool isBgImageName_i ()
 Check if the imagename for inactive background is set. This name will be used for the unselected widget.
void unsetBgImageName_i ()
 Mark the inactive bgimagename as not set.
void setBgImageName_i (const string &bgimagename_i)
 Set the imagename for inactive background which is used to draw the unselected widget.
bool getBgImageName_i (string &bgimagename_i)
 Get the imagename for inactive background which is used to draw the unselected widget.
bool isSelBgImagePath_i ()
 Check if the selimagepath for inactive background is set. This path will be used for the selected widget.
void unsetSelBgImagePath_i ()
 Mark the inactive selbgimagepath as not set.
void setSelBgImagePath_i (const string &selbgimagepath_i)
 Set the selimagepath for inactive background which is used to draw the selected widget.
bool getSelBgImagePath_i (string &selbgimagepath_i)
 Get the selimagepath for inactive background which is used to draw the selected widget.
bool isSelBgImageName_i ()
 Check if the selimagename for inactive background is set. This name will be used for the selected widget.
void unsetSelBgImageName_i ()
 Mark the inactive selbgimagename as not set.
void setSelBgImageName_i (const string &selbgimagename_i)
 Set the selimagename for inactive background which is used to draw the selected widget.
bool getSelBgImageName_i (string &selbgimagename_i)
 Get the selimagename for inactive background which is used to draw the selected widget.
bool isMargin ()
 Check if the margin is set.
void unsetMargin ()
 Mark the margin as not set.
void setMargin (unsigned int margin)
 Set the margin.
bool getMargin (unsigned int &margin)
 Get the margin.
bool isFocusable ()
 Check if the focusable flag is set.
void unsetFocusable ()
 Mark the focusable flag as not set.
void setFocusable (bool focusable)
 Set the focusable flag.
bool getFocusable (bool &focusable)
 Get the focusable flag.
bool isSelectable ()
 Check if the selectable flag is set.
void unsetSelectable ()
 Mark the selectable flag as not set.
void setSelectable (bool selectable)
 Set the selectable flag.
bool getSelectable (bool &selectable)
 Get the selectable flag.
bool isUpArrow ()
 Check if the uparrow is set.
void unsetUpArrow ()
 Mark the uparrow as not set.
void setUpArrow (const string &uparrow)
 Set the uparrow.
bool getUpArrow (string &uparrow)
 Get the uparrow.
bool isDownArrow ()
 Check if the downarrow is set.
void unsetDownArrow ()
 Mark the downarrow as not set.
void setDownArrow (const string &downarrow)
 Set the downarrow.
bool getDownArrow (string &downarrow)
 Get the downarrow.
bool isLeftArrow ()
 Check if the leftarrow is set.
void unsetLeftArrow ()
 Mark the leftarrow as not set.
void setLeftArrow (const string &leftarrow)
 Set the leftarrow.
bool getLeftArrow (string &leftarrow)
 Get the leftarrow.
bool isRightArrow ()
 Check if the rightarrow is set.
void unsetRightArrow ()
 Mark the rightarrow as not set.
void setRightArrow (const string &rightarrow)
 Set the rightarrow.
bool getRightArrow (string &rightarrow)
 Get the rightarrow.
bool isData ()
 Check if the data is set.
void unsetData ()
 Mark the data as not set.
void setData (const string &data)
 Set the additional data value.
bool getData (string &data)
 Get the data.
bool isNavigateUp ()
 Check if the navigateup is set.
void unsetNavigateUp ()
 Mark the navigateup as not set.
void setNavigateUp (const string &navigateup)
 Set the navigateup widget.
bool getNavigateUp (string &navigateup)
 Get the navigateup widget.
bool isNavigateDown ()
 Check if the navigatedown is set.
void unsetNavigateDown ()
 Mark the navigatedown as not set.
void setNavigateDown (const string &navigatedown)
 Set the navigatedown widget.
bool getNavigateDown (string &navigatedown)
 Get the navigatedown widget.
bool isNavigateLeft ()
 Check if the navigateleft is set.
void unsetNavigateLeft ()
 Mark the navigateleft as not set.
void setNavigateLeft (const string &navigateleft)
 Set the navigateleft widget.
bool getNavigateLeft (string &navigateleft)
 Get the navigateleft widget.
bool isNavigateRight ()
 Check if the navigateright is set.
void unsetNavigateRight ()
 Mark the navigateright as not set.
void setNavigateRight (const string &navigateright)
 Set the navigateright.
bool getNavigateRight (string &navigateright)
 Get the navigateright widget.
bool isVSlider ()
 Check if the vslider is set.
void unsetVSlider ()
 Mark the vslider as not set.
void setVSlider (const string &vslider)
 Set the vslider.
bool getVSlider (string &vslider)
 Get the vslider.
bool isHSlider ()
 Check if the hslider is set.
void unsetHSlider ()
 Mark the hslider as not set.
void setHSlider (const string &hslider)
 Set the hslider.
bool getHSlider (string &hslider)
 Get the hslider.
bool isImagesOnDemand ()
 Check if the images on demand is set.
void unsetImagesOnDemand ()
 Mark the images on demand flag as not set.
void setImagesOnDemand (bool imagesondemand)
 Set the images on demand flag.
bool getImagesOnDemand (bool &imagesondemand)
 Get the images on demand flag.
bool isBlend ()
 Check if the blend is set.
void unsetBlend ()
 Mark the blend as not set.
void setBlend (unsigned int blend)
 Set the blend.
bool getBlend (unsigned int &blend)
 Get the blend.
bool isBlendFactor ()
 Check if the blend factor is set.
void unsetBlendFactor ()
 Mark the blend factor as not set.
void setBlendFactor (double blendfactor)
 Set the blend factor.
bool getBlendFactor (double &blendfactor)
 Get the blend factor.
bool isScrollOnFocus ()
 Check if the scroll on focus is set.
void unsetScrollOnFocus ()
 Mark the scroll on focus flag as not set.
void setScrollOnFocus (bool scrollonfocus)
 Set the scroll on focus flag.
bool getScrollOnFocus (bool &scrollonfocus)
 Get the scroll on focus flag.
bool isClickable ()
 Check if the clickable flag is set.
void unsetClickable ()
 Mark the clickable flag as not set.
void setClickable (bool clickable)
 Set the clickable flag.
bool getClickable (bool &clickable)
 Get the clickable flag.
bool isReturnOnScroll ()
 Check if the returnonscroll flag is set.
void unsetReturnOnScroll ()
 Mark the returnonscroll flag as not set.
void setReturnOnScroll (bool returnonscroll)
 Set the returnonscroll flag.
bool getReturnOnScroll (bool &returnonscroll)
 Get the returnonscroll flag.
bool isInputMode ()
 Check if the input mode is set.
void unsetInputMode ()
 Mark the input mode as not set.
void setInputMode (const string &inputmode)
 Set the input mode.
bool getInputMode (string &inputmode)
 Get the input mode.
bool isJoinedWidget ()
 Check if the joined widget is set.
void unsetJoinedWidget ()
 Mark the joined widget as not set.
void setJoinedWidget (const string &joinedwidget)
 Set the joined widget.
bool getJoinedWidget (string &joinedwidget)
 Get the joined widget.
bool isActivated ()
 Check if the activated flag is set.
void unsetActivated ()
 Mark the activated flag as not set.
bool isFactoryName ()
 Check if the activated flag is set.
void unsetFactoryName ()
 Mark the activated flag as not set.
void setActivated (bool activated)
 Set the activated flag.
bool getActivated (bool &activated)
 Get the activated flag.
void setFactoryName (string factoryname)
 Set the activated flag.
bool getFactoryName (string &factoryname)
 Get the factoryname.

