MMSVideo Member List
This is the complete list of members for
MMSVideo, including all inherited members.
add2Playlist(const string file) | MMSVideo | |
ao | MMSAV | [protected] |
audioPostPlugins | MMSAV | [protected] |
backend | MMSAV | [protected] |
brightnessDown(int count) | MMSAV | |
brightnessUp(int count) | MMSAV | |
contrastDown(int count) | MMSAV | |
contrastUp(int count) | MMSAV | |
currentMRL | MMSAV | [protected] |
ffwd() | MMSAV | |
getTimes(int *pos, int *length) | MMSAV | |
gstInit(const string uri) | MMSAV | [protected] |
hasAudio() | MMSAV | |
hasVideo() | MMSAV | |
hueDown(int count) | MMSAV | |
hueUp(int count) | MMSAV | |
initialize(const bool verbose=false, MMSWindow *window=NULL) | MMSAV | [protected] |
isPaused() | MMSAV | |
isPlaying() | MMSAV | |
isStopped() | MMSAV | |
MMSVideo(MMSWindow *window, const bool verbose=false) | MMSVideo | |
onError | MMSAV | |
onHandleInput(MMSWindow *window, MMSInputEvent *input) | MMSAV | [protected] |
onProgressChange | MMSVideo | |
onStatusChange | MMSAV | |
pause() | MMSAV | |
play() | MMSAV | |
playlist | MMSVideo | [private] |
playNext() | MMSVideo | |
pos | MMSAV | [protected] |
queue | MMSAV | [protected] |
registerAudioPostPlugin(string name) | MMSAV | |
registerVideoPostPlugin(string name) | MMSAV | |
saturationDown(int count) | MMSAV | |
saturationUp(int count) | MMSAV | |
sendAxisMotion(int posx, int posy) | MMSAV | [protected] |
sendButtonPress(int posx, int posy) | MMSAV | [protected] |
sendButtonRelease(int posx, int posy) | MMSAV | [protected] |
sendEvent(int type, void *data=NULL, int datalen=0) | MMSAV | [protected] |
sendEvent(MMSInputEvent *input) | MMSAV | [protected] |
sendKeyPress(MMSKeySymbol key) | MMSAV | [protected] |
sendKeyRelease(MMSKeySymbol key) | MMSAV | [protected] |
setAudioPostPluginParameter(string name, string parameter, string value) | MMSAV | |
setBrightness(int count) | MMSAV | |
setContrast(int count) | MMSAV | |
setHue(int count) | MMSAV | |
setSaturation(int count) | MMSAV | |
setStatus(int status) | MMSAV | [protected] |
setVideoPostPluginParameter(string name, string parameter, string value) | MMSAV | |
setVolume(int percent) | MMSAV | |
slow() | MMSAV | |
startPlaying(const string file, const bool cont=true) | MMSVideo | |
status | MMSAV | [protected] |
STATUS_FFWD | MMSAV | [static] |
STATUS_FFWD2 | MMSAV | [static] |
STATUS_NONE | MMSAV | [static] |
STATUS_PAUSED | MMSAV | [static] |
STATUS_REWIND | MMSAV | [static] |
STATUS_SLOW | MMSAV | [static] |
STATUS_SLOW2 | MMSAV | [static] |
stop(const bool savePosition=true) | MMSAV | |
stream | MMSAV | [protected] |
surface | MMSAV | [protected] |
verbose | MMSAV | [protected] |
videoPostPlugins | MMSAV | [protected] |
vo | MMSAV | [protected] |
window | MMSAV | [protected] |
xine | MMSAV | [protected] |
xineInit() | MMSAV | [protected] |
xineOpen() | MMSVideo | [private] |
MMSAV::xineOpen(xine_event_listener_cb_t queue_cb=NULL, void *userData=NULL) | MMSAV | [protected] |
~MMSAV() | MMSAV | [virtual] |
~MMSVideo() | MMSVideo | |