Hi danieltidus,
yes, it is possible to get access and work with the DFB interface.
In disko we have implemented different abstraction layers between the application and the hardware.
The lowest interface to DFB are the MMSFBxxx classes (e.g. MMSFBLayer, MMSFBSurface, MMSFBWindow, ...) located under src/mmsgui/fb.
Currently the MMSFB interface is working with the DFB backend and with our own written X11(xv) backend.
Please take a look at the disko-benchmarks source code (download it from disko-benchmarks.git).
To get access to the DFB surface you can use the method MMSFBSurface::getDFBSurface(). The returned pointer should be casted
to (IDirectFBSurface*).
Please take a look at MMSFBSurface documentation
There are a lot of methods e.g. blitBuffer() or stretchBlitBuffer() to put any external data buffer to the MMSFBSurface.
If you use the MMSFBxxx interface classes instead of 'hard' DFB interfaces it has the advantage, that your code can run under the DFB and disko's X11(xv) environment without any changes.