Public Attributes

MMSBorderClass border
 stores base border attributes
bool isbgcolor
 is bgcolor set?
MMSFBColor bgcolor
 background color if the widget is not selected
bool isselbgcolor
 is selbgcolor set?
MMSFBColor selbgcolor
 background color if the widget is selected
bool isbgcolor_p
 is pressed bgcolor set?
MMSFBColor bgcolor_p
 pressed background color if the widget is not selected
bool isselbgcolor_p
 is pressed selbgcolor set?
MMSFBColor selbgcolor_p
 pressed background color if the widget is selected
bool isbgcolor_i
 is inactive bgcolor set?
MMSFBColor bgcolor_i
 inactive background color if the widget is not selected
bool isselbgcolor_i
 is inactive selbgcolor set?
MMSFBColor selbgcolor_i
 inactive background color if the widget is selected
bool isbgimagepath
 is bgimagepath set?
bool isbgimagename
 is bgimagename set?
bool isselbgimagepath
 is selbgimagepath set?
bool isselbgimagename
 is selbgimagename set?
bool isbgimagepath_p
 is pressed bgimagepath set?
bool isbgimagename_p
 is pressed bgimagename set?
bool isselbgimagepath_p
 is pressed selbgimagepath set?
bool isselbgimagename_p
 is pressed selbgimagename set?
bool isbgimagepath_i
 is inactive bgimagepath set?
bool isbgimagename_i
 is inactive bgimagename set?
bool isselbgimagepath_i
 is inactive selbgimagepath set?
bool isselbgimagename_i
 is inactive selbgimagename set?
bool ismargin
 is margin set?
unsigned int margin
 margin in pixel
bool isfocusable
 is the focusable flag set?
bool focusable
 widget can get the focus true/false
bool isselectable
 is the selectable flag set?
bool selectable
 widget can be selected true/false
bool isuparrow
 is the uparrow set?
bool isdownarrow
 is the downarrow set?
bool isleftarrow
 is the leftarrow set?
bool isrightarrow
 is the rightarrow set?
bool isdata
 is the data value set?
bool isnavigateup
 is the navigateup set?
bool isnavigatedown
 is the navigatedown set?
bool isnavigateleft
 is the navigateleft set?
bool isnavigateright
 is the navigateright set?
bool isvslider
 is the vslider set?
bool ishslider
 is the hslider set?
bool isimagesondemand
 is images on demand flag set?
bool imagesondemand
 use images on demand (true/false)
bool isblend
 is blend set?
unsigned int blend
 blend 0..255, default 0
bool isblendfactor
 is blend factor set?
double blendfactor
 blend factor 0.0.., default 0.0
bool isscrollonfocus
 is scroll on focus flag set?
bool scrollonfocus
 use scroll on focus (true/false)
bool isclickable
 is the clickable flag set?
bool clickable
 user can click onto widget true/false
bool isreturnonscroll
 is the returnonscroll flag set?
bool returnonscroll
 emit on return callback (true/false) if user changes the selection e.g. in a menu
bool isinputmode
 is inputmode set?
bool isjoinedwidget
 is joined_widget set?
bool isactivated
 is the activated flag set?
bool activated
 widget is active / inactive
bool isfactoryname
 widget is active / inactive
string * bgimagepath
 path to the background image if the widget is not selected
string * bgimagename
 background image filename if the widget is not selected
string * selbgimagepath
 path to the background image if the widget is selected
string * selbgimagename
 background image filename if the widget is selected
string * bgimagepath_p
 path to the pressed background image if the widget is not selected
string * bgimagename_p
 pressed background image filename if the widget is not selected
string * selbgimagepath_p
 path to the pressed background image if the widget is selected
string * selbgimagename_p
 pressed background image filename if the widget is selected
string * bgimagepath_i
 path to the inactive background image if the widget is not selected
string * bgimagename_i
 inactive background image filename if the widget is not selected
string * selbgimagepath_i
 path to the inactive background image if the widget is selected
string * selbgimagename_i
 inactive background image filename if the widget is selected
string * uparrow
 the name of the widget which represents the scroll up arrow
string * downarrow
 the name of the widget which represents the scroll down arrow
string * leftarrow
 the name of the widget which represents the scroll left arrow
string * rightarrow
 the name of the widget which represents the scroll right arrow
string * data
 any string which can store additional information (will not displayed)
string * navigateup
 the name of the widget to which should navigate up
string * navigatedown
 the name of the widget to which should navigate down
string * navigateleft
 the name of the widget to which should navigate left
string * navigateright
 the name of the widget to which should navigate right
string * vslider
 the name of the widget which represents the vertical slider
string * hslider
 the name of the widget which represents the horizontal slider
string * inputmode
 input mode
string * joinedwidget
 name of widget which is joined to this widget
string * factoryname
 name of widget which is joined to this widget

