mmsthememanager.cpp File Reference

#include "mmsgui/theme/mmsthememanager.h"
#include "mmsinfo/mmsinfo.h"
#include "mmsconfig/mmsconfigdata.h"

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#define INITCHECK   if (!this->initialized) throw MMSThemeManagerError(1, "MMSThemeManager is not initialized!");
#define GET_THEME_CLASS(method)

Define Documentation

#define GET_THEME_CLASS ( method   ) 


class_name = tafff->getAttributeString(MMSGUI_BASE_ATTR::MMSGUI_BASE_ATTR_IDS_name); \
if (class_name) method(tafff, theme, class_name); \
else DEBUGMSG("MMSGUI", "name of class not specified (ignoring)");

Definition at line 266 of file mmsthememanager.cpp.

#define INITCHECK   if (!this->initialized) throw MMSThemeManagerError(1, "MMSThemeManager is not initialized!");

Definition at line 37 of file mmsthememanager.cpp.