mmsconfigqueries.h File Reference

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#define PLUGINDAO_SAVE(ID, Name, Title, Description, Filename, Path, Active, Icon, Icon_s, Icon_small, Icon_small_s, CategoryID, Orderpos, Version)
#define PLUGINDAO_UPDATE(Filename, Active, Description, CategoryID, Orderpos, ID, Version)
#define PLUGINDAO_FIND_ALL_ACTIVE_PLUGINS   "select Plug.*, Cat.CategoryName, PlugType.PluginTypeName from Plugins Plug left join Category Cat ON Cat.ID = Plug.CategoryID left join PluginTypes PlugType ON PlugType.ID = Plug.PluginTypeID where Plug.Active = 'Y' and Plug.ID != -2"
#define PLUGINDAO_FIND_ALL_PLUGINS   "select Plug.*, Cat.CategoryName, PlugType.PluginTypeName from Plugins Plug left join Category Cat ON Cat.ID = Plug.CategoryID left join PluginTypes PlugType ON PlugType.ID = Plug.PluginTypeID where Plug.ID != -2"
#define PLUGINDAO_F_PLUGIN_BY_NAME(Name)   "select Plug.*, Cat.CategoryName, PlugType.PluginTypeName from Plugins Plug left join Category Cat ON Cat.ID = Plug.CategoryID left join PluginTypes PlugType ON PlugType.ID = Plug.PluginTypeID where Plug.PluginName = '" + Name + "';"
#define PLUGINDAO_F_PLUGIN_BY_ID(ID)   "select Plug.*, Cat.CategoryName, PlugType.PluginTypeName from Plugins Plug left join Category Cat ON Cat.ID = Plug.CategoryID left join PluginTypes PlugType ON PlugType.ID = Plug.PluginTypeID where Plug.ID = " + ID
#define PLUGINDAO_F_ACTIVE_PLUGINS_BY_CATEGORY(CATEGORY)   "select Plug.*,Cat.CategoryName,Types.PluginTypename from Plugins Plug left join Category Cat ON Cat.CategoryName ='" + CATEGORY + "' left join PluginTypes Types ON Types.ID = Plug.PluginTypeID WHERE Plug.CategoryID = Cat.ID and Plug.Active = 'Y'"
#define PLUGINDAO_F_ALL_PLUGINS_BY_CATEGORY(CATEGORY)   "select Plug.*,Cat.CategoryName,Types.PluginTypename from Plugins Plug left join Category Cat ON Cat.CategoryName ='" + CATEGORY + "' left join PluginTypes Types ON Types.ID = Plug.PluginTypeID WHERE Plug.CategoryID = Cat.ID"
#define PLUGINDAO_F_ACTIVE_PLUGINS_BY_TYPE(TYPE)   "select Plug.*,Cat.CategoryName,Types.PluginTypeName from Plugins Plug left join Category Cat ON Cat.ID = Plug.CategoryID left join PluginTypes Types ON Types.ID = Plug.PluginTypeID where Types.PluginTypeName = '" + TYPE + "' and Plug.Active = 'Y'"
#define PLUGINDAO_F_ALL_PLUGINS_BY_TYPE(TYPE)   "select Plug.*,Cat.CategoryName,Types.PluginTypeName from Plugins Plug left join Category Cat ON Cat.ID = Plug.CategoryID left join PluginTypes Types ON Types.ID = Plug.PluginTypeID where Types.PluginTypeName = '" + TYPE + "'"
#define PLUGINPROPERTYDAO_FIND_ALL_PLUGIN_PROPERTIES_BY_PLUGIN(ID)   "select * from PluginProperties where PluginID = " + ID

Define Documentation

#define PLUGINDAO_F_ACTIVE_PLUGINS_BY_CATEGORY ( CATEGORY   )     "select Plug.*,Cat.CategoryName,Types.PluginTypename from Plugins Plug left join Category Cat ON Cat.CategoryName ='" + CATEGORY + "' left join PluginTypes Types ON Types.ID = Plug.PluginTypeID WHERE Plug.CategoryID = Cat.ID and Plug.Active = 'Y'"

Definition at line 79 of file mmsconfigqueries.h.