Private Member Functions

void initBgColor ()
void initSelBgColor ()
void initBgColor_p ()
void initSelBgColor_p ()
void initBgColor_i ()
void initSelBgColor_i ()
void initBgImagePath ()
void initBgImageName ()
void initSelBgImagePath ()
void initSelBgImageName ()
void initBgImagePath_p ()
void initBgImageName_p ()
void initSelBgImagePath_p ()
void initSelBgImageName_p ()
void initBgImagePath_i ()
void initBgImageName_i ()
void initSelBgImagePath_i ()
void initSelBgImageName_i ()
void initMargin ()
void initFocusable ()
void initSelectable ()
void initUpArrow ()
void initDownArrow ()
void initLeftArrow ()
void initRightArrow ()
void initData ()
void initNavigateUp ()
void initNavigateDown ()
void initNavigateLeft ()
void initNavigateRight ()
void initVSlider ()
void initHSlider ()
void initImagesOnDemand ()
void initBlend ()
void initBlendFactor ()
void initScrollOnFocus ()
void initClickable ()
void initReturnOnScroll ()
void initInputMode ()
void initJoinedWidget ()
void initActivated ()
void initFactoryName ()
void freeBgColor ()
void freeSelBgColor ()
void freeBgColor_p ()
void freeSelBgColor_p ()
void freeBgColor_i ()
void freeSelBgColor_i ()
void freeBgImagePath ()
void freeBgImageName ()
void freeSelBgImagePath ()
void freeSelBgImageName ()
void freeBgImagePath_p ()
void freeBgImageName_p ()
void freeSelBgImagePath_p ()
void freeSelBgImageName_p ()
void freeBgImagePath_i ()
void freeBgImageName_i ()
void freeSelBgImagePath_i ()
void freeSelBgImageName_i ()
void freeMargin ()
void freeFocusable ()
void freeSelectable ()
void freeUpArrow ()
void freeDownArrow ()
void freeLeftArrow ()
void freeRightArrow ()
void freeData ()
void freeNavigateUp ()
void freeNavigateDown ()
void freeNavigateLeft ()
void freeNavigateRight ()
void freeVSlider ()
void freeHSlider ()
void freeImagesOnDemand ()
void freeBlend ()
void freeBlendFactor ()
void freeScrollOnFocus ()
void freeClickable ()
void freeReturnOnScroll ()
void freeInputMode ()
void freeJoinedWidget ()
void freeActivated ()
void freeFactoryName ()
void setAttributesFromTAFF (MMSTaffFile *tafff, string *prefix=NULL, string *path=NULL, bool reset_paths=false)
 Read and set all attributes from the given TAFF buffer.

Private Attributes

struct {
   bool   isbgcolor
 is bgcolor set?
   MMSFBColor   bgcolor
 background color if the widget is not selected
   bool   isselbgcolor
 is selbgcolor set?
   MMSFBColor   selbgcolor
 background color if the widget is selected
   bool   isbgcolor_p
 is pressed bgcolor set?
   MMSFBColor   bgcolor_p
 pressed background color if the widget is not selected
   bool   isselbgcolor_p
 is pressed selbgcolor set?
   MMSFBColor   selbgcolor_p
 pressed background color if the widget is selected
   bool   isbgcolor_i
 is inactive bgcolor set?
   MMSFBColor   bgcolor_i
 inactive background color if the widget is not selected
   bool   isselbgcolor_i
 is inactive selbgcolor set?
   MMSFBColor   selbgcolor_i
 inactive background color if the widget is selected
   bool   isbgimagepath
 is bgimagepath set?
   bool   isbgimagename
 is bgimagename set?
   bool   isselbgimagepath
 is selbgimagepath set?
   bool   isselbgimagename
 is selbgimagename set?
   bool   isbgimagepath_p
 is pressed bgimagepath set?
   bool   isbgimagename_p
 is pressed bgimagename set?
   bool   isselbgimagepath_p
 is pressed selbgimagepath set?
   bool   isselbgimagename_p
 is pressed selbgimagename set?
   bool   isbgimagepath_i
 is inactive bgimagepath set?
   bool   isbgimagename_i
 is inactive bgimagename set?
   bool   isselbgimagepath_i
 is inactive selbgimagepath set?
   bool   isselbgimagename_i
 is inactive selbgimagename set?
   bool   ismargin
 is margin set?
   unsigned int   margin
 margin in pixel
   bool   isfocusable
 is the focusable flag set?
   bool   focusable
 widget can get the focus true/false
   bool   isselectable
 is the selectable flag set?
   bool   selectable
 widget can be selected true/false
   bool   isuparrow
 is the uparrow set?
   bool   isdownarrow
 is the downarrow set?
   bool   isleftarrow
 is the leftarrow set?
   bool   isrightarrow
 is the rightarrow set?
   bool   isdata
 is the data value set?
   bool   isnavigateup
 is the navigateup set?
   bool   isnavigatedown
 is the navigatedown set?
   bool   isnavigateleft
 is the navigateleft set?
   bool   isnavigateright
 is the navigateright set?
   bool   isvslider
 is the vslider set?
   bool   ishslider
 is the hslider set?
   bool   isimagesondemand
 is images on demand flag set?
   bool   imagesondemand
 use images on demand (true/false)
   bool   isblend
 is blend set?
   unsigned int   blend
 blend 0..255, default 0
   bool   isblendfactor
 is blend factor set?
   double   blendfactor
 blend factor 0.0.., default 0.0
   bool   isscrollonfocus
 is scroll on focus flag set?
   bool   scrollonfocus
 use scroll on focus (true/false)
   bool   isclickable
 is the clickable flag set?
   bool   clickable
 user can click onto widget true/false
   bool   isreturnonscroll
 is the returnonscroll flag set?
   bool   returnonscroll
 emit on return callback (true/false) if user changes the selection e.g. in a menu
   bool   isinputmode
 is inputmode set?
   bool   isjoinedwidget
 is joined_widget set?
   bool   isactivated
 is the activated flag set?
   bool   activated
 widget is active / inactive
   bool   isfactoryname
 widget is active / inactive
struct {
   string *   bgimagepath
 path to the background image if the widget is not selected
   string *   bgimagename
 background image filename if the widget is not selected
   string *   selbgimagepath
 path to the background image if the widget is selected
   string *   selbgimagename
 background image filename if the widget is selected
   string *   bgimagepath_p
 path to the pressed background image if the widget is not selected
   string *   bgimagename_p
 pressed background image filename if the widget is not selected
   string *   selbgimagepath_p
 path to the pressed background image if the widget is selected
   string *   selbgimagename_p
 pressed background image filename if the widget is selected
   string *   bgimagepath_i
 path to the inactive background image if the widget is not selected
   string *   bgimagename_i
 inactive background image filename if the widget is not selected
   string *   selbgimagepath_i
 path to the inactive background image if the widget is selected
   string *   selbgimagename_i
 inactive background image filename if the widget is selected
   string *   uparrow
 the name of the widget which represents the scroll up arrow
   string *   downarrow
 the name of the widget which represents the scroll down arrow
   string *   leftarrow
 the name of the widget which represents the scroll left arrow
   string *   rightarrow
 the name of the widget which represents the scroll right arrow
   string *   data
 any string which can store additional information (will not displayed)
   string *   navigateup
 the name of the widget to which should navigate up
   string *   navigatedown
 the name of the widget to which should navigate down
   string *   navigateleft
 the name of the widget to which should navigate left
   string *   navigateright
 the name of the widget to which should navigate right
   string *   vslider
 the name of the widget which represents the vertical slider
   string *   hslider
 the name of the widget which represents the horizontal slider
   string *   inputmode
 input mode
   string *   joinedwidget
 name of widget which is joined to this widget
   string *   factoryname
 name of widget which is joined to this widget


class MMSThemeManager
class MMSDialogManager

Detailed Description

A data access class as base for all widgets.

