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New member to forum 6 Years, 1 Month ago  
Dear all,

I'm a new member to forum. My name is Joaquim Duran.

I've compiled disko from git in a fedora 11 distro. I've found several

1 - Fedora 11 comes with gcc 4.4.0. I've done the following change to source code to compile it:

diff --git a/src/mmstools/mmsfile.cpp b/src/mmstools/mmsfile.cpp
index 3373cc5..e94421a 100755
--- a/src/mmstools/mmsfile.cpp
+++ b/src/mmstools/mmsfile.cpp
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ bool MMSFile::rewindFile() {
switch(this->type) {
if (this->file) {
- std::rewind(this->file);
+ rewind(this->file);
return true;
this->lasterror = EBADF;

2 - Fedora 11 comes with swfdec 0.9 but the library is not detected. It's possible to change disko to accept swfdec >= 0.8? is there any issue? If you want to test incompatibilities with 0.9, send me the patch to test de compilation.

3 - Also, I've compiled the tutorials. When runing tutorial 01 uncer x11, the following message appears:

Starting Disko Tutorial: firststeps/01...
w: 1152, h: 864
DISKO: Available xv adaptors:
X Error of failed request: XvBadPort
Major opcode of failed request: 132 (XVideo)
Minor opcode of failed request: 16 ()
Serial number of failed request: 36
Current serial number in output stream: 36

In the log of X11, Xv extension is loaled, but the output of xvinfo command is:

X-Video Extension version 2.2
screen #0
no adaptors present

How can I configure X11 to avoid this problem?

Thanks in advance.

Joaquim Duran
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New member to forum

Posts: 91

Re:New member to forum 6 Years, 1 Month ago  
Hi Joaquim,

welcome to Disko. I hope you like it a lot.

@1) I can certainly add the changes to compile with gcc 4.4.x.

@2) we experienced some problems in the past between the single releases of swfdec with the api, so we decided to stick with this single version.
I added support to swfdec-09 to the SCons build system in the git. Please give it a try and please tell us your results.

@3) You can change the diskorc.xml to use the X11 xshm interface, just edit the file and change the parameter outputtype from xvshm to xshm.
How to configure your X11 strongly depends on your graphics card setup. I bet you are using an ATI

kind regads
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New member to forum

Posts: 37

Re:New member to forum 6 Years, 1 Month ago  

2: I've compiled disko and disko-tutoarial/flash with no problem using swfdec-09. I've executed the flas exmpale and no links probles has appreaded. The problems is about point 3.

3: Currently the outputtype was set to x11. Changing the output type to those that you indicated didn't improve the problem.

You're rigth, I've an ATI card. Currently propieraty ATI drivers couldn't be installed in Fedora 11. Currently I'm using VESA driver to 'fix' temporally the problem, so no acceleration is provided. Is it a very big issue to run disko applications?

Joaquim Duran
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New member to forum

Posts: 91

Re:New member to forum 6 Years, 1 Month ago  
Hi Joaquim,

@2) thats nice. So we will allow 0.8 or 0.9 in disko from now on.

@3) Could you please post your diskorc.xml file. Iam pretty sure that we're gonna fix this.

As concerned to the vesa driver: of course you can run Disko applications in that environment. The problem is, that graphics are definitely not as pretty as they could be. You will also notice a much bigger CPU usage. That's of course not only for Disko application, but for your whole Desktop environment.

kind regards
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New member to forum

Posts: 37

Re:New member to forum 6 Years, 1 Month ago  

I attach the diskorc.xml and the log file from example 01.

Joaquim Duran
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New member to forum

Posts: 37

Re:New member to forum 6 Years, 1 Month ago  

The files were not included. Let's try once again: diskorc.xml

Joaquim Duran
File Attachment:
File Name: diskorc.txt
File Size: 4101
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