Hello Guido,
It is good to know that your are updating your website.
I can highlight some of the topics that I think deserve some better explanation:
- My first suggestion is to have a centralised online reference doc. Anyone trying to get used to disko will find the information a bit spread around the morphinetv and the disko websites.
- The xml elements used in dialog and theme files should also be somehow integrated into the main reference doc. I actually found a description at http://wiki.morphine.tv/tiki-index.php_page=elements. But not only I believe it needs to be updated, but I also think it should be on the main disko website documentation section.
- For a developer using disko, it is important to deeply understand it's architecture. Again, I found the page http://wiki.morphine.tv/tiki-index.php_page=Introduction, but I believe the subject deserves a deeper description.
- Regarding the API reference page, it lacks comments. It would be extremely useful to attached a short description to each class and member functions. Moreover I believe that the API reference page should mention only the "external" interface of the framework, and not the classes and functions used internally by disko.
- Another interesting feature you might consider including within the reference doc, is the inclusion of user comments. A great example is the Postgres documentation page.
- Exception handling within the disko framework also needs more explanation. For example, I just found out that I can catch an MMSError* which contains error information details. I have not found any reference to this so far on the available documentation.
- InputManager also lacks some usage documentation. For example, I still was not able to figure out how to associate tasks/functions with specific user input inputs.
- I have not found any detailed explanation of the options within the diskorc.xml. It is crutial to know exacly how to configure runtime options using that file.
- Finally, I would really like to know which actions must be done just before program termination. I found the function mmsRelease() but the examples don't use it. Does it release all the dynamic allocated memory (like Qt does)?
These are the main topics where I have found the current documentation incomplete. I truly hope this information is somehow useful to you guys.
Nevertheless, I would like to emphasise once again that so far I found disko to be great library, despite the fact is not very well documented.
Best regards & happy new year!