This class is the base for all widget classes. With this data store you have access to all changeable widget attributes used for all widgets.

This class will be internally used by class MMSWidget.
Jens Schneider

Definition at line 214 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MMSWidgetClass::MMSWidgetClass (  ) 

Constructor of class MMSWidgetClass.

Definition at line 47 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

MMSWidgetClass::~MMSWidgetClass (  ) 

Destructor of class MMSWidgetClass.

Definition at line 103 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void MMSWidgetClass::initBgColor (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1071 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initSelBgColor (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1095 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initBgColor_p (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1120 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initSelBgColor_p (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1144 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initBgColor_i (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1168 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initSelBgColor_i (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1192 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initBgImagePath (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1217 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initBgImageName (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1243 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initSelBgImagePath (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1267 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initSelBgImageName (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1291 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initBgImagePath_p (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1315 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initBgImageName_p (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1339 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initSelBgImagePath_p (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1363 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initSelBgImageName_p (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1387 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initBgImagePath_i (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1412 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initBgImageName_i (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1436 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initSelBgImagePath_i (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1460 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initSelBgImageName_i (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1484 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initMargin (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1509 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initFocusable (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1533 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initSelectable (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1560 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initUpArrow (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1590 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initDownArrow (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1614 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initLeftArrow (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1638 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initRightArrow (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1662 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initData (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1688 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initNavigateUp (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1742 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initNavigateDown (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1766 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initNavigateLeft (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1790 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initNavigateRight (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1814 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initVSlider (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1839 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initHSlider (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1863 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initImagesOnDemand (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1891 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initBlend (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1911 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initBlendFactor (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1935 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initScrollOnFocus (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1963 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initClickable (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1983 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initReturnOnScroll (  )  [private]

Definition at line 2007 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initInputMode (  )  [private]

Definition at line 2031 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initJoinedWidget (  )  [private]

Definition at line 2057 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initActivated (  )  [private]

Definition at line 2082 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::initFactoryName (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1714 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeBgColor (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1075 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeSelBgColor (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1099 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeBgColor_p (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1124 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeSelBgColor_p (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1148 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeBgColor_i (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1172 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeSelBgColor_i (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1196 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeBgImagePath (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1221 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeBgImageName (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1247 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeSelBgImagePath (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1271 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeSelBgImageName (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1295 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeBgImagePath_p (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1319 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeBgImageName_p (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1343 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeSelBgImagePath_p (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1367 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeSelBgImageName_p (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1391 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeBgImagePath_i (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1416 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeBgImageName_i (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1440 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeSelBgImagePath_i (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1464 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeSelBgImageName_i (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1488 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeMargin (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1513 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeFocusable (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1538 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeSelectable (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1565 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeUpArrow (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1594 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeDownArrow (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1618 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeLeftArrow (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1642 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeRightArrow (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1666 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeData (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1692 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeNavigateUp (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1746 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeNavigateDown (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1770 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeNavigateLeft (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1794 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeNavigateRight (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1818 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeVSlider (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1843 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeHSlider (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1867 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeImagesOnDemand (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1895 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeBlend (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1915 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeBlendFactor (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1939 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeScrollOnFocus (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1967 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeClickable (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1987 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeReturnOnScroll (  )  [private]

Definition at line 2011 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeInputMode (  )  [private]

Definition at line 2035 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeJoinedWidget (  )  [private]

Definition at line 2061 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeActivated (  )  [private]

Definition at line 2086 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::freeFactoryName (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1718 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setAttributesFromTAFF ( MMSTaffFile tafff,
string *  prefix = NULL,
string *  path = NULL,
bool  reset_paths = false 
) [private]

Read and set all attributes from the given TAFF buffer.

tafff pointer to the TAFF buffer
prefix optional, prefix to all attribute names (<prefix><attrname>=<attrvalue>)
path optional, path needed for empty path values from the TAFF buffer
reset_paths optional, should reset all path attributes?

Definition at line 279 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

MMSWidgetClass & MMSWidgetClass::operator= ( const MMSWidgetClass c  ) 


Definition at line 159 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetAll (  ) 

Mark all attributes as not set.

Definition at line 223 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isBgColor (  ) 

Check if the background color is set. This color will be used for the unselected widget.

Definition at line 1079 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetBgColor (  ) 

Mark the bgcolor as not set.

Definition at line 1083 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setBgColor ( const MMSFBColor bgcolor  ) 

Set the background color which is used to draw the unselected widget.

bgcolor color for unselected background

Definition at line 1087 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getBgColor ( MMSFBColor bgcolor  ) 

Get the background color which is used to draw the unselected widget.

bgcolor background color
true if set

Definition at line 1091 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isSelBgColor (  ) 

Check if the background color is set. This color will be used for the selected widget.

Definition at line 1103 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetSelBgColor (  ) 

Mark the selbgcolor as not set.

Definition at line 1107 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setSelBgColor ( const MMSFBColor selbgcolor  ) 

Set the background color which is used to draw the selected widget.

selbgcolor color for selected background

Definition at line 1111 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getSelBgColor ( MMSFBColor selbgcolor  ) 

Get the background color which is used to draw the selected widget.

selbgcolor background color
true if set

Definition at line 1115 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isBgColor_p (  ) 

Check if the pressed background color is set. This color will be used for the unselected widget.

Definition at line 1128 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetBgColor_p (  ) 

Mark the pressed bgcolor as not set.

Definition at line 1132 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setBgColor_p ( const MMSFBColor bgcolor_p  ) 

Set the pressed background color which is used to draw the unselected widget.

bgcolor_p pressed background color

Definition at line 1136 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getBgColor_p ( MMSFBColor bgcolor_p  ) 

Get the pressed background color which is used to draw the unselected widget.

bgcolor_p pressed background color
true if set

Definition at line 1140 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isSelBgColor_p (  ) 

Check if the pressed background color is set. This color will be used for the selected widget.

