I am trying to create a simple video test application.
Here is what I am doing:
#include <mms.h>
#include <iostream>
const char *const videofile = "./video_mpeg2_1.mpg";
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
mmsInit(MMSINIT_WINDOWS, argc, argv,"./diskorc.xml"

MMSRootWindow *video_window = new MMSRootWindow("","100%","100%",MMSALIGNMENT_CENTER, (MMSWINDOW_FLAGS)MMSW_VIDEO);
cout << "Creating MMSVideo object now..." << endl;
MMSVideo *video_player = new MMSVideo(video_window);
if (video_player) {
cout << "MMSVideo object created successfully." << endl;
cout << "Error creating MMMVideo object" << endl;
delete video_window, video_player;
return 0;
Unfortunately I am experiencing the following error:
Starting Disko Application...
w: 1024, h: 768
DISKO: Available xv adaptors:
ATI Radeon Video Overlay (used)
Radeon Textured Video
DISKO: Using accelerated fill rectangle to YV12.
DISKO: Pixelformat ARGB is used for surfaces.
DISKO: Pixelformat ARGB is used for windows with alphachannel.
DISKO: Using accelerated fill rectangle to ARGB.
DISKO: Using accelerated copy ARGB to ARGB.
DISKO: Using accelerated blend ARGB to YV12.
DISKO: Pixelformat YV12 is used for windows with no alphachannel.
Creating MMSVideo obello,
I am trying to create a simple video test application.
Here is what I am doing:
#include <mms.h>
#include <iostream>
const char *const videofile = "./video_mpeg2_1.mpg";
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
mmsInit(MMSINIT_WINDOWS, argc, argv,"./diskorc.xml"

MMSRootWindow *video_window = new MMSRootWindow("","100%","100%",MMSALIGNMENT_CENTER, (MMSWINDOW_FLAGS)MMSW_VIDEO);
cout << "Creating MMSVideo object now..." << endl;
MMSVideo *video_player = new MMSVideo(video_window);
if (video_player) {
cout << "MMSVideo object created successfully." << endl;
cout << "Error creating MMMVideo object" << endl;
delete video_window, video_player;
return 0;
Unfortunately I am experiencing the following error:
Starting Disko Application...
w: 1024, h: 768
DISKO: Available xv adaptors:
ATI Radeon Video Overlay (used)
Radeon Textured Video
DISKO: Using accelerated fill rectangle to YV12.
DISKO: Pixelformat ARGB is used for surfaces.
DISKO: Pixelformat ARGB is used for windows with alphachannel.
DISKO: Using accelerated fill rectangle to ARGB.
DISKO: Using accelerated copy ARGB to ARGB.
DISKO: Using accelerated blend ARGB to YV12.
DISKO: Pixelformat YV12 is used for windows with no alphachannel.
Creating MMSVideo object now...
DISKO: Using accelerated copy YV12 to YV12.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'MMSAVError*'
Can anyone give me a clue of what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.