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What is Disko?

Free UI Framework

Disko is an LGPL-licensed user interface (UI) application framework for the fast and simple development of flexible applications on Embedded Linux systems – with a particular focus on interactive user interfaces. It is high-performance and easy to learn, and due to its architecture is well suited to creating complex applications. Disko is a product of BerLinux Solutions GmbH.

Wide Application Range

The increasing development of more efficient and cost-effective CPUs opens up new opportunities in the implementation of more multi-functional, user- friendly and high-quality user interfaces, even for products outside of the end-user market.


Disko's innovative concept makes it flexible to expand, and has already demonstrated its reliability and stability in the field. Disko is constantly being enhanced, and also benefits from the input of other open-source programmers. For further informations take a look on our Roadmap.


BerLinux Solutions GmbH offers its customers contract development and extensive support for the Disko framework, and is on hand to assist with product development.

News 16 August 2010

Disko ported to STi71xx SoC

STMicroelectronics connected the media library of Disko 1.07 to their AV drivers and ported the Disko demo as showcase.

We’re proud to announce that another port of Disko has been done.
Special thanks to the STMicroelectronics US region Field Application Engineers. They modified mmsmedia to use their AV drivers / player instead of Xine or Gstreamer. Based on STLinux, Disko in combination with DirectFB was successfully ported to STi71xx SoC with full hardware acceleration. The testing was done using the Disko demo application. The documentation of STLinux might be a good starting point for anyone interested in testing Disko. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.


News 17 June 2010

Red Dot Honorable Mention

Congratulations to Bewatec for receiving a 'honorable mention' in the Red Dot Design Award competition 2009.

The awarded MediNet LCD TV15 hospital entertainment system uses software developed by BerLinux based on Linux and Disko to preserve a sustainable solution.


News 21 May 2010

Disko 1.7 released

Beside the usual bunch of bug fixes and performance improvements coming with the new version 1.7, we’re exceedingly proud of the released new functions like gesture recognition.

You can give the new gesture recognition and graphics capabilities a try with the new Demo. The Demo is available precompiled for Ubuntu and Archos 5 in addition to the source code.

To speed up the development of Disko as one of the very few up-to-date and really free GUI frameworks for embedded Linux, we want to open ourselves broader towards the community. Therefore we’ve setup a new mailing list. We will, at first by way of trial, be at your beck and call for questions, suggestions, or criticism via IRC on channel #disko at We would be especially happy about all kinds of contribution and articles concerning products using Disko.

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