Definition at line 1152 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetSelBgColor_p (  ) 

Mark the pressed selbgcolor as not set.

Definition at line 1156 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setSelBgColor_p ( const MMSFBColor selbgcolor_p  ) 

Set the pressed background color which is used to draw the selected widget.

selbgcolor_p pressed color for selected background

Definition at line 1160 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getSelBgColor_p ( MMSFBColor selbgcolor_p  ) 

Get the pressed background color which is used to draw the selected widget.

selbgcolor_p pressed background color
true if set

Definition at line 1164 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isBgColor_i (  ) 

Check if the inactive background color is set. This color will be used for the unselected widget.

Definition at line 1176 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetBgColor_i (  ) 

Mark the inactive bgcolor as not set.

Definition at line 1180 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setBgColor_i ( const MMSFBColor bgcolor_i  ) 

Set the inactive background color which is used to draw the unselected widget.

bgcolor_i color for inactive unselected background

Definition at line 1184 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getBgColor_i ( MMSFBColor bgcolor_i  ) 

Get the inactive background color which is used to draw the unselected widget.

bgcolor_i inactive background color
true if set

Definition at line 1188 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isSelBgColor_i (  ) 

Check if the inactive background color is set. This color will be used for the selected widget.

Definition at line 1200 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetSelBgColor_i (  ) 

Mark the inactive selbgcolor as not set.

Definition at line 1204 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setSelBgColor_i ( const MMSFBColor selbgcolor_i  ) 

Set the inactive background color which is used to draw the selected widget.

selbgcolor_i color for inactive selected background

Definition at line 1208 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getSelBgColor_i ( MMSFBColor selbgcolor_i  ) 

Get the inactive background color which is used to draw the selected widget.

selbgcolor_i inactive background color
true if set

Definition at line 1212 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isBgImagePath (  ) 

Check if the imagepath for background is set. This path will be used for the unselected widget.

Definition at line 1225 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetBgImagePath (  ) 

Mark the bgimagepath as not set.

Definition at line 1229 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setBgImagePath ( const string &  bgimagepath  ) 

Set the imagepath for background which is used to draw the unselected widget.

bgimagepath path to unselected background image

Definition at line 1233 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getBgImagePath ( string &  bgimagepath  ) 

Get the imagepath for background which is used to draw the unselected widget.

bgimagepath path to unselected background image
true if set

Definition at line 1237 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isBgImageName (  ) 

Check if the imagename for background is set. This name will be used for the unselected widget.

Definition at line 1251 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetBgImageName (  ) 

Mark the bgimagename as not set.

Definition at line 1255 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setBgImageName ( const string &  bgimagename  ) 

Set the imagename for background which is used to draw the unselected widget.

bgimagename name of the unselected background image

Definition at line 1259 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getBgImageName ( string &  bgimagename  ) 

Get the imagename for background which is used to draw the unselected widget.

bgimagename name of the unselected background image
true if set

Definition at line 1263 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isSelBgImagePath (  ) 

Check if the selimagepath for background is set. This path will be used for the selected widget.

Definition at line 1275 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetSelBgImagePath (  ) 

Mark the selbgimagepath as not set.

Definition at line 1279 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setSelBgImagePath ( const string &  selbgimagepath  ) 

Set the selimagepath for background which is used to draw the selected widget.

selbgimagepath path to selected background image

Definition at line 1283 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getSelBgImagePath ( string &  selbgimagepath  ) 

Get the selimagepath for background which is used to draw the selected widget.

selbgimagepath path to the selected background image
true if set

Definition at line 1287 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isSelBgImageName (  ) 

Check if the selimagename for background is set. This name will be used for the selected widget.

Definition at line 1299 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetSelBgImageName (  ) 

Mark the selbgimagename as not set.

Definition at line 1303 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setSelBgImageName ( const string &  selbgimagename  ) 

Set the selimagename for background which is used to draw the selected widget.

selbgimagename name of the selected background image

Definition at line 1307 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getSelBgImageName ( string &  selbgimagename  ) 

Get the selimagename for background which is used to draw the selected widget.

selbgimagename name of the selected background image
true if set

Definition at line 1311 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isBgImagePath_p (  ) 

Check if the pressed imagepath for background is set. This path will be used for the unselected widget.

Definition at line 1323 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetBgImagePath_p (  ) 

Mark the pressed bgimagepath as not set.

Definition at line 1327 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setBgImagePath_p ( const string &  bgimagepath_p  ) 

Set the pressed imagepath for background which is used to draw the unselected widget.

bgimagepath_p path to pressed & unselected background image

Definition at line 1331 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getBgImagePath_p ( string &  bgimagepath_p  ) 

Get the pressed imagepath for background which is used to draw the unselected widget.

bgimagepath_p path to pressed & unselected background image
true if set

Definition at line 1335 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isBgImageName_p (  ) 

Check if the pressed imagename for background is set. This name will be used for the unselected widget.

Definition at line 1347 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetBgImageName_p (  ) 

Mark the pressed bgimagename as not set.

Definition at line 1351 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setBgImageName_p ( const string &  bgimagename_p  ) 

Set the pressed imagename for background which is used to draw the unselected widget.

bgimagename_p name of the pressed & unselected background image

Definition at line 1355 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getBgImageName_p ( string &  bgimagename_p  ) 

Get the pressed imagename for background which is used to draw the unselected widget.

bgimagename_p name of the pressed & unselected background image
true if set

Definition at line 1359 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isSelBgImagePath_p (  ) 

Check if the pressed selimagepath for background is set. This path will be used for the selected widget.

Definition at line 1371 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetSelBgImagePath_p (  ) 

Mark the pressed selbgimagepath as not set.

Definition at line 1375 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setSelBgImagePath_p ( const string &  selbgimagepath_p  ) 

Set the pressed selimagepath for background which is used to draw the selected widget.

selbgimagepath_p path to pressed & selected background image

Definition at line 1379 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getSelBgImagePath_p ( string &  selbgimagepath_p  ) 

Get the pressed selimagepath for background which is used to draw the selected widget.

selbgimagepath_p path to the pressed & selected background image
true if set

Definition at line 1383 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isSelBgImageName_p (  ) 

Check if the pressed selimagename for background is set. This name will be used for the selected widget.