#define PLUGINDAO_F_ACTIVE_PLUGINS_BY_TYPE ( TYPE   )     "select Plug.*,Cat.CategoryName,Types.PluginTypeName from Plugins Plug left join Category Cat ON Cat.ID = Plug.CategoryID left join PluginTypes Types ON Types.ID = Plug.PluginTypeID where Types.PluginTypeName = '" + TYPE + "' and Plug.Active = 'Y'"

Definition at line 85 of file mmsconfigqueries.h.

#define PLUGINDAO_F_ALL_PLUGINS_BY_CATEGORY ( CATEGORY   )     "select Plug.*,Cat.CategoryName,Types.PluginTypename from Plugins Plug left join Category Cat ON Cat.CategoryName ='" + CATEGORY + "' left join PluginTypes Types ON Types.ID = Plug.PluginTypeID WHERE Plug.CategoryID = Cat.ID"

Definition at line 82 of file mmsconfigqueries.h.

#define PLUGINDAO_F_ALL_PLUGINS_BY_TYPE ( TYPE   )     "select Plug.*,Cat.CategoryName,Types.PluginTypeName from Plugins Plug left join Category Cat ON Cat.ID = Plug.CategoryID left join PluginTypes Types ON Types.ID = Plug.PluginTypeID where Types.PluginTypeName = '" + TYPE + "'"

Definition at line 88 of file mmsconfigqueries.h.

#define PLUGINDAO_F_PLUGIN_BY_ID ( ID   )     "select Plug.*, Cat.CategoryName, PlugType.PluginTypeName from Plugins Plug left join Category Cat ON Cat.ID = Plug.CategoryID left join PluginTypes PlugType ON PlugType.ID = Plug.PluginTypeID where Plug.ID = " + ID

Definition at line 76 of file mmsconfigqueries.h.

#define PLUGINDAO_F_PLUGIN_BY_NAME ( Name   )     "select Plug.*, Cat.CategoryName, PlugType.PluginTypeName from Plugins Plug left join Category Cat ON Cat.ID = Plug.CategoryID left join PluginTypes PlugType ON PlugType.ID = Plug.PluginTypeID where Plug.PluginName = '" + Name + "';"

Definition at line 73 of file mmsconfigqueries.h.

#define PLUGINDAO_FIND_ALL_ACTIVE_PLUGINS   "select Plug.*, Cat.CategoryName, PlugType.PluginTypeName from Plugins Plug left join Category Cat ON Cat.ID = Plug.CategoryID left join PluginTypes PlugType ON PlugType.ID = Plug.PluginTypeID where Plug.Active = 'Y' and Plug.ID != -2"

Definition at line 67 of file mmsconfigqueries.h.

#define PLUGINDAO_FIND_ALL_PLUGINS   "select Plug.*, Cat.CategoryName, PlugType.PluginTypeName from Plugins Plug left join Category Cat ON Cat.ID = Plug.CategoryID left join PluginTypes PlugType ON PlugType.ID = Plug.PluginTypeID where Plug.ID != -2"

Definition at line 70 of file mmsconfigqueries.h.

Version   ) 


"insert into Plugins(PluginTypeID,PluginName,PluginTitle,PluginDescription,Filename,PluginPath,Active,Icon,SelectedIcon,SmallIcon,SmallSelectedIcon,CategoryID,Orderpos,Version) values('" \
        + ID + "','"          \
        + Name + "','"        \
        + Title + "','"       \
        + Description + "','" \
        + Filename + "','"    \
        + Path + "','"        \
        + Active + "','"      \
        + Icon + "','"        \
        + Icon_s + "','"      \
        + Icon_small + "','"  \
        + Icon_small_s + "','"  \
        + CategoryID + "','"  \
        + Orderpos + "','" \
        + Version + "')"

Definition at line 41 of file mmsconfigqueries.h.

#define PLUGINDAO_UPDATE ( Filename,
Version   ) 


"update Plugins set Filename='" + Filename + "',"   \
        + "Active='" + Active + "',"                        \
        + "PluginDescription='" + Description + "', " +      \
        + "CategoryID='" + CategoryID + "', " +      \
        + "Orderpos='" + Orderpos + "', " +      \
        + "Version='" + Version + "' " + \
        "where ID = '" + ID + "'"

Definition at line 58 of file mmsconfigqueries.h.

#define PLUGINPROPERTYDAO_FIND_ALL_PLUGIN_PROPERTIES_BY_PLUGIN ( ID   )     "select * from PluginProperties where PluginID = " + ID

Definition at line 96 of file mmsconfigqueries.h.