MMSFBDev Member List
This is the complete list of members for
MMSFBDev, including all inherited members.
activate(int fd, string device_file, struct fb_var_screeninfo *var_screeninfo, int width, int height, MMSFBSurfacePixelFormat pixelformat, bool switch_mode=true) | MMSFBDev | [private] |
active_screen | MMSFBDev | [private] |
buildPixelFormat() | MMSFBDev | [private] |
closeDevice() | MMSFBDev | [virtual] |
device | MMSFBDev | [private] |
device_file | MMSFBDev | [private] |
disable(int fd, string device_file) | MMSFBDev | [private] |
fd | MMSFBDev | [private] |
fix_screeninfo | MMSFBDev | [private] |
framebuffer_base | MMSFBDev | [private] |
genFBPixelFormat(MMSFBSurfacePixelFormat pf, unsigned int *nonstd_format, MMSFBPixelDef *pixeldef) | MMSFBDev | [private] |
getFrameBufferBase(unsigned char **base) | MMSFBDev | |
getFrameBufferPtr(int layer_id, MMSFBSurfacePlanesBuffer buffers, int *width, int *height) | MMSFBDev | |
getPhysicalMemory(unsigned long *mem) | MMSFBDev | |
getPixelFormat(int layer_id, MMSFBSurfacePixelFormat *pf) | MMSFBDev | |
initLayer(int layer_id, int width, int height, MMSFBSurfacePixelFormat pixelformat, int backbuffer=0) | MMSFBDev | [virtual] |
isinitialized | MMSFBDev | [private] |
isInitialized() | MMSFBDev | |
layers | MMSFBDev | [private] |
layers_cnt | MMSFBDev | [private] |
mapMmio(unsigned char **mmio) | MMSFBDev | |
MMSFBDev() | MMSFBDev | |
MMSFBDevDavinci class | MMSFBDev | [friend] |
MMSFBDevMatrox class | MMSFBDev | [friend] |
MMSFBDevOmap class | MMSFBDev | [friend] |
MMSFBDevVesa class | MMSFBDev | [friend] |
MMSInputLISHandler class | MMSFBDev | [friend] |
modes | MMSFBDev | [private] |
modes_cnt | MMSFBDev | [private] |
onActivate | MMSFBDev | |
onDisable | MMSFBDev | |
onGenFBPixelFormat | MMSFBDev | |
openDevice(char *device_file=NULL, int console=MMSFBDEV_QUERY_CONSOLE) | MMSFBDev | [virtual] |
org_var_screeninfo | MMSFBDev | [private] |
panDisplay(int buffer_id, void *framebuffer_base=NULL) | MMSFBDev | [virtual] |
printFixScreenInfo() | MMSFBDev | [private] |
printVarScreenInfo() | MMSFBDev | [private] |
readModes() | MMSFBDev | [private] |
releaseLayer(int layer_id) | MMSFBDev | [virtual] |
reset_console_accel | MMSFBDev | [private] |
restoreLayer(int layer_id) | MMSFBDev | [virtual] |
saved_ts | MMSFBDev | [private] |
setMode(int width, int height, MMSFBSurfacePixelFormat pixelformat, int backbuffer=0) | MMSFBDev | |
testLayer(int layer_id) | MMSFBDev | [virtual] |
unmapMmio(unsigned char *mmio) | MMSFBDev | |
var_screeninfo | MMSFBDev | [private] |
vt | MMSFBDev | [private] |
vtClose() | MMSFBDev | [private] |
vtGetFd(int *fd) | MMSFBDev | [private, virtual] |
vtOpen(int console=MMSFBDEV_QUERY_CONSOLE) | MMSFBDev | [private] |
waitForVSync() | MMSFBDev | [virtual] |
~MMSFBDev() | MMSFBDev | [virtual] |