Definition at line 1395 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetSelBgImageName_p (  ) 

Mark the pressed selbgimagename as not set.

Definition at line 1399 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setSelBgImageName_p ( const string &  selbgimagename_p  ) 

Set the pressed selimagename for background which is used to draw the selected widget.

selbgimagename_p name of the pressed & selected background image

Definition at line 1403 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getSelBgImageName_p ( string &  selbgimagename_p  ) 

Get the pressed selimagename for background which is used to draw the selected widget.

selbgimagename_p name of the pressed & selected background image
true if set

Definition at line 1407 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isBgImagePath_i (  ) 

Check if the inactive imagepath for background is set. This path will be used for the unselected widget.

Definition at line 1420 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetBgImagePath_i (  ) 

Mark the inactive bgimagepath as not set.

Definition at line 1424 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setBgImagePath_i ( const string &  bgimagepath_i  ) 

Set the imagepath for inactive background which is used to draw the unselected widget.

bgimagepath_i path to inactive unselected background image

Definition at line 1428 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getBgImagePath_i ( string &  bgimagepath_i  ) 

Get the imagepath for inactive background which is used to draw the unselected widget.

bgimagepath_i path to the inactive unselected background image
true if set

Definition at line 1432 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isBgImageName_i (  ) 

Check if the imagename for inactive background is set. This name will be used for the unselected widget.

Definition at line 1444 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetBgImageName_i (  ) 

Mark the inactive bgimagename as not set.

Definition at line 1448 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setBgImageName_i ( const string &  bgimagename_i  ) 

Set the imagename for inactive background which is used to draw the unselected widget.

bgimagename_i name of the inactive unselected background image

Definition at line 1452 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getBgImageName_i ( string &  bgimagename_i  ) 

Get the imagename for inactive background which is used to draw the unselected widget.

bgimagename_i name of the inactive unselected background image
true if set

Definition at line 1456 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isSelBgImagePath_i (  ) 

Check if the selimagepath for inactive background is set. This path will be used for the selected widget.

Definition at line 1468 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetSelBgImagePath_i (  ) 

Mark the inactive selbgimagepath as not set.

Definition at line 1472 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setSelBgImagePath_i ( const string &  selbgimagepath_i  ) 

Set the selimagepath for inactive background which is used to draw the selected widget.

selbgimagepath_i path to inactive selected background image

Definition at line 1476 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getSelBgImagePath_i ( string &  selbgimagepath_i  ) 

Get the selimagepath for inactive background which is used to draw the selected widget.

selbgimagepath_i path to the inactive selected background image
true if set

Definition at line 1480 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isSelBgImageName_i (  ) 

Check if the selimagename for inactive background is set. This name will be used for the selected widget.

Definition at line 1492 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetSelBgImageName_i (  ) 

Mark the inactive selbgimagename as not set.

Definition at line 1496 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setSelBgImageName_i ( const string &  selbgimagename_i  ) 

Set the selimagename for inactive background which is used to draw the selected widget.

selbgimagename name of the inactive selected background image

Definition at line 1500 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getSelBgImageName_i ( string &  selbgimagename_i  ) 

Get the selimagename for inactive background which is used to draw the selected widget.

selbgimagename_i name of the inactive selected background image
true if set

Definition at line 1504 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isMargin (  ) 

Check if the margin is set.

Definition at line 1517 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetMargin (  ) 

Mark the margin as not set.

Definition at line 1521 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setMargin ( unsigned int  margin  ) 

Set the margin.

margin margin in pixel

Definition at line 1525 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getMargin ( unsigned int &  margin  ) 

Get the margin.

margin margin
true if set

Definition at line 1529 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isFocusable (  ) 

Check if the focusable flag is set.

Definition at line 1543 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetFocusable (  ) 

Mark the focusable flag as not set.

Definition at line 1547 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setFocusable ( bool  focusable  ) 

Set the focusable flag.

focusable the widget can get the focus if set to true
There is a difference between focused and selected. Only one widget can get the focus at the same time. The focused widget gets the keyboard input. A focused widget is also selected.

Definition at line 1552 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getFocusable ( bool &  focusable  ) 

Get the focusable flag.

focusable focusable true or false
true if set

Definition at line 1556 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isSelectable (  ) 

Check if the selectable flag is set.

Definition at line 1570 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetSelectable (  ) 

Mark the selectable flag as not set.

Definition at line 1574 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setSelectable ( bool  selectable  ) 

Set the selectable flag.

selectable the widget can be selected if set to true
There is a difference between focused and selected. Only one widget can get the focus at the same time. But all other widgets can be switched between selected and unselected independently.

Definition at line 1579 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getSelectable ( bool &  selectable  ) 

Get the selectable flag.

selectable selectable true or false
true if set

Definition at line 1583 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isUpArrow (  ) 

Check if the uparrow is set.

Definition at line 1598 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetUpArrow (  ) 

Mark the uparrow as not set.

Definition at line 1602 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setUpArrow ( const string &  uparrow  ) 

Set the uparrow.

uparrow the name of the widget which represents the scroll up arrow

Definition at line 1606 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getUpArrow ( string &  uparrow  ) 

Get the uparrow.

uparrow name of the up arrow widget
true if set

Definition at line 1610 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isDownArrow (  ) 

Check if the downarrow is set.

Definition at line 1622 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetDownArrow (  ) 

Mark the downarrow as not set.

Definition at line 1626 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setDownArrow ( const string &  downarrow  ) 

Set the downarrow.

downarrow the name of the widget which represents the scroll down arrow

Definition at line 1630 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getDownArrow ( string &  downarrow  ) 

Get the downarrow.

downarrow name of the down arrow widget
true if set

Definition at line 1634 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isLeftArrow (  ) 

Check if the leftarrow is set.

Definition at line 1646 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetLeftArrow (  ) 

Mark the leftarrow as not set.

Definition at line 1650 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setLeftArrow ( const string &  leftarrow  ) 

Set the leftarrow.

leftarrow the name of the widget which represents the scroll left arrow

Definition at line 1654 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getLeftArrow ( string &  leftarrow  ) 

Get the leftarrow.

leftarrow name of the left arrow widget
true if set

Definition at line 1658 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isRightArrow (  ) 

Check if the rightarrow is set.

Definition at line 1670 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetRightArrow (  ) 

Mark the rightarrow as not set.

Definition at line 1674 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setRightArrow ( const string &  rightarrow  ) 

Set the rightarrow.

rightarrow the name of the widget which represents the scroll right arrow

Definition at line 1678 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getRightArrow ( string &  rightarrow  ) 

Get the rightarrow.

rightarrow name of the right arrow widget
true if set

Definition at line 1682 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isData (  ) 

Check if the data is set.

