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Re:releasing all of DirectFB allocated memory

Posts: 14

releasing all of DirectFB allocated memory 10 Years, 10 Months ago  
Is there a way to release all of the memory that was allocated by DirectFB? I know with DirectFB you have to call window->Release, surface->Release, layer->Release ... I could not find an example in the tutorials or demo project where this was done. Is it implemented in Disko?

I do see this in mmsinit.cpp:

bool mmsRelease() {
return true;

So I keep getting the following error when ending my application:

18:37:07:88 3036237264 MMSINPUT: KEY RELEASE 3 (MMSKEY_RETURN) [src/mmsinput/mmsinputmanager.cpp:131]
(!!!) *** WARNING [Application exited without deinitialization of DirectFB!] *** [core.c:862 in dfb_core_deinit_check()]
(!!!) *** WARNING [still objects in 'Layer Region Pool'] *** [object.c:241 in fusion_object_pool_destroy()]
(!!!) *** WARNING [still objects in 'Layer Context Pool'] *** [object.c:241 in fusion_object_pool_destroy()]
(!!!) *** WARNING [still objects in 'Surface Pool'] *** [object.c:241 in fusion_object_pool_destroy()]
(!) Direct/Thread: Canceling 'Fusion Dispatch' (8347)!
(!) [ 8346: 6.047] -->
(!) Direct/Thread: Canceling 'Fusion Dispatch' (8347)!
(!) [ 8346: 6.047] --> Caught signal 11 (at 0x20018020, invalid address) <--
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Re:releasing all of DirectFB allocated memory

Posts: 64

Gender: Male Disko Location: Berlin, Germany Birthdate: 1979-04-25
Re:releasing all of DirectFB allocated memory 10 Years, 10 Months ago  
Hey neeohw,

we are aware of this problem. Since we are working on the DirectFB backend
in the next time, we'll take a look at this as well.

Thanks for reporting this. We'll give feedback here...

Best regards,
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