Disko homepage - The Linux application framework for embedded devices: www.diskohq.com - Forum http://www.diskohq.com com_fireboard en-us Sat, 05 Sep 2015 10:03:54 +0200 Powered by Fireboard /components/com_fireboard/template/default/images/english/emoticons/fb_rsspower.gif http://www.diskohq.com 88 Subject: Re:absolute positioning and event handling - by: Stefan /forum_func=view&id=569&catid=8 Hi Judith, as we are going to close the forums soon, I would like you to join our mailing list to discuss this Question. have fun Stefan... Subject: absolute positioning and event handling - by: judith /forum_func=view&id=568&catid=8 Hi all, I need some absolute positioned elements that can receive select, focus and click events. As far as I know, only windows can be positioned absolutely, but they can't receive those events. Sure, I could define some widget within the windows, but that's not a nice and furthermore a memory wasting solution. Is there another way and I just don't see it? BTW: How are focus events thrown by mouse usage? I know that buttonpress means select and buttonrelease click, but I can't see the point a focus e... Subject: Re:duration popup window - by: neeohw /forum_func=view&id=567&catid=8 Hi Matthias, I'm testing Disko 1.7 which I downloaded from the GIT repository on the 5th of may.... Subject: Re:nested menus - by: Matthias /forum_func=view&id=566&catid=8 Hello neeohw, that's hard to describe in general. Maybe you can explain what you want to achieve in more detail. If you could attach some example code, it would be even better. Do you want to have a menu and when you click on one item another menu is displayed? Then your approach by using childwindows is reasonable. In the onClick handler of the first menu you call show() on the childwindow containing the other menu. We are using this method a lot. As I said, when you describe your idea more detai... Subject: Re:duration popup window - by: Matthias /forum_func=view&id=565&catid=8 OK, this sounds like a bug. Which version are you using? Disko 1.6, 1.7 or from the git-repository? Then I'll test it.... Subject: Re:duration popup window - by: neeohw /forum_func=view&id=564&catid=8 That's what I thought, only ... I put duration="5" but I can only see the popup for 0.25 seconds.... Subject: Re:duration popup window - by: Matthias /forum_func=view&id=563&catid=8 Hello neeohw, you don't have to feel sorry, we're always happy to help ;-) There are different ways to set the duration of a popup window. First via xml-Files: - You can set it directly inside the dialog file where you define the popupwindow as an attribute like this: [code][/code] - Or more generally in your theme.xml: [code] [/code] and then use it inside the dialog file: [code][/code]. Another possibility is to use the API to set it dynamically inside your C++ code: [code]this->po... Subject: nested menus - by: neeohw /forum_func=view&id=562&catid=8 Any ideas on how to create nested menus? I would like to have a menu with items that can have submenus. I'm finding it difficult since I am not able to get the navigation right. Currently I use childwindows for the submenus ...... Subject: duration popup window - by: neeohw /forum_func=view&id=561&catid=8 Sorry I'm bugging you guys so much, but I cannot figure out how this duration is working for the popupwindow. Which value can it have ? How do I set it ?... Subject: Re:smooth scrolling - by: Stefan /forum_func=view&id=560&catid=8 It is prepared to be layoutet vertically as well, but it is not working as expected have to admit. So yes, currently I only would call the horizontal scroll supported....