Definition at line 1696 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetData (  ) 

Mark the data as not set.

Definition at line 1700 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setData ( const string &  data  ) 

Set the additional data value.

data any string which can store additional information (will not displayed)

Definition at line 1704 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getData ( string &  data  ) 

Get the data.

data additional data string
true if set

Definition at line 1708 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isNavigateUp (  ) 

Check if the navigateup is set.

Definition at line 1750 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetNavigateUp (  ) 

Mark the navigateup as not set.

Definition at line 1754 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setNavigateUp ( const string &  navigateup  ) 

Set the navigateup widget.

navigateup the name of the widget to which should navigate up

Definition at line 1758 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getNavigateUp ( string &  navigateup  ) 

Get the navigateup widget.

navigateup name of the navigate up widget
true if set

Definition at line 1762 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isNavigateDown (  ) 

Check if the navigatedown is set.

Definition at line 1774 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetNavigateDown (  ) 

Mark the navigatedown as not set.

Definition at line 1778 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setNavigateDown ( const string &  navigatedown  ) 

Set the navigatedown widget.

navigatedown the name of the widget to which should navigate down

Definition at line 1782 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getNavigateDown ( string &  navigatedown  ) 

Get the navigatedown widget.

navigatedown name of the navigate down widget
true if set

Definition at line 1786 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isNavigateLeft (  ) 

Check if the navigateleft is set.

Definition at line 1798 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetNavigateLeft (  ) 

Mark the navigateleft as not set.

Definition at line 1802 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setNavigateLeft ( const string &  navigateleft  ) 

Set the navigateleft widget.

navigateleft the name of the widget to which should navigate left

Definition at line 1806 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getNavigateLeft ( string &  navigateleft  ) 

Get the navigateleft widget.

navigateleft name of the navigate left widget
true if set

Definition at line 1810 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isNavigateRight (  ) 

Check if the navigateright is set.

Definition at line 1822 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetNavigateRight (  ) 

Mark the navigateright as not set.

Definition at line 1826 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setNavigateRight ( const string &  navigateright  ) 

Set the navigateright.

navigateright the name of the widget to which should navigate right

Definition at line 1830 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getNavigateRight ( string &  navigateright  ) 

Get the navigateright widget.

navigateright name of the navigate right widget
true if set

Definition at line 1834 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isVSlider (  ) 

Check if the vslider is set.

Definition at line 1847 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetVSlider (  ) 

Mark the vslider as not set.

Definition at line 1851 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setVSlider ( const string &  vslider  ) 

Set the vslider.

vslider the name of the widget which represents the vertical slider

Definition at line 1855 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getVSlider ( string &  vslider  ) 

Get the vslider.

vslider name of the vslider widget
true if set

Definition at line 1859 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isHSlider (  ) 

Check if the hslider is set.

Definition at line 1871 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetHSlider (  ) 

Mark the hslider as not set.

Definition at line 1875 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setHSlider ( const string &  hslider  ) 

Set the hslider.

hslider the name of the widget which represents the horizontal slider

Definition at line 1879 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getHSlider ( string &  hslider  ) 

Get the hslider.

hslider name of the hslider widget
true if set

Definition at line 1883 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isImagesOnDemand (  ) 

Check if the images on demand is set.

Definition at line 1887 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetImagesOnDemand (  ) 

Mark the images on demand flag as not set.

Definition at line 1899 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setImagesOnDemand ( bool  imagesondemand  ) 

Set the images on demand flag.

imagesondemand use imagesondemand true/false

Definition at line 1903 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getImagesOnDemand ( bool &  imagesondemand  ) 

Get the images on demand flag.

images on demand flag

true if set

Definition at line 1907 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isBlend (  ) 

Check if the blend is set.

Definition at line 1919 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetBlend (  ) 

Mark the blend as not set.

Definition at line 1923 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setBlend ( unsigned int  blend  ) 

Set the blend.

blend blend with values 0..255

Definition at line 1927 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getBlend ( unsigned int &  blend  ) 

Get the blend.

blend blend
true if set

Definition at line 1931 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isBlendFactor (  ) 

Check if the blend factor is set.

Definition at line 1943 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetBlendFactor (  ) 

Mark the blend factor as not set.

Definition at line 1947 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setBlendFactor ( double  blendfactor  ) 

Set the blend factor.

blendfactor blend factor with values 0.0..

Definition at line 1951 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getBlendFactor ( double &  blendfactor  ) 

Get the blend factor.

blendfactor blend factor
true if set

Definition at line 1955 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isScrollOnFocus (  ) 

Check if the scroll on focus is set.

Definition at line 1959 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetScrollOnFocus (  ) 

Mark the scroll on focus flag as not set.

Definition at line 1971 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setScrollOnFocus ( bool  scrollonfocus  ) 

Set the scroll on focus flag.

scrollonfocus use scrollonfocus true/false

Definition at line 1975 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getScrollOnFocus ( bool &  scrollonfocus  ) 

Get the scroll on focus flag.

scroll on focus flag

true if set

Definition at line 1979 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isClickable (  ) 

Check if the clickable flag is set.

Definition at line 1991 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetClickable (  ) 

Mark the clickable flag as not set.

Definition at line 1995 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setClickable ( bool  clickable  ) 

Set the clickable flag.

clickable user can click onto the widget if set to true
Widgets which are not focusable can be clickable anyway. See for example the MMSArrowWidget.

Definition at line 1999 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getClickable ( bool &  clickable  ) 

Get the clickable flag.

clickable clickable true or false
true if set

Definition at line 2003 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isReturnOnScroll (  ) 

Check if the returnonscroll flag is set.

Definition at line 2015 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetReturnOnScroll (  ) 

Mark the returnonscroll flag as not set.

Definition at line 2019 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setReturnOnScroll ( bool  returnonscroll  ) 

Set the returnonscroll flag.

returnonscroll if true emit on return callback if user changes the selection e.g. in a menu

Definition at line 2023 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getReturnOnScroll ( bool &  returnonscroll  ) 

Get the returnonscroll flag.

returnonscroll returnonscroll true or false
true if set

Definition at line 2027 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isInputMode (  ) 

Check if the input mode is set.

Definition at line 2039 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetInputMode (  ) 

Mark the input mode as not set.

