MMSFBSurfaceBuffer Struct Reference

#include <mmsfbsurface.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

int sbw
int sbh
MMSFBSurfacePixelFormat pixelformat
 pixel format
bool alphachannel
 the pixel format has alphachannel
bool premultiplied
 premultiplied surface
int backbuffer
 number of backbuffers (e.g. 0 means FRONTONLY)
bool systemonly
 true, if surface is stored in system memory
MMSFBSurfacePlanes buffers [MMSFBSurfaceMaxBuffers]
 real storage
int numbuffers
 real number of buffers allocated for a surface
int currbuffer_read
 index to the current read buffer (used if surface is the blit/stretchblit source)
int currbuffer_write
 index to the current write buffer (used as destination for all blitting/drawing routines)
bool external_buffer
 surface buffer attached to this MMSFBSurface is externally allocated?
class MMSFBSurfacemmsfbdev_surface
 interface to the fb layer surface
XImage * x_image [MMSFBSurfaceMaxBuffers]
 ximage of the x11 window
GLuint ogl_fbo
 opengl framebuffer object (FBO), 0 means primary display buffer connected to the x-window or the fbdev
GLuint ogl_tex
 opengl texture attached to the FBO (this is the color buffer where normal 2D surface is stored)
GLuint ogl_rbo
 opengl renderbuffer attached to the FBO (this is the depth buffer needed for 3D rendering)
bool ogl_fbo_initialized
 FBO initialized?
bool ogl_tex_initialized
 texture initialized?
bool ogl_rbo_initialized
 RBO initialized?
bool ogl_unchanged_depth_buffer
 content of depth buffer changed?

Detailed Description

Definition at line 85 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

Member Data Documentation


Definition at line 87 of file mmsfbsurface.h.


Definition at line 89 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

the pixel format has alphachannel

Definition at line 93 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

premultiplied surface

Definition at line 95 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

number of backbuffers (e.g. 0 means FRONTONLY)

Definition at line 97 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

true, if surface is stored in system memory

Definition at line 99 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

real storage

Definition at line 101 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

real number of buffers allocated for a surface

Definition at line 103 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

index to the current read buffer (used if surface is the blit/stretchblit source)

Definition at line 105 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

index to the current write buffer (used as destination for all blitting/drawing routines)

Definition at line 107 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

surface buffer attached to this MMSFBSurface is externally allocated?

Definition at line 109 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

interface to the fb layer surface

Definition at line 112 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

XImage* MMSFBSurfaceBuffer::x_image[MMSFBSurfaceMaxBuffers]

ximage of the x11 window

Definition at line 116 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

opengl framebuffer object (FBO), 0 means primary display buffer connected to the x-window or the fbdev

Definition at line 124 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

opengl texture attached to the FBO (this is the color buffer where normal 2D surface is stored)

Definition at line 126 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

opengl renderbuffer attached to the FBO (this is the depth buffer needed for 3D rendering)

Definition at line 128 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

FBO initialized?

Definition at line 130 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

texture initialized?

Definition at line 132 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

RBO initialized?

Definition at line 134 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

content of depth buffer changed?

Definition at line 136 of file mmsfbsurface.h.

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