Build from sourcesThe installation of Disko is highly customizable. Since lots of developers asked for a minimal installation, we provide the steps to do so. Based on this, you can add the features you want, as you can see in the following sections.Minimal installationTo use basic disko features but avoid the installation of lots of dependencies, you can use this type of installation. You still have to install some packages first. Usually your distribution will provide them, if not, you can use the download links. Required packagesNow you're ready to choose the graphics backend, you're going to use. The following table shows the available backends as well as their dependencies:
Then you have to choose one database backend. Here is a list of the supported ones and their dependencies:
Building and InstallingAfter you have finished installing the required packages described in the previous section, you can start building the Disko-Framework.cd <path to disko directory> scons graphics_backend=[fbdev|x11|dfb|all] scons [prefix=...] installThe parameter graphics lets you choose the graphics backend. The database backend will be chosen automatically by checking the installed requirements (priority order: SQLite3, MySQL, ODBC). If you want to choose it manually, use the database option (i.e. database=sqlite3). prefix is used to determine the location of your disko installation. The default is /usr. Note: Remember to set the environment variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH if you are installing to an extraordinary location. Using a media backendIf you meet all requirements of the minimal installation and want to use media playback facilities, you can choose between xine and/or gstreamer. xineAt first you have to install libxine. Please
install at least version 1.1.15 otherwise disko won't compile. gstreamerDisko was and is using libxine for media playback for good reason for years now.
In the last years GStreamer developed into a very serious alternative
on embedded devices. Now that TI is going to support GStreamer for their
Davinci and OMAP platforms there is a way to add GSreamer support to Disko. Once you meet all dependencies, you can start by downloading and installing GStreamer: wget http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/src/gstreamer/gstreamer-0.10.23.tar.bz2 tar jxf gstreamer-0.10.23.tar.bz2 cd gstreamer-0.10.23 ./configure [--prefix=<gstreamer-location>] && make && make install; If you are using --prefix, don't forget to set PKG_CONFIG_PATH: export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<gstreamer-location>/lib/pkgconfig Now you can install the GStreamer base plugins: wget http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/src/gst-plugins-base/gst-plugins-base-0.10.23.tar.bz2 tar jxf gst-plugins-base-0.10.23.tar.bz2 cd gst-plugins-base-0.10.23 ./configure [--prefix=<gstreamer-location>] && make && make install; And now the bad plugins. Naturally the Disko output plugin resides here, as we plan to propose Disko to be added to the GStreamer upstream. wget http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/src/gst-plugins-bad/gst-plugins-bad-0.10.12.tar.bz2 tar jxf gst-plugins-bad-0.10.13.tar.bz2 cd gst-plugins-bad-0.10.13 Before the bad plugins are installed the disko patch has to be applied. It can be found in the disko source tree as ext/gst-plugins-bad-0.10.13_diskovideosink.diff. patch -Np1 < gst-plugins-bad-0.10.13_diskovideosink.diff After that compile and install the plugins the usual way. Make sure that the PKG_CONFIG_PATH includes the current disko installation. ./configure [--prefix=<gstreamer-location>] && make && make install; After gstreamer is installed, Disko needs to be rebuilt. This is necessary
to compile the now provided GStreamer support into the Disko installation.
This process is needed because disko is a single package within the SCons
build system. This should be fixed somewhen, but today this seems to be
sufficent for testing. Mixer facilitiesThe mixer classes of mmsmedia provide a simple interface to access volume settings of your soundcard.To install the mixer classes, you have to install alsa-libs first. In Debian based distributions the package is named libasound2-dev. Now the mixer will be enabled automatically if using one of the media backends. |