Definition at line 2043 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setInputMode ( const string &  inputmode  ) 

Set the input mode.

inputmode input mode ("move" or "click")

Definition at line 2047 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getInputMode ( string &  inputmode  ) 

Get the input mode.

inputmode input mode
true if set

Definition at line 2051 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isJoinedWidget (  ) 

Check if the joined widget is set.

Definition at line 2065 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetJoinedWidget (  ) 

Mark the joined widget as not set.

Definition at line 2069 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setJoinedWidget ( const string &  joinedwidget  ) 

Set the joined widget.

joinedwidget name of widget which is to join

Definition at line 2073 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getJoinedWidget ( string &  joinedwidget  ) 

Get the joined widget.

joinedwidget name of widget
true if set

Definition at line 2077 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isActivated (  ) 

Check if the activated flag is set.

Definition at line 2090 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetActivated (  ) 

Mark the activated flag as not set.

Definition at line 2094 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::isFactoryName (  ) 

Check if the activated flag is set.

Definition at line 1722 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::unsetFactoryName (  ) 

Mark the activated flag as not set.

Definition at line 1726 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setActivated ( bool  activated  ) 

Set the activated flag.

activated widget is active / inactive

Definition at line 2098 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getActivated ( bool &  activated  ) 

Get the activated flag.

activated activated true or false
true if set

Definition at line 2102 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

void MMSWidgetClass::setFactoryName ( string  factoryname  ) 

Set the activated flag.

activated widget is active / inactive

Definition at line 1730 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

bool MMSWidgetClass::getFactoryName ( string &  factoryname  ) 

Get the factoryname.

name for the widget factory map
true if set

Definition at line 1735 of file mmswidgetclass.cpp.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class MMSThemeManager [friend]

Definition at line 1424 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

friend class MMSDialogManager [friend]

Definition at line 1425 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

Member Data Documentation

is bgcolor set?

Definition at line 218 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

background color if the widget is not selected

Definition at line 221 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is selbgcolor set?

Definition at line 224 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

background color if the widget is selected

Definition at line 227 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is pressed bgcolor set?

Definition at line 230 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

pressed background color if the widget is not selected

Definition at line 233 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is pressed selbgcolor set?

Definition at line 236 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

pressed background color if the widget is selected

Definition at line 239 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is inactive bgcolor set?

Definition at line 242 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

inactive background color if the widget is not selected

Definition at line 245 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is inactive selbgcolor set?

Definition at line 248 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

inactive background color if the widget is selected

Definition at line 251 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is bgimagepath set?

Definition at line 254 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is bgimagename set?

Definition at line 257 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is selbgimagepath set?

Definition at line 260 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is selbgimagename set?

Definition at line 263 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is pressed bgimagepath set?

Definition at line 266 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is pressed bgimagename set?

Definition at line 269 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is pressed selbgimagepath set?

Definition at line 272 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is pressed selbgimagename set?

Definition at line 275 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is inactive bgimagepath set?

Definition at line 278 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is inactive bgimagename set?

Definition at line 281 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is inactive selbgimagepath set?

Definition at line 284 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is inactive selbgimagename set?

Definition at line 287 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is margin set?

Definition at line 290 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

unsigned int MMSWidgetClass::margin

margin in pixel

Definition at line 293 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is the focusable flag set?

Definition at line 296 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

widget can get the focus true/false

Definition at line 299 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is the selectable flag set?

Definition at line 302 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

widget can be selected true/false

Definition at line 305 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is the uparrow set?

Definition at line 308 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is the downarrow set?

Definition at line 311 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is the leftarrow set?

Definition at line 314 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is the rightarrow set?

Definition at line 317 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is the data value set?

Definition at line 320 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is the navigateup set?

Definition at line 323 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is the navigatedown set?

Definition at line 326 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is the navigateleft set?

Definition at line 329 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is the navigateright set?

Definition at line 332 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is the vslider set?

Definition at line 335 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is the hslider set?

Definition at line 338 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is images on demand flag set?

Definition at line 341 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

use images on demand (true/false)

Definition at line 344 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is blend set?

Definition at line 347 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

unsigned int MMSWidgetClass::blend

blend 0..255, default 0

Definition at line 350 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is blend factor set?

Definition at line 353 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

blend factor 0.0.., default 0.0

Definition at line 356 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is scroll on focus flag set?

Definition at line 359 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

use scroll on focus (true/false)

Definition at line 362 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is the clickable flag set?

Definition at line 365 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

user can click onto widget true/false

Definition at line 368 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is the returnonscroll flag set?

Definition at line 371 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

emit on return callback (true/false) if user changes the selection e.g. in a menu

Definition at line 374 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is inputmode set?

Definition at line 377 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is joined_widget set?

Definition at line 380 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

is the activated flag set?

Definition at line 383 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

widget is active / inactive

Definition at line 386 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

widget is active / inactive

Definition at line 389 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

struct { ... } MMSWidgetClass::id [private]

path to the background image if the widget is not selected

Definition at line 396 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

background image filename if the widget is not selected

Definition at line 399 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

path to the background image if the widget is selected

Definition at line 402 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

background image filename if the widget is selected

Definition at line 405 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

path to the pressed background image if the widget is not selected

Definition at line 408 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

pressed background image filename if the widget is not selected

Definition at line 411 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

path to the pressed background image if the widget is selected

Definition at line 414 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

pressed background image filename if the widget is selected

Definition at line 417 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

path to the inactive background image if the widget is not selected

Definition at line 420 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

inactive background image filename if the widget is not selected

Definition at line 423 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

path to the inactive background image if the widget is selected

Definition at line 426 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

inactive background image filename if the widget is selected

Definition at line 429 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

the name of the widget which represents the scroll up arrow

Definition at line 432 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

the name of the widget which represents the scroll down arrow

Definition at line 435 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

the name of the widget which represents the scroll left arrow

Definition at line 438 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

the name of the widget which represents the scroll right arrow

Definition at line 441 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

any string which can store additional information (will not displayed)

Definition at line 444 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

the name of the widget to which should navigate up

Definition at line 447 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

the name of the widget to which should navigate down

Definition at line 450 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

the name of the widget to which should navigate left

Definition at line 453 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

the name of the widget to which should navigate right

Definition at line 456 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

the name of the widget which represents the vertical slider

Definition at line 459 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

the name of the widget which represents the horizontal slider

Definition at line 462 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

input mode

Definition at line 465 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

name of widget which is joined to this widget

Definition at line 468 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

name of widget which is joined to this widget

Definition at line 471 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

struct { ... } MMSWidgetClass::ed [private]

stores base border attributes

Definition at line 597 of file mmswidgetclass.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: