MMSImageManager Member List
This is the complete list of members for
MMSImageManager, including all inherited members.
config | MMSImageManager | [private] |
getImage(const string &path, const string &filename, MMSIM_DESC_SUF **surfdesc=NULL, int mirror_size=0, bool gen_taff=true) | MMSImageManager | |
images | MMSImageManager | [private] |
layer | MMSImageManager | [private] |
loadGIF(string file, MMSIM_DESC *desc) | MMSImageManager | [private] |
lock | MMSImageManager | [private] |
MMSImageManager(MMSFBLayer *layer=NULL) | MMSImageManager | |
newImage(const string &name, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, MMSFBSurfacePixelFormat pixelformat=MMSFB_PF_NONE) | MMSImageManager | |
pixelformat | MMSImageManager | [private] |
releaseImage(const string &path, const string &filename) | MMSImageManager | |
releaseImage(MMSFBSurface *surface) | MMSImageManager | |
surface2TAFF(string &imagefile, MMSFBSurface *surface) | MMSImageManager | [private] |
taffpf | MMSImageManager | [private] |
usetaff | MMSImageManager | [private] |
~MMSImageManager() | MMSImageManager | |