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No log file when running tutorial firststeps 01

Posts: 24

Re:No log file when running tutorial firststeps 01 6 Years ago  
Hi Guido

Here's the output:


[root@/usr/bin/01]#ls -ll * -rwxrwxrwx 1 user user 42698 Aug 11 18:36 01 -rwxrwxrwx 1 user user 4104 Aug 12 18:26 diskorc.xml -rwxrwxrwx 1 user user 2758 Aug 12 20:47 diskorc_vesafb.xml -rwxrwxrwx 1 user user 389 Aug 11 18:35 inputmap.xml -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nogroup 9789 Aug 12 21:54 logfile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9789 Aug 12 21:55 logfile.txt themes: drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 4096 Aug 12 21:53 default
And here the output from ls -ll * from /usr/bin/01/themes:

[root@/usr/bin/01/themes]#ls -ll * -rwxrwxrwx 1 user user 303604 Aug 11 18:35 DejaVuSansMono.ttf -rwxrwxrwx 1 user user 27 Aug 11 18:35 theme.xml
I hope this will give you a hint what's wrong. Regards Nahsah
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No log file when running tutorial firststeps 01

Posts: 54

Re:No log file when running tutorial firststeps 01 6 Years ago  
Hi nahsah,

it seems that you don't have the permission to create/write a file in your themes/default folder. Please take a look on the following Disko code:


//check for file if(!file_exist(themefile)) if(!file_exist(themetafffile)) throw new MMSThemeManagerError(1, "theme file (" + themefile + ") not found"); /* open the taff file */ MMSTaffFile *tafff = new MMSTaffFile(themetafffile, &mmsgui_taff_description, themefile, MMSTAFF_EXTERNAL_TYPE_XML); if (!tafff) throw new MMSThemeManagerError(1, "could not load theme file " + themefile);
if disko can't find your theme, the message would be "theme file xy not found". In the second step we try to create a taff file, which stores the theme information in an internal format. i hope this will solve the problem ... regards Guido
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No log file when running tutorial firststeps 01

Posts: 24

Re:No log file when running tutorial firststeps 01 6 Years ago  
Hi Guido

Thanks for your help.
Changing the permissions in themes/default directory was the solution.
Now my tutorial applications are fully working.

Thanks again to all disko developers for your help to bring disko to my MINI2440 board

Very fast and capable answers to my (sometimes dumb) questions, that's really great support!

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No log file when running tutorial firststeps 01

Posts: 54

Re:No log file when running tutorial firststeps 01 6 Years ago  
hi nahsah,

that are great news


Thanks again to all disko developers for your help to bring disko to my MINI2440 board

Your welcome! What kind of application you plan to port to the board? We are very interested in more information about the performance of Disko on the board. It would be nice if you could give feedback if Disko is running well on the board.

if you have further questions or problems feel free to contact us again.


Last Edit: 2009/08/16 16:43 By Guido.
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No log file when running tutorial firststeps 01

Posts: 24

Re:No log file when running tutorial firststeps 01 6 Years ago  
Hi Guido

Until now I was running disko on QEMU and not on the real hardware.
So I can't say anything about performance, yet.
Tomorrow I will try to get the tutorial 4 running on the board.

About my plans for disko:
First I want to control the Mediaplayer on my Dreambox 800 with my board. The mediaplayer can be controlled via web-interface. As there is no webbrowser available yet for disko , I think I can do this with curl and libxml2.

At a later time I would like to "remote control" my Fritz!Box to see incoming/missed calls, address book, ...

It would also be great to have an email notifier and the weather forecast.

So I would simply like to have all "important" information on my 7" LCD connected to my MINI2440 board.

As you can see, there's a lot to do and I hope that other users are also developing some plugins to get a lot of functionality in disko.

Btw: Are the screenshots on your homepage (weather forecast, missed calls, ...) from real applications or are they just "dummy"?

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No log file when running tutorial firststeps 01

Posts: 64

Gender: Male Disko Location: Berlin, Germany Birthdate: 1979-04-25
Re:No log file when running tutorial firststeps 01 6 Years ago  
Hi nahsah,

the screenshots are from real applications, mostly from Morphine.TV.
We stopped developing it due to having no time
But it should give you a good starting point.

If you want to develop a web service for configuring your app, take
a look at our xml interface. You can run an MMSTCPServer and connect
with an MMSTCPClient and exchange date through XML very easily.
Unfortunately it's not really my business, but I'll ask Stefan to give
you some hints on this.

But it's a lot of fun, watching someone like you running disko
on some special hardware. Keep on going...

Best regards,
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