MMSFB Member List
This is the complete list of members for
MMSFB, including all inherited members.
appliconname | MMSFB | [private] |
applname | MMSFB | [private] |
argc | MMSFB | [private] |
argv | MMSFB | [private] |
backend | MMSFB | [private] |
bei | MMSFB | [private] |
bin | MMSFB | [private] |
createFont(MMSFBFont **font, string filename, int width=0, int height=0) | MMSFB | |
createImageProvider(IDirectFBImageProvider **provider, string filename) | MMSFB | |
createSurface(MMSFBSurface **surface, int w, int h, MMSFBSurfacePixelFormat pixelformat, int backbuffer=0, bool systemonly=false) | MMSFB | |
dfb | MMSFB | [private] |
display_h | MMSFB | [private] |
display_w | MMSFB | [private] |
fullscreen | MMSFB | [private] |
getBackend() | MMSFB | |
getLayer(int id, MMSFBLayer **layer, MMSFBOutputType outputtype, bool virtual_console) | MMSFB | |
getLayer(int id, MMSFBLayer **layer) | MMSFB | |
getX11Display() | MMSFB | |
getX11Window() | MMSFB | |
hidden | MMSFB | [private] |
init(int argc, char **argv, MMSFBBackend backend, MMSFBRectangle x11_win_rect, bool extendedaccel, MMSFBFullScreenMode fullscreen, MMSFBPointerMode pointer, string appl_name="Disko Application", string appl_icon_name="Disko Application", bool hidden=false) | MMSFB | |
initialized | MMSFB | [private] |
input_window | MMSFB | [private] |
isInitialized() | MMSFB | |
layer | MMSFB | [private] |
lock() | MMSFB | |
Lock | MMSFB | [private] |
MMSFBBuffer class | MMSFB | [friend] |
mmsfbdev | MMSFB | [private] |
MMSFBFont class | MMSFB | [friend] |
MMSFBLayer class | MMSFB | [friend] |
MMSFBSurface class | MMSFB | [friend] |
MMSInputLISHandler class | MMSFB | [friend] |
MMSInputX11Handler class | MMSFB | [friend] |
pointer | MMSFB | [private] |
realignLayer() | MMSFB | |
refresh() | MMSFB | |
release() | MMSFB | |
resized | MMSFB | [private] |
resizeWindow() | MMSFB | [private] |
rootimage | MMSFB | [private] |
target_window_h | MMSFB | [private] |
target_window_w | MMSFB | [private] |
unlock() | MMSFB | |
x11_win_rect | MMSFB | [private] |
x_depth | MMSFB | [private] |
x_display | MMSFB | [private] |
x_gc | MMSFB | [private] |
x_screen | MMSFB | [private] |
x_visual | MMSFB | [private] |
x_window | MMSFB | [private] |
x_windows | MMSFB | [private] |
xlock | MMSFB | [private] |
~MMSFB() | MMSFB | [virtual] |