Hi Guido
Until now I was running disko on QEMU and not on the real hardware.
So I can't say anything about performance, yet.
Tomorrow I will try to get the tutorial 4 running on the board.
About my plans for disko:
First I want to control the Mediaplayer on my Dreambox 800 with my board. The mediaplayer can be controlled via web-interface. As there is no webbrowser available yet for disko

, I think I can do this with curl and libxml2.
At a later time I would like to "remote control" my Fritz!Box to see incoming/missed calls, address book, ...
It would also be great to have an email notifier and the weather forecast.
So I would simply like to have all "important" information on my 7" LCD connected to my MINI2440 board.
As you can see, there's a lot to do and I hope that other users are also developing some plugins to get a lot of functionality in disko.
Btw: Are the screenshots on your homepage (weather forecast, missed calls, ...) from real applications or are they just